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Showing 10 results for Yazd

Dr. Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad, Mr. Mohammadhossein Ghasempoorabadi, Mr. Kavan Javanrudi,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (6-2013)

This paper is an attempt to Numerical Modeling and Experimental Study of Air Flow in the Yazdi Wind-Towers. Wind Towers has been known as one of the most effective climatic elements in Iranian traditional architecture. This paper is an attempt to evaluating Yazdi wind-tower to discussion the two main questions: 1. What is the role of Orientation of wind-towers span, regarding to climate and height of it, in Yazdi wind-tower? 2. How isthe performance of Yazdi wind tower in natural ventilation and air flow in the different seasons of the year? Computer Modeling and Simulation methods and Logical reasoning have been applied in this article, and study of Library Resources was another part of research.Thus, first, the wind-tower has been modeled in computer environment, then after Appling the climatic characterize, final simulation figures and diagrams have been extracted. Results indicate that increasing of the cooling power and optimized efficiency are one of the most important principles of wind-tower design process, and Yazdi wind-towers has mentioned this fact through 4 seasons of the year. By validate computer modeling and simulation, this paper clarify that Iranian traditional ventilation systems has many undiscovered secrets and facts, which need further investigations. This article indicates that natural tactics, which have been applied in the traditional architecture of Iran, can be mentioned as methods to using this valuable heritage in contemporary architecture.
S. Z. Emadian Razavi, M. Tahbaz,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (6-2015)

This paper deals with evaluating the thermal behavior of exterior walls in dwellings of a particular place. Today, there is a huge increase in constructing multi-storey apartment buildings and single-family houses in the city of Yazd, a city with hot dry climate and a rich historical architecture in Iran. Unfortunately, the new methods that are used nowadays to make the envelopes of these dwellings are not suitable for the climate of the city, so they are not sustainable. The aim of this study is to evaluate the thermal properties of all types of applicable walls and recommend suitable exterior walls that are constructed of common materials in the region to improve comfort and energy conservation. The procedure of the research includes two parts: at first the climatic characteristics of Yazd is Studied. At the second part, to define the most suitable wall, effective thermal properties of the walls are calculated in none steady-state conditions. These properties are calculated for the walls with different types and thicknesses of common material layers in various positions. At last, a comprehensive compare between thermal properties of the different walls is done and sustainable envelopes ─exterior walls that are suitable for both cold and hot seasons in Yazd─ are defined. In the result section, the types, thicknesses, and positions of the layers of the recommended walls in four directions of acceptable building orientation (that is +15 degree towards east-south) are defined, and the needed amount of mass and insulation as well as their relative positions is discussed. Furthermore, sun porch as a suitable passive heating system for cold seasons is suggested in some directions.
E. Fallah, I. Hojat,
Volume 28, Issue 2 (12-2018)

During the Pahlavi era, Iran's widespread developments influenced by the industrial revolution led to a lot of changes in family structure and by changing the function of family and the roles and relations of family members, paved the way for a change in the houses' spatial organization. Therefore, the main question addressed in this study is: “"What changes are brought about in the space organization of houses of Yazd as a consequence of changes in the family structure (from the Pahlavi era to the present)?
The strategy of research is qualitative and the method is grounded theory. The results of the present study revealed that every change in family structure has an equivalent effect on houses’ spatial organization. In fact, with the horizontalization of the pyramid of power and the creation of democracy in the family, the house has also become democratic and age and gender hierarchies have been eliminated from the organization of spaces. Besides, with the increase of individuality in the family, the organization of housing spaces has also changed in order to create distinct personal realms and eliminate the continuity and fluidity of the space. Moreover, by eliminating many of the functions and duties of the family, the functions and duties of the house have also changed such that it has become just a place for resting.
M. Rafieian, M. Rafieiannaajafabadi, M. Bemanian,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (6-2019)

Meaning quality of urban public places is a big concern. Various indices shape meaning quality of urban public places. Some indices have more roles in perception quality and some of them less. Finding these indices could help planners and designers to improve meaning quality from the perspective of citizens. The main question of this paper is: what are the main indices in perception the quality of squares in the view of Yazd (Iran) citizens? To answer this question, this paper used survey analysis method. With 376 participant to answer questioners. Process of survey start with literature review to determine meaning quality indices and T-test and Friedman test, in SPSS, used to analysis data. Results indicate that among the 22 indicators, three indicator (public place, accessibility and efficiency) have the most effect on perception meaning quality. Amir Chaqmaq square has the best quality between Yazd squares. Referring to history and heritage was the main index in meaning quality of Amir Chaqmaq square.

