Dr Razieh Rezazadeh, Maryam Mohammadi,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (6-2013)
Based on a gender equity perspective and within a pluralistic civil society, women should have equal rights for presence in and use of urban open spaces. Despite this, various factors decrease their presence including inappropriate design of space, as well as socio-cultural obstacles.
Since women’s major place of presence and activity has traditionally been in or near home, neighborhood open space is chosen as a relevant case study. Through a questionnaire survey of 180 subjects, 90 male and 90 female, of both marital status the criteria affecting their presence are investigated. Results show that environmental quality factors are more effective than socio-cultural factors on presence of women in urban open spaces.
Mohammadhossein Azizibabani, Mohammadreza Bemanian, Mansour Yeganeh,
Volume 32, Issue 4 (9-2022)
This research seeks to identify the indicators of nature's presence methods in housing design to explain a theoretical model concerning their effects on providing residential needs regarding monotheistic worldview and the Islamic lifestyle. The research method is descriptive-analytical. Indicators of the methods of nature's presence in the architecture of traditional Iranian houses have been extracted by investigating the theoretical foundations and case studies, through the qualitative content analysis method and the conceptual model of their effects on accommodating the residential needs has been explained by logical reasoning. To determine the importance of indicators and criteria for accommodating residential needs, the Expert questionnaire and the AHP method were used. The results of the correlation test that has been performed on the data obtained from determining the quality of indicators by a group of experts show the significant relationships between some of the different methods of nature's presence in architecture that were classified into four general factors. According to the results, the presence of the conceptual aspects of nature has had the greatest impact on providing the residential needs. In this context, the possibility of a relationship with the primary appearance of nature and applying indicators related to observing the hierarchical principle about determining spatial structure, access, and decoration application, have the greatest impact on providing a suitable context to apply other qualitative aspects of nature and accommodating residential needs.