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Aliakbar Salaripour, Reza Kashani, Zahra Seif Reihani,
Volume 33, Issue 3 (8-2023)

This research assesses the determinants influencing the efficacy of a particular locale, specifically comparing a National Park endowed with historical significance, globally recognized, with another site, an Artificial Lake serving as a contemporary and burgeoning urban space, both situated in Gonbad-e Qabus, Golestan, Iran. The methodology employed involves a comparative study to gauge their respective levels of desirability. The primary objective of this investigation is to identify the factors contributing to the success of the Artificial Lake, despite its relatively limited historical attributes, in contrast to the National Garden, acknowledged as a world heritage site. Additionally, the identified challenges within these spaces are addressed, and solutions are proposed with active citizen participation. The research introduces novelty by concurrently investigating factors influencing the success of public spaces and comparing two categories - historical and contemporary. The sample size (n=383) was determined using Cochran’s formula, comprising 184 male cases (48%) and 199 female cases (52%). Internal consistency of the questionnaire was confirmed through Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Employing a descriptive-analytic approach, data analysis utilized SPSS software (one-sample t-test) and LISREL software (second-order confirmatory factor analysis). The findings reveal a total success score of 82.63 for the Lakeside and 72.47 for the National Garden. Notably, the "safety and security" component in both spaces received the lowest satisfaction and quality scores. Conclusively, 81.2% of citizens express a preference for the Lakeside over the National Garden for their recreational activities.

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