M. Soleimani, M. Gharehbaglou,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (6-2019)

Human always tries to achieve a sense of vitality, and wants a liveliness environment; therefore, recognizing factors in the architecture that increases the quality of life is important. Based on the importance of this issue, this article aims to identify the life indicators and evaluating them in architecture. In this way, by relying on a method of grounded theory, the researcher conducted semi-structured and depth interviews with eighteen present perceivers in eight sorts of traditional houses in Yazd. These interviews were completed by the means of sketches, photographs, and personal observations. Participants were selected from among the people who could answer more accurate questions. To increase validity, the findings were evaluated with other related studies. Findings show that nine main factors in traditional houses increase life quality. These factors include: the sociability space, the convergence of space for achieving internal focus, the possibility of continuous interaction with nature (sky, water, tree, open space and natural light), the emphasis on diversity, the perception of time, the quality of being dynamic and active, the expansiveness of space along with the increase Transparency of space, the belonging sense to get acquainted with the Mental memories and hidden order Without extra unity.
Sh. Roshanzamir, M. Farhadian Dehkordi,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (6-2019)

Urban morphology, including buildings’ typology and their configuration, affects sky view factor and insolation, which are two of the most influential parameters in urban microclimate. These become even more important in extreme environmental conditions. In this research, challenge was to generate various rule based urban morphologies in a parametric environment. Then, to evaluate them based on mentioned parameters to find the fittest climate responsive morphology. The evaluations are done using grasshopper definitions connected to Ecotect and genetic algorithms in grasshopper in a relatively short computing time. Introducing a high speed and user-friendly environment for designers to introduce forms and evaluate them in several iterations was a main consideration. The tool consists of two parts. First, the generative algorithms to create various rule based morphologies. Second, the analysing algorithms, which find the fittest climate responsive urban morphology based on insolation and sky view factor. As a case study, the program is used on different urban morphologies in Yazd to find the fittest solution. Gaining the maximum sky view factor while having minimum insolation on building surfaces is ideal in hot and arid climate. Anyhow, these two suggest contradicting solutions for urban form. Based on the existing urban fabric in Yazd, various block typologies and their arrangements are generated parametrically. In each scenario, iterations of evaluation find the most suitable ones. After comparing the fittest versions of different types, the most proper building typology, collective arrangement of them and the best orientation are provided as result. 
Fatemeh Amirbeiki, Azadeh Khaki Ghasr,
Volume 30, Issue 1 (6-2020)

Even though the positive influences of nature on human health have been known for many decades, few studies have been carried out exclusively about the psychological benefits of exposure to water and sky as natural blue elements in built environments. Hence, close-ended questionnaire along with structured interviews (with open-ended questions) are applied to investigate the main question of this study: what are the effects of blue elements’ exposure on psychological restoration of university students? 81 students of architecture, urban design, and painting with graduate and post graduate degrees are considered as the participants and the main central courtyards of two traditional dwellings, which currently are used as educational environments, are selected as the case studies in the hot-arid climate of Yazd, Iran. The results of the close-ended questionnaire show that among natural elements, water has the most significant influence on fascination and being away (two components contributing to restoration). Besides, although in comparison to water, the sky has less effective influence on fascination and being away in the studied environments, it is as important as green elements in fostering fascination and being away. Through content analysis of structured interviews, it is revealed that not only is water the most preferred and important natural element of both courtyards but also students’ pleasantness, refreshment, and relaxation from stress are mainly due to water exposure. In conclusion, the study tries to highlight that in addition to green elements, it is essential to consider blue elements. Besides, some design strategies based on their exposure in educational environments have been recommended in order to foster the psychological restoration of university students.
Hosein Raie, Avideh Kamrani,
Volume 31, Issue 4 (10-2021)

Political stability and economic security have led to forming small and independent agricultural units in different regions of Iran in a period. They were shaped by combining water with residential, religious, service, and agricultural elements and are referred to in local communities as the "Farmstead" The historical documentation recorded their presence from the 4th century AH until the Safavid era from an economic and jurisprudential approach. Then, domestic and foreign elites introduced them in the form of books and travelogues in the Qajar era; however, they did not mention the architecture of the farmsteads and their features.  in 2008, for the first time, some Farmsteads are introduced by field surveys in Niasar, and the qualities of their formation and structure are considered by publishing papers. The Landlords have built them with two types of agricultural castles and agricultural complexes. In addition, they have determined the location of farmstead by water resources, and their formation was subject to economic and security equations.
The main research problem is insufficient knowledge of the historical farmstead of Iran in the national and international communities. These monuments are ruined due to various reasons in a period, and eventually, the people have forgotten their names.The current study aims to introduce the historical farmsteads of Iran by investigating their past and present status and A main question in this research is: What are the physical and functional characteristics of Iran's historical farmsteads? according to this,The interpretive-historical method is used to read the written documents and survey their historical propertise to reach the research aim  and question. Thus, interviews with farmstead dwellers observation and review maps of historical monuments, and library studies to examine written documents constitute research tools.
These farmsteads were studied in the central plateau of Iran, especially in the cities of Kashan, Qom and Yazd. Some of them were known as castles until now. But in this article, by examining their physical and functional characteristics, it has been determined that they are farmstead and in addition to agricultural land and water, they have physical elements such as Castle, mills, water reservoirs, baths and mosques. Thus the Castle has been a part of the farmstead-related elements. they also have social, cultural, and economic systems. The current research can help to register farmsteads in the list of national monuments of Iran as an independent collection.
Mahdi Montazerolhodjah, Mojtaba Sharifnejad,
Volume 33, Issue 3 (8-2023)

As one of the pivotal qualitative attributes inherent in urban neighborhoods, the sense of place functions as a crucial link between individuals and spatial settings, endowing locales with distinctive personality and identity. The incorporation of this concept into the framework of new urban developments, devoid of historical precedents, necessitates careful consideration of multifaceted factors, including but not limited to identity, vitality, memorability, sense of belonging, and place attachment. Regrettably, contemporary oversight in the conscientious establishment and cultivation of urban spaces, founded upon the principles of "sense of place" and "place attachment," coupled with a disregard for historical continuities, has given rise to adverse consequences. These consequences encompass the erosion of identity, diminishing residents' sense of connection to their surroundings, diminished social interactions, and a proliferation of various social detriments.
This present study endeavors to delve into the nuanced concept of the sense of place within newly developed urban environments. Specifically, it seeks to discern the factors influencing the genesis and enhancement of this phenomenon within such contexts through an exhaustive examination of three site and services areas situated in the city of Yazd, Iran. Employing a correlational research design, the study leverages statistical tools such as the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Pearson Correlation tests, and stepwise regression analyses to elucidate the intensity and directionality of relationships between dependent and independent variables.
The findings of this investigation reveal that temporal considerations, the sense of belonging, the personal dependence of residents, and identity emerge as paramount variables exhibiting the highest correlation with the advancement of the sense of place in novel urban developments.
Najma Esmailpoor, Fateme Foroughinasab, Fatemah Esmaeilpoor,
Volume 34, Issue 3 (7-2024)

Statement of problem: due to the weakened social life and residence function in historical fabrics, they have absorbed attention as the social and identity heart of the city. A part of each city's identity is composed of narratives concerning the roots, influential figures, as well as prominent processes and activities, most of which have occurred in historical centers. Preserving and reinforcing the historical fabric of Yazd requires a comprehensive multidimensional approach, requiring the recognition of the previous socio-economic structures of the fabric, and valuing it once more as a part of the solution. Therefore, the present study aimed to find an answer to the question of what lessons can be gained from the social relation narratives of economic activities and professions in historical fabrics of Yazd and how they can be used in the regeneration of the neighborhoods. The purpose of the study was to find lessons from the social relation narratives and economic activities and professions of the fabric and to show how these narratives can be used in the planning of different regeneration approaches of historical fabrics. The research was conducted using an interpretive paradigm with a qualitative approach, historical methodology, and narrative. According to the results, a feature that has distinguished Yazd city from other cities in Iran is that the people from different religions have peacefully lived together; followers of all religions have contributed to making valuable physical elements. Moreover, women from different religions have been involved in architectural activities. The neighborhoods were socially connected. The elders were the leading social figures in each neighborhood, who were volunteers in public affairs, including the creation of neighborhood facilities and services, as well as helping the poor and people in need, and played a prominent role in the economic, social, and management activities of the neighborhood. Today, any act to reconstruct the historical neighborhoods needs to be based on “reinforcing social life and the resident’s behavioral systems” and “the use of popular management, revival and improvement of the elders in the neighborhoods, and reviving the old professions to their modern versions and according to the needs of the time as a manifestation of economic and social empowerment of the historical fabrics”. At the end, the study presented how “narratives” can be used for “planning” in different approaches of regenerating the historical fabrics.

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