Registration / Editing Profile


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  Login information:
  Username cannot be the same as your password. You can just use a-z ,0-9 and underline characters for making your username.
  Username (English) * Unchangeable
  Password (English)*  
  Verify password*  
  Email address *  
  Re-enter Email address  
  Registration type *
  Personal or organizational Profile:
  First name*
  Last name *
  Institution / University*
  Academic Degree
  Telephone - Office/Work +98 21 22222222
  Cell Phone (International Format)* +98 9122222222
  Full Address
  Reviewer Registration
  Available as a reviewer?
  Please select your area(s) of expertise:
Internal Combustion Engines (ICE, ...)
Thermal management
Modern Powertrain (hybrid, electric, CNG, bio, ...)
Storage systems (battery, ultracapacitor, flywheel, etc)
    Automotive Dynamics
Vibration, noise, Acoustic
Vehicle dynamics, transmission
    Body structure and systems
Body structure
Standards and tests
    Automotive Electronics
Automotive electrical systems
Mechatronic systems
Autonomous vehicles
Management and Industrial Engineering
  * Required Information   |   Any and all provided information is for account purposes only and will not be otherwise disclosed

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