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Showing 1 results for Hayat Khan

Seyyedeh Dena Barzanjeh Atry, Tareef Hayat Khan, Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi,
Volume 33, Issue 2 (4-2023)

This study analyzes the post-globalization reconciliation in architectural ideologies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). UAE experienced an unprecedented boom in urban development starting from the later half of last century mainly due to the unparallel economic growth in their history. This brought in star architects around the world who contributed in designing large scale buildings there. Considered as the globalization in architecture, this trend produced some exceptional stand out buildings boasting of dazzling philosophical back stories. However, after the initial burst, there has been some noticeable evolution in the ideologies. The concept of globalization faced the pressure of localization. There have been a significant number of studies on these new buildings. But they mostly talked either about the philosophies of the star architects or about the mesmerizing architectural and engineering details. Only a few research have been done on the reconciliation and evolution of the ideologies through time. This study attempted to draw attention to certain ideological evolution that have been evident by analyzing certain large scale new buildings. Socio-semiotic theory have been used as the analytic method, by which, hermeneutic interpretation was drawn after investigating the expressive and explicit architectural elements of the buildings. Categorical and purposive sampling have been used to select the precedents. Data was collected through archival records, books, and various electronic resources. After rigorous investigation, this study found several ‘localization’ ideologies significantly reacting to the initial ideology of globalization. This study concludes that though this kind of reaction may not be an unheralded one, however, the grandness of those new buildings has given the ideologies a new dimension. It remains to be an interesting question where this ideological transformation will head to.      

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