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Showing 7 results for Fuzzy Logic

M.h. Sebt, H. Rajaei, M.m. Pakseresht,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2007)

Project participants are becoming more aware of the high costs and risks associated with delay claims and their litigation. Among delays, weather delay has an important role in projects performed in severe environmental conditions. This research is the extension of delay analysis techniques by approving analysis of weather delays using fuzzy logic. At the presented technique, first using a fuzzy logic model calculated the delay that occurred during the activity execution after weather event then by the selected delay analysis method (Time impact analysis) and using the risk of the contractor during the contract approval together with the effect of previous delay in changing the duration of activities, analyzed weather delays in construction project. A local general contractor and governmental firms involved in a highway construction project practiced by offering their experienced and knowledge in delay analysis procedures to provide data for development and testing of the model specified for rain events. The results indicated that the presented model is in accordance with practical experiences in weather delay duration except in some circumstances that can be divided into the separated parts. It also advances the use of fuzzy logic in delay analysis procedures and becomes it more systematic special for weather delays.
F. Nasirzadeh, M. Khanzadi, A. Afshar, S. Howick,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2013)

This research presents a dynamic mathematical system for modeling and simulating the quality management process in construction projects. Through sets of cause and effect feedback loops, all factors that internally and externally affect the quality management process are addressed. The proposed system integrates fuzzy logic with system dynamics simulation scheme to consider the uncertainties associated with the model parameters and estimation of the extra cost and time due to quality defects. Quantification of the consequences of the quality failures is performed based on the α-cut representation of fuzzy numbers and interval analysis. The proposed approach is efficient in modeling and analyzing a quality management process which is complex and dynamic in nature and involves various uncertainties. The proposed approach is implemented in a real submarine water supply pipe line project in order to evaluate its applicability and performance. The negative impacts resulting from quality failures are simulated. These negative impacts are mitigated by the implementation of alternative solutions.
A. Ardeshir, M. Amiri, Y. Ghasemi, M. Errington,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2014)

In the water industry tunnels can be used to transfer water from a basin to other areas over varying distances. The construction of such tunnels is inherently risky and can result in unpredicted events and incidents. It is therefore necessary that thorough risk assessments are carried out as a priority of the owner, contractor and consultant organization. This is so that, through a systematic and logical plan, they can risk posed by these unforeseen events and incidents. In this paper, the risks and their main causes which are often encountered in such projects are identified and assessed. A fault tree method is applied in order to identify the main causes of events and incidents. By its nature a Risk assessment cannot be defined by absolute values and so fuzzy data must be used in order to calculate the probability of incidence and the severity of the risk. This is done on the four main criteria of time, cost, quality and safety. In order to estimate the significance of each criterion and to calculate the significance of the total influence of risk Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied. In this paper the case study of Dasht-e Zahab water conveyance tunnel has been selected for discussion as it was subjected to severe and multiple hazards. The results obtained using the method were validated by conducting different interviews with the field experts. It was concluded that by applying the proposed methodology on the case study the risks of the project can be evaluated in a more methodical and accurate way than could be done without using the method. This approach is therefore recommended for similar types of projects where there are complicated risks that must be thoroughly investigated and understood.
Ali Kaveh, Mstafa Khanzadi, M. Alipour,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (7-2016)

Resource allocation project scheduling problem (RCPSP) has been one of the challenging subjects amongst researchers in the last decades. Most of the researches in this scope have used deterministic variables, however in a real project activities are exposed to risks and uncertainties that cause to delay in project’s duration. There are some researchers that have considered the risks for scheduling, however, new metahuristics are available to solve this problem for finding better solution with less computational time. In this paper, two new metahuristic algorithms are applied for solving fuzzy resource allocation project scheduling problem (FRCPSP) known as charged system search (CSS) and colliding body optimization (CBO). The results show that both of these algorithms find reasonable solutions, however CBO finds the results in a less computational time having a better quality. A case study is conducted to evaluate the performance and applicability of the proposed algorithms.

Mohammadreza Sheidaii, Mehdi Babaei,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (3-2017)

Engineering design usually requires considering multiple variances in a design and integrating them appropriately in order to achieve the most desirable alternative. This consideration takes particular importance in the constructional projects of civil engineering. However, frequently, the structural designer’s considerations in civil engineering teams contrast the stylish and creative novelties of architectures. Then, we should take up new methodologies to yield appropriate alternatives which meet artistic aspects of design and simultaneously satisfy the structural designer’s demands. Consequently, the process of design should incorporate the multi-fold aspects of engineer’s requirements and their personal preference. So, in this study, we preset a systematic approach, so-called desirability based design, to perform a directed multi-objective optimal design considering various aspects of a design, based on soft-computing methods. Fuzzy logic integrated with genetic algorithm is employed to build a decision-making fuzzy system based on expert knowledge. It will be employed to conduct the designing process. Illustrative examples show practicality and efficiency of the presented methodology in structural design of several space structures.

Xiaoling Song, Jiuping Xu, Charles Shen, Feniosky Peña-Mora,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (3-2017)

The construction temporary facilities layout planning (CTFLP) requires an identification of necessary construction temporary facilities (CTFs), an identification of candidate locations and a layout of CTFs at candidate locations. The CTFLP is particularly difficult and complex in large-scale construction projects as it affects the overall operation safety and effectiveness. This study proposes a decision making system to decide on an appropriate CTFLP in large-scale construction projects (e.g. dams and power plants) in a comprehensive way. The system is composed of the input, CTF identification, candidate location identification, layout optimization, evaluation and selection, as well as output stages. The fuzzy logic is employed to address the uncertain factors in real-world situations. In the input stage, the knowledge bases for identifying CTFs and candidate locations are determined. Then, CTFs and candidate locations are identified in the following two stages. In the mathematical optimization stage, a multiobjective mathematical optimization model with fuzzy parameters is established and fuzzy simulation-based Genetic Algorithm is proposed to obtain alternative CTFLPs. The intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS method is used to evaluate and select the most satisfactory CTFLP, which is output in the last stage. To demonstrate the effectiveness and efficacy of the proposed method, the CTFLP for the construction of a large-scale hydropower dam project is used as a practical application. The results show that the proposed system can assist the contractor to obtain an appropriate CTFLP in a more efficient and effective manner.

Marcin Gajzler, Krzysztof Zima,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2017)

The study presents a model for the evaluation of construction projects from the point of view of the investor. The problem lies in choosing the best solution from the point of view of many criteria. The proposed model is based on a multi-criteria comparative analysis using fuzzy logic. The first part of the paper presents a selection of criteria describing the construction project along with their description. The set of attributes describing the analyzed object was determined on the basis of the synthesis of specific proposals for the parameters of construction projects. The set of criteria has been divided into two groups: technical, technological and organizational criteria and separately the economic criteria. Then, the number of variables describing the observations was checked using principal component analysis (PCA). Course of action was presented in the event of multiple criteria analysis using the fuzzy set theory. Both the weights and the evaluations of individual criteria were modelled using membership functions due to the fact that when describing a construction project, or the validity of the criteria of describing variables, they are approximate. An analysis of the correlation of selected project criteria was presented. The proposed decision support model of assessing a construction project makes possible to compare various variants based on 11 factors identified. The use of fuzzy logic has enabled more accurate description of the phenomenon analysed when the exact parameters of the project in the planning and preparation stage of the project are not known.

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