Volume 32, Issue 1 (2022)                   IJAUP 2022, 32(1) | Back to browse issues page

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Khakzand M, Behzadpour M. Achieving Green Architecture Using BIM and Technology (VR -AR) in Tehran (Case study: Green villa building in Lavasan region of Tehran - Iran). IJAUP 2022; 32 (1)
URL: http://ijaup.iust.ac.ir/article-1-623-en.html
1- Department of Architecture, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. , mkhakzand@iust.ac.ir
2- Department of Architecture, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Today, the use of building information modeling (BIM) has become widespread in developed countries; however, in Iran, the use of BIM-based software has received less attention for some reasons. In the present study, in the first phase, library studies and data collection related to research objectives have been surveyed. Then the identification of indigenous indices of green architecture in Iran was identified and explained through the Delphi method with Kendall's W correlation coefficient in SPSS software as a table Test Statistics. Finally, a green villa building in the Lavasan area in Tehran was detected and designated as a sample to be studied. The building was simulated using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies in order to better understand its environment. Moreover, the energy consumption of the mentioned building during the previous year was studied by modeling it in Revit software. The results of the research indicate that the selected building, which has been claimed to be green, has a distance of 58 kWh / m² with the global standards of ASHRAE and LEED. Accordingly, the studied building does not have the fundamental requirements and basic principles to receive the green building certification according to these international rating systems. Thus, with regard to the green building information modeling in Iran, it could be inferred that due to the lack of an indigenous guide (in terms of energy consumption) provided by the authorities, the environmental ecosystems as global assets are at risk.

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