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Showing 2 results for Bi-Directional

Hossein Chehardoli,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2022)

The adaptive size-independent consensus problem of uni-directional (UD) and bi-directional (BD) decentralized large-scale vehicle convoys with uncertain dynamics has been investigated in this research work. The constant distance plan (CDP) is employed to adjust the distances between successive vehicles. We assume that only relative displacement information between adjacent vehicles is accessible (partial measurement) and other information such as relative velocity and acceleration are not provided. The stability of the convoy can be performed by the analysis of each couple of consecutive vehicles. The main objective is to design an adaptive size-independent control protocol maintaining internal and string stability based on CDP with only partial measurement. Appropriate adaptive rules are derived to estimate the uncertain dynamics by utilizing only relative displacement. It will be proved that the presented adaptive protocol assures both internal stability (asymptotic stability of closed-loop convoy) and string stability (tracking error attenuation) of large-scale decentralized UD and BD convoys under the CDP. Simulations demonstrate the efficiency of the presented control framework.

Dr Hossein Chehardoli,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2023)

In this paper, the consensus of second-order nonlinear self-driving vehicle convoys (SDVCs) is studied. We assume that each self-driving vehicle (SDV) communicates only with one front and one rear SDVs. Each SDV’s nonlinear dynamics consisting of the rolling resistance and the air drag force is a function of SDV’s speed and is investigated in SDVC’s modeling and consensus design. Since the speed is bounded, all vehicles’ nonlinearities are also bounded. Due to engine saturation of each SDV, the control input is limited. We involve this limitation by introducing the arctan(.) function to control protocol. The inter-SDV’s distances are assumed to be constant during motion. The distance tracking error associated with each SDV is defined as distance between it and the leading SDV. The error dynamics of the proposed SDVC is derived after applying the consensus law to each SDV. To prove the internal stability, the Lyapunov theorem is employed. We will prove that under this consensus algorithm, the SDVC will be internal stable. To validate the effectiveness of this method, a SDVC comprising a leading and 6 following SDVs will be studied. It will be verified that under the proposed consensus law, all the SDVs reach a unique consensus.

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