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Showing 4 results for Unsaturated Soil

Hamed Farshbaf Aghajani, Abbas Soroush, Piltan Tabatabaie Shourijeh,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2011)

Evaluating the rate and maximum height of capillary rise is of prime interest in unsaturated soil mechanics. Antecedent solutions

to this problem have dwelled mostly on determining the maximum capillary rise height, overlooking moisture and suction changes

in the capillary region. A comprehensive improved solution for the capillary rise of water in soils is presented. Salient features of

the formulation including consideration of initial soil suction (if any) prior to capillary rise, and determination of water content

variation in the capillary region are elaborately discussed. Results reveal that suction head variation within the capillary region

is non-linear, where the curvature decreases as water rises to higher elevations. The solution is verified and compared with

existing solutions, by means of two sets of experimental data available in the literature. The comparison suggests that the

improved formulation is more accurate and versatile than previous solutions for capillary rise.

M. Biglari, I. Ashayeri,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (11-2013)

Seismic ground motion is profoundly affected by geometrical and mechanical properties of soil deposits overlaying bedrock.

Local seismic ground response of saturated soil deposits was studied in literature by applying the effects of soil stress state

and index properties on the strain-dependent normalized shear modulus reduction, G/G0, and damping ratio, D, curves in an

equivalent linear analysis. However, experimental investigations revealed that, G0, G/G0, and D of unsaturated soils are

influenced by stress state as well as suction. This study presents the results of linear and equivalent linear seismic ground response

analysis of unsaturated soil deposits incorporating suction effects on G/G0 and D curves. Seismic ground response analyses were

done with the computer program EERA for three sets of soil profiles, which are included in saturated, constant and linearly

variable suction unsaturated soil deposits. The results of current study present the magnitude of variation in natural frequency,

amplification ratio and spectral acceleration of unsaturated soil deposits.

Junxin Liu, Chunhe Yang, Jianjun Gan, Yutian Liu, Wei Liu, Qiang Xie,
Volume 15, Issue 6 (9-2017)

Abstract: Rainfall is an important triggering factor influencing the stability of soil slope. Study on some influences of the rainfall on the instability characteristics of unsaturated soil embankment slope has been conducted in this paper. Firstly, based on the effective stress theory of unsaturated soil for single variable, fluid-solid coupling constitutive equations were established. Then, a segment of red clay embankment slope, along a