Eslami A, Tajvidi I, Karimpour-Fard M. Efficiency of methods for determining pile axial capacity-applied to 70 cases histories in Persian Gulf northern shore. IJCE 2014; 12 (1) :45-54
Abstract: (11985 Views)
Three common approaches to determine the axial pile capacity based on static analysis and in-situ tests are presented,
compared and evaluated. The Unified Pile Design (UPD), American Petroleum Institute (API) and a SPT based methods were
chosen to be validated. The API is a common method to estimate the axial bearing capacity of piles in marine environments,
where as the others are currently used by geotechnical engineers. Seventy pile load test records performed in the northern
bank of Persian Gulf with SPT profile have been compiled for methods evaluation. In all cases, pile capacities were measured
using full scale static compression and/or pull out loading tests. As the loading tests in some cases were in the format of proof
test without reaching the plunging or ultimate bearing capacity, for interpretation the results, offset limit load criteria was
employed. Three statistical and probability based approaches in the form of a systematic ranking, called Rank Index, RI, were
utilized to evaluate the performance of predictive methods. Wasted Capacity Index (WCI) concept was also applied to validate
the efficiency of current methods. The evaluations revealed that among these three predictive methods, the UPD is more
accurate and cost effective than the others.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |