, naeini@iust.ac.ir
Ergonomics as a multidisciplinary science is known as a human centered science that is concerned with human beings and their quality of life. In this regard, the integration between ergonomics and the concept of sustainability might culminate in higher levels of quality of life. In terms of research methodology, this article is a review, and the main research question is to figure out the relationship between ergonomics and sustainability towards develop a new synergetic paradigm between these two mentioned fields. In this review article, we assessed some of the recent and related articles in which both ergonomics and sustainability were considered. This review aims to develop an integrated state-of-the-art approach including the benefits of both fields. PubMed and EBSCO were the databases consulted and the keywords of “ergonomics”, “sustainability”, and “product design” were selected to gather the relevant papers. Papers in English, which were published during last decade and that includes the keywords, were our inclusion criteria. Exclusion criteria were: microeconomics and cost-benefit studies, aspects of law in environmental issues, and technical issues in environmental protection (such as waste-water treatment, air pollution, etc.). We initially identified 255 papers. This was narrowed down to 33 articles that addressed issues. In a critical review of the abstracts and full papers, 9 papers remained for the final assessment. Of these papers, 64% were from a management approach. Three articles had product design approach. Most of the assessed issues were about ergoecology, business management, s system-based approach, global supply chains, design for sustainability, and a cost-effective approach. Based on the mentioned articles, it seems that introducing a new term that includes all the positive aspects of ergonomics and the sustainability scope, is unavoidable. Therefore, we propose a new approach that includes the majority aspects of ergonomics, sustainability, and design. This new paradigm helps the related experts to manage a better future life for all.