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Showing 5 results for Structural Optimization

A. Kaveh, A. Shakouri Mahmud Abadi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2011)

Cost optimization of the reinforced concrete cantilever soil retaining wall of a given height satisfying some structural and geotechnical design constraints is performed utilizing harmony search and improved harmony search algorithms. The objective function considered is the cost of the structure, and design is based on ACI 318-05. This function is minimized subjected to design constraints. A numerical example of the cost optimization of a reinforced concrete cantilever retaining wall is presented to illustrate the performance of the presented algorithms and the necessary sensitivity analysis is performed.
Ali Kaveh, Omid Sabzi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2011)

This article presents the application of two algorithms: heuristic big bang-big crunch (HBB-BC) and a heuristic particle swarm

ant colony optimization (HPSACO) to discrete optimization of reinforced concrete planar frames subject to combinations of

gravity and lateral loads based on ACI 318-08 code. The objective function is the total cost of the frame which includes the cost

of concrete, formwork and reinforcing steel for all members of the frame. The heuristic big bang-big crunch (HBB-BC) is based

on BB-BC and a harmony search (HS) scheme to deal with the variable constraints. The HPSACO algorithm is a combination of

particle swarm with passive congregation (PSOPC), ant colony optimization (ACO), and harmony search scheme (HS)

algorithms. In this paper, by using the capacity of BB-BC in ACO stage of HPSACO, its performance is improved. Some design

examples are tested using these methods and the results are compared.

E. Sanaei, M. Babaei,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2012)

Due to the algorithmic simplicity, cellular automata (CA) models are useful and simple methods in structural optimization. In

this paper, a cellular-automaton-based algorithm is presented for simultaneous shape and topology optimization of continuum

structures, using five-step optimization procedure. Two objective functions are considered and the optimization process is

converted to the single objective optimization problem (SOOP) using weighted sum method (WSM). A novel triangle

neighborhood is proposed and the design domain is divided into small triangle elements, considering each cell as the finite

element. The finite element formulation for constant strain triangles using three-node triangular elements is developed in this

article. Topological parameters and shape of the design space are taken as the design variables, which for the purpose of this

paper are continuous variables. The paper reports the results of several design experiments, comparing them with the currently

available results obtained by CA and genetic algorithm in the literature. The outcomes of the developed scheme show the

accuracy and efficiency of the method as well as its timesaving behavior in achieving better results

C. Torres-Machi, V. Yepes, J. Alcala, E. Pellicer,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (6-2013)

This paper describes a methodology in designing high-performance concrete for simply supported beams, using a hybrid optimization strategy based on a variable neighborhood search threshold acceptance algorithm. Three strategies have been applied to discrete optimization of reinforced concrete beams: Variable Neighborhood Descent (VND), Reduced Neighborhood Search (RNS) and Basic Variable Neighborhood Search (BVNS). The problem includes 14 variables: two geometrical one material type one mix design and 10 variables for the reinforcement setups. The algorithms are applied to two objective functions: the economic cost and the embedded CO2 emissions. Firstly, this paper presents the application of these three different optimization strategies, which are evaluated by fitting the set of solutions obtained to a three-parameter Weibull distribution function. The Variable Neighborhood Descent with Threshold Accepting acceptance strategy algorithm (VND-TA) results as the most reliable method. Finally, the study presents a parametric study of the span length from 10 to 20 m in which it can be concluded that economic and ecological beams show a good parabolic correlation with the span length.
Mohsen Shahrouzi, Amir Abbas Rahemi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2014)

Well-known seismic design codes have offered an alternative equivalent static procedure for practical purposes instead of verifying design trials with complicated step-y-step dynamic analyses. Such a pattern of base-shear distribution over the building height will enforce its special stiffness and strength distribution which is not necessarily best suited for seismic design. The present study, utilizes a hybrid optimization procedure to seek for the best stiffness distribution in moment-resistant building frames. Both continuous loading pattern and discrete sizing variables are treated as optimization design variables. The continuous part is sampled by Harmony Search algorithm while a variant of Ant Colony Optimization is utilized for the discrete part. Further search intensification is provided by Branch and Bound technique. In order to verify the design candidates, static, modal and time-history analyses are applied regarding the code-specific design spectra. Treating a number of building moment-frame examples, such a hyper optimization resulted in new lateral loading patterns different from that used in common code practice. It was verified that designing the moment frames due to the proposed loading pattern can result in more uniform story drifts. In addition, locations of the first failure of columns were transmitted to the upper/less-critical stories of the frame. This achievement is important to avoid progressive collapse under earthquake excitation.

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