Showing 2 results for Gorji Mahlabani
Yousef Gorji Mahlabani, Mohsen Faizi, Mehdi Khakzand,
Volume 0, Issue 2 (6-2011)
It is accepted that the visual comfort in schools depends on the quality of the whole visual environment. This leads to the concern
upon the quality and quantity of lighting. Currently in Iran, in order to calculate energy transfer for public buildings a coefficient is
usually used. This coefficient considers the rate of sunlight energy absorption in these kinds of buildings. To increase the degree of
accuracy in the calculation mentioned above, the authors suggest a simulation programme that can do the job precisely and
accordingly. It seems that, in order to calculate the energy requirements of school buildings in Iran for heating, cooling and lighting,
it is better to use a simulation programme, too. In fact, this paper considers details of lighting as part of a comprehensive programme
and Iran schools design requirements for lighting. As we will see, this research describes the method of calculation of daylighting,
which is used in the part of lighting simulation programme. Effective daylighting design requires consideration of different factors
such as daylight factor, luminous efficacy of solar radiation, orientation factor, glass transmittance factor, average reflectance of
material and etc. which are need for calculation of exterior and interior luminance. They are discussed in details in this paper.
Y. Gorji Mahlabani, R. Azizzadeh Araee, Z. Motevali Alamuti, A. A. Mofrad Boushehri,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (6-2019)
Atrium is a popular architectural feature utilized widely by building designers and owners to bring various benefits such as adequate daylight, circulation spaces and surfaces for landscape applications. But atrium problems in tropical climates such as excessive daylight, glare and high temperature, which lead to increase building energy demand, have been reported. Atrium has been used with various shapes and purposes in many different climates and buildings especially public ones. It is mainly used to take advantage of daylight in buildings. Therefore, achieving the optimal atrium dimensions is of great importance. This research employed computer simulation using Ecotect and Radiance for daylighting. The collected database is created using simulations for different atrium proportions in IRAN-Qazvin climate zone, where using atria could improve building performance based on the clear sky condition. This research aimed to investigate various atrium models with the purpose of achieving optimal daylight. Note that a combination of factors contributes to calculation and reception of the optimal model including climate, use, and optimal daylight reception. Qazvin climatic conditions were simulated in Ecotect and Radiance. Ten 5-story administrative buildings with atrium ranging from 5%-50% area and one without atrium were modeled. The results showed that optimal samples were buildings with 10% and 15% atrium area in terms of daylight utilization.