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Showing 3 results for Blast Furnace Slag

A. Allahverdi, B. Shaverdi, E. Najafi Kani,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2010)

:The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of sodium oxide on properties of fresh and hardened paste of alkali-activated blast furnace slag from Isfahan steel plant. The silica modulus (SiO2/Na2O) of activator was adjusted at 0.6 and a number of mixes were designed in such a way to contain different levels of sodium oxide including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6% by weight of dry slag. The most important physico-mechanical properties of the pastes including workability, initial and final setting times, 28-day compressive strength and efflorescence severity were measured. Suitable mixes were chosen for more studies including compressive strength at different ages, 90-day autogenous and drying shrinkages. According to the results, increasing the sodium oxide content of the mixes results in increased workability, reduced setting times, and higher compressive strength. The results confirm the possibility of achieving 28-day compressive strengths up to 27.5, 50.0 and 70.0 MPa for mixes with sodium oxide content of 1, 2 and 3 wt% respectively. The measured values for autogenous shrinkage were all less than 0.1% and SEM studies showed a significant decrease in pore sizes with increasing sodium oxide concentration from 1 to 2%.

Suresh Prasad Singh, Meena Murmu,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2017)

This paper outlines the effects of curing conditions on the strength and hydration products of lime activated slag cement. The slag cement was prepared by activating the ground granulated blast furnace slag with lime and plaster of Paris. The curing of mortar specimens was done at temperatures of 270, 450,600,750C and the compressive strength of specimens were determined after curing periods of 3,7, 28, 56 and 90days. The curing temperature is found to influence both the early and later age strengths. For the present test conditions the highest 90days compressive strength was found to be 47.63MPa for the specimen cured at temperature of 600C. Further, the developed strength in mortar specimens were correlated with the hydration products and microstructure using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope results. Generalized reduced gradient technique is adopted to find the optimum curing temperature for the given raw material composition and this is found to vary marginally on curing period. 

Ali Allahverdi, Ebrahim Najafi Kani, Babak Shaverdi,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2017)

Present work is devoted to a better insight into the identification of carbonation versus efflorescence formation in alkali-activated blast-furnace slag and investigates the relation between the chemical composition of the alkali-activator and the extent of the occurrence of these two phenomena. Obtained results showed that mixes of relatively lower alkali contents suffers not only from weak compressive strength due microstructural defects, but also from carbonation during the first few days. On the other hand, mixes containing relatively higher alkali contents strongly suffers from efflorescence formation in spite of their interestingly high compressive strengths. Carbonation during the first few days can partially neutralize the alkali content of the surface layers of the material which in turn significantly affects the activation mechanism leading to the formation of binding compounds of lower degree of Si substitution with Al in the molecular structure.

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