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Showing 2 results for Izadpanah

Sahebeh Izadpanah, Hamid Majedi, Hossein Zabihi,
Volume 33, Issue 2 (4-2023)

Applying an efficient method for studying and assessing school learning space is a considerable issue in Iran country so the main purpose of this research was to introduce a scale utilizing CFA models. The mixed method was used for extracting architectural variables of the learning environment, via a survey study by distributing the "six factor school building checklist" consisting of six sub-constructs among the sample of 180 accessible volunteer girl students in Gorgan city ( academic year 1397-98). The qualitative study was performed by coding technique to extract some repeated factors for enhancing student achievements from recent research (2017-2022), which includes the effects of green spaces, flexible spaces, daylight, seating arrangement, window view, and outdoor education.  According to the quantitative part of current study, all the six factors can describe the "six factor school building checklist" and the model fit was achieved and reported as a very good model fit according to CFI (0.93) and RMSEA (0.045) indexes. The factors hierarchically, social space, interface, massing, way finding, context and finally comfort can determine and describe the main scale. Thirty- three variables among Thirty-eight, can describe the main construct. From the social space factor; the ease of accessibility to the teachers' office, from the interface; students' spatial experience from the main entrance to the classroom, from the massing; variation in the massing for providing interest, from the way finding factor; easily understood circulation for interior routes and finally controlling the destructive noise level from the comfort factor reported with the highest factor loadings.

Nasser Koleini Mamaghani, Parisa Izadpanah, Mahdiyeh Jafarnezhad Shahri,
Volume 34, Issue 2 (4-2024)

In today's global market, products that meet users' emotional needs are more likely to succeed. Emotional design involves designers incorporating affective thought and user emotions to create a strong emotional connection between the user and the product. Culture plays a significant role in emotional design and user interaction. This study focuses on redesigning dinnerware based on Iran's tradition and cultural heritage. From the viewpoint of design parameters, five historical pottery periods, namely the Samanid, Seljuq, Ilkhanid, Timurid, and Safavid periods, were analyzed, and results were collected. A cultural design model was then created using Kano's questionnaire, which was distributed to thirty participants, both male and female, who were presented with questions related to the redesign of dinnerware. Kano's questionnaire included 16 questions about glazes, colors, patterns, and some of the design ideas used in the vessels from each historical period. A graphical image representing the outstanding pottery of each era was prepared and shown to participants. The results were analyzed using statistical approaches, revealing the cultural-emotional needs of users when interacting with the product. The results indicate a higher preference among Iranian users for ceramic features from the Timurid period. Additionally, the findings suggest that incorporating Sasanian patterns and simple arabesques into the vessels will better attract Iranian users. This approach helps create a more effective and engaging product for users.

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