International Journal of Architecture & Urban Planning (IJAUP)
IJAUP is publishing original scientific research papers in the board area of Architecture Engineering And Urban Planning with scientific research certification from MSRT. IJAUP index by ISC, Google Scholar, EBSCO, SID, Magiran ...
- International Journal of Architecture & Urban Planning is a Scientific Research Journal that is published quarterly by the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST),
- International Journal of Architecture & Urban Planning is indexed in ISC (Islamic Worls Science Citation Center) with a remarkable impact factor.
- The International Journal of Architecture & Urban Planning is an Open Access journal.
- The journal doesn't have any article processing charges (APCs) and submission charges.
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- Publisher: Iran University of Science and Technology
- Open Access: Yes
- Licensed by: CC BY-NC 4.0
- Reviewing and Evaluating Process: Double Blind
- ŮŽAcceptance Rate: 30%
- Language: English
- Submission, Processing Charges and Publishing: No (free)
- Review Time: 4 months approximately
- Ethical Policy: Following Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) rules and using plagiarism checker software
- DOI: 10.22068/ijaup
- Contact email:
License Holder
Vice Chancellor for Research, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Executive Manager & Editor in Chief
Professor Mohsen Faizi
College of Architect Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Senior Editorial Associate
Somaye salehi