Volume 32, Issue 2 (2022)                   IJAUP 2022, 32(2) | Back to browse issues page

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Rezaei M. Expanding Walkability in Tehran’s Historic Downtown Case Study: Streets Leading to the Imam Khomeini Square (Maidan-e Tup-khana). IJAUP 2022; 32 (2)
URL: http://ijaup.iust.ac.ir/article-1-619-en.html
Urban Design and Planning Dept. Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , drrezaei26@gmail.com,m.rezaei@iauctb.ac.ir
This research explores the correlation between ‘walkability’ and the ‘sense of place’ in Tehran’s streets, particularly streets leading to the Imam Khomeini square (Maidan-e Tup-khana) at the heart of historic downtown. The goal is to evaluate the walkability through a measurable method in order to prioritize strategies to enhance various aspects of the historic districts. After reviewing the extensive urban design literature, 23 measures were selected and categorized into three aspects of the place: physical, perceptual, and behavioral. Data for each aspect were then gathered through structured questionnaires administered to diverse groups of experts. An expert panel, including 30 professionals from seven fields including urban planning, urban design, urban renewal, urban sociology, transportation, architecture, and urban management, rated the streets based on their confirmed criteria. Moreover, people have been consulted on the results proposed for the future of the district. This study concludes that the sense of the place will increase by enhancing walkability. The place quality has been more balanced in pedestrianized Bab-e-Homayoun. The panel agreed that Lalehzar Street had the first priority for improving its walkability. Complete Street is a proposed model for this street confirmed by people. This research, however, recommends at least ‘complete street’ patterns mixed with the pedestrianization model for the studied area which might be expanded to the whole historic downtown from Maidan-e Tup-khana to Arg (citadel), then toward the first and second Tehran’s fortifications. Here, Jabakhaneh Street works as the X-axis and Sabz-e-Meydan represents the Zero number of Tehran City.
Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Urban Design

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