Volume 22, Issue 2 (2012)                   IJAUP 2012, 22(2) | Back to browse issues page

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Haghighat bin M, Ansari M, Steenbergen C, Taghvaee A A. Innovations in the Charbagh Axis of the Safavid Period. IJAUP 2012; 22 (2)
URL: http://ijaup.iust.ac.ir/article-1-108-en.html
1- Art & Architecture Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Nasr Bridge, Jalal-e Al-e Ahmad Highway, Tehran , haghighatbin@modares.ac.ir
2- Art & Architecture Faculty- Tarbiat Modares University- Jalal-e Al-e Ahmad Highway- Tehran
3- Julianalaan 134 2628 BL Delft
Respect and reverence for water and trees are institutionalised in many ancient civilisations due to socio-cultural traditions, values and beliefs. In Iranian societies, respect for trees and water, separately and in composite form as gardens, is a well-known cultural value both before and after Islam. Therefore, the first part of this paper explains the value and importance of plants and gardens according to the religious and socio-cultural beliefs of the Iranian people in various historical periods. The paper continues by focussing on the history of the Persian garden city during the Timurid and Safavid dynasties. The straight streets, long-lasting gardens and the water supply of the three capitals of Samarqand, Herat and Isfahan are explained individually according to their historical references. Furthermore, it explained the special idea that has had direct relation with religious believes. In Safavid period designers often used the gardens as parables of Heaven. This idea influenced on urban design and was important in selection of green spaces as composing elements in urban fabrics. Finally, the paper classifies the features of Charbagh Street as an axis of the city of Isfahan, and compares these features with the features of the axes in the cities of Samarqand and Herat. The results of the study compare the design innovations, features and origins of the Charbagh axis of Isfahan, the Safavid garden city, with earlier garden cities of the Timurid period.
Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Landscape Architecture

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