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Showing 1 results for Inside Out

Hossein Pourmehdi Ghaem Maghami, Azadeh Khaki Ghasr,
Volume 32, Issue 4 (9-2022)

This study aims to investigate the relationship between inside and outside in traditional Yazd houses from the late Safavid period until the end of the Qajar period. The methodology involves a combination of psychological and phenomenological approaches, and two perception levels are observed: accessibility and social-cultural perceptions. Parallel to the literature survey, the field study analyzes observations of episodes and sequences of the transition from exterior to interior, which were identified and studied utilizing 39 case studies (28 Muslims and 11 Zoroastrian houses). In addition, semi-structured interviews with 11 residents and in-depth interviews with 18 experts who have lived in such houses were performed. Analysis shows that there is a convergence between inside and outside in reacting to both perceptual aspects in the participants' cognition and behavior. Inside and outside of the cases, there are non-net boundaries at both perceptual levels, and they are overlapping and related together. According to the findings, the inside-outside relationship has taken place in at least four layers: outside out, outside in, inside out, and inside in. The inside-outside couple develops a hierarchy based on the 4-layer conceptual model, having the outside guard the inside. The hierarchy's length changes from case to case and gets more extensive or compact. It has also resulted in decisions on the size, quantity, and quality of the house's courtyard(s), as well as neighboring enclosed areas. Furthermore, there are inside-outside social interchangeable relationships that result in social-cultural fluidity in houses when family life is not routine for some social activities. Boundaries are created and altered in this respect based on the situations and requirements of the inhabitants.

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