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Showing 4 results for Exhaust Valve

M.h. Shojaeefard, Mousapour, Mazidi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Thermal Contact Conductance (TCC) between an exhaust valve and its seat is one of the important parameters to be estimated in an internal combustion engine. An experimental study presented here to acquire temperature in some interior points to be used as inputs to an inverse analysis. An actual exhaust valve and its seat are utilized in a designed and constructed setup. Conjugate Gradient Method (CGM) with adjoin problem for function estimation is used for estimation of TCC. The method converges very rapidly and is not so sensitive to the measurement errors. Contact frequency is one the factors which have a significant influence on TCC. The results obtained from current inverse method as well as those obtained from linear extrapolation method show that the thermal contact conductance decreases as the contact frequency increases. The results obtained from both sets of results are also in good agreement.

M.h. Shojaeefard, Mousapour, Mazidi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Thermal Contact Conductance (TCC) between an exhaust valve and its seat is one of the important parameters to be estimated in an internal combustion engine. An experimental study presented here to acquire temperature in some interior points to be used as inputs to an inverse analysis. An actual exhaust valve and its seat are utilized in a designed and constructed setup. Conjugate Gradient Method (CGM) with adjoin problem for function estimation is used for estimation of TCC. The method converges very rapidly and is not so sensitive to the measurement errors. Contact frequency is one the factors which have a significant influence on TCC. The results obtained from current inverse method as well as those obtained from linear extrapolation method show that the thermal contact conductance decreases as the contact frequency increases. The results obtained from both sets of results are also in good agreement.

Mr Mohsen Motaharinezhad, Dr. Abbas Rahi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2019)

In internal combustion engines, exhaust valve and its seat gain considerable temperature as the hot gases exit through them. So, the rate of heat transfer should be under control. In this study, the contact heat transfer coefficient has been estimated. An experimental study on an Air-Cooled internal combustion engine cylinder head has been considered. Using the measured temperatures of sensors located in specific locations of the exhaust valve and the seat and the method of linear extrapolation, the surface contact temperatures and constant and periodic contact heat transfer coefficient were calculated. Also, a sensitivity analysis has been done to study the effects of different parameters of contact pressure, contact frequency, heat flux and cooling air speed on thermal contact conductance. The results show that between the major four considered parameters, the thermal contact conductance is more sensitive to the contact pressure, then the contact frequency, heat flux and the cooling air speed are the most affecting parameters on thermal contact resistance.
Mohsen Motahari-Nezhad,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2023)

In this study, feedback neural networks namely Elman and Jordan are used for prediction of exhaust valve temperature for air cooled engines. Input-output data are extracted from an experimental setup including the valve mechanism of an air cooled engine. Inverse heat transfer problem applying the Adjoint problem is used to address the thermal flux through exhaust valve and seat. Elman and Jordan neural networks are used to predict the transient valve temperature using the experimental data. The results show that Elman and Jordan neural networks predicts well the transient exhaust valve temperature. However, Jordan neural network with training algorithm of Gradient Descent with Adaptive Learning Rate performs better with RMSE error of 16.3 for prediction of exhaust valve temperature.

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