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Showing 1 results for Central Courtyards of Educational Environments

Fatemeh Amirbeiki, Azadeh Khaki Ghasr,
Volume 30, Issue 1 (6-2020)

Even though the positive influences of nature on human health have been known for many decades, few studies have been carried out exclusively about the psychological benefits of exposure to water and sky as natural blue elements in built environments. Hence, close-ended questionnaire along with structured interviews (with open-ended questions) are applied to investigate the main question of this study: what are the effects of blue elements’ exposure on psychological restoration of university students? 81 students of architecture, urban design, and painting with graduate and post graduate degrees are considered as the participants and the main central courtyards of two traditional dwellings, which currently are used as educational environments, are selected as the case studies in the hot-arid climate of Yazd, Iran. The results of the close-ended questionnaire show that among natural elements, water has the most significant influence on fascination and being away (two components contributing to restoration). Besides, although in comparison to water, the sky has less effective influence on fascination and being away in the studied environments, it is as important as green elements in fostering fascination and being away. Through content analysis of structured interviews, it is revealed that not only is water the most preferred and important natural element of both courtyards but also students’ pleasantness, refreshment, and relaxation from stress are mainly due to water exposure. In conclusion, the study tries to highlight that in addition to green elements, it is essential to consider blue elements. Besides, some design strategies based on their exposure in educational environments have been recommended in order to foster the psychological restoration of university students.

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