Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj,
Volume 0, Issue 2 (6-2011)
Iran is located in a high-risk seismic zone of earthquakes. It has thousands of valuable historic buildings, mostly made of
unreinforced masonry, which is quite vulnerable to natural hazards, especially earthquakes. The conservation and seismic
upgrading of these buildings is vital for their survival. However, resources are limited and some sort of prioritization is needed
in order to allocate the budget. There are several factors, which should be considered when ranking heritage buildings, but this
paper mainly focuses on the values of historic buildings and describes a survey undertaken to find out whether it is possible to
rank them. The method applied is choosing a particular group of people and determine whether they can classify buildings into
a hierarchy? The results showed that most people could perform this task, so some sort of hierarchy exists, although different
groups might choose different hierarchies.
Dr. Asghar Mohammad Moradi, Mohammad Sadegh Taher Tolou Del,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (6-2013)
The importance of Iranian ancient as architectural heritage have to competent international prestige a nd respect due this
is important with regard to proper conservation met hods based on non-destructive evaluation methods and non-contact
testing providing enough accuracy and speed to bri ng performance to stabilize while correct location and age value of
valuable architectural aspect of quantification. Qu ality and originality of these valuable cultural po ints of view, maintenance,
protection and restoration in principle be enough a nd intervention measures in the field of strengthening and improvement due
seismic in these important historic monuments. Thus re-assessment actions shall be effective with accuracy, speed and lack of
unnecessary destruction in order to maintain these buildings may be accompanied by gentility. Therefore, we should transfer
the newest technical knowledge through appropriate training and non-destructive with non-contact methods in the field of
architectural restoration for ancient monumental wo rks in these objectives will be achieved. Based on any particular
monument, rules and technical measures appropriate to its historic monument need to be used. This paper tries to explain
while doing it is specialized modern academic training and evaluating the existing technology in architecture, the importance
of attitude in non-destructive observing methods, assessment, measurement and diagnostic engineering features of monuments.
The methods of documentation, studies, classify scheme, explain the profile of engineering methods of pathology, evaluation,
analysis and formulation process of expanding the structural weakness of monuments and finally race precision appropriate
intervention measures, modeling, strengthening and durability of the architectural heritage of Iran th rough the training
consideration of a new curriculum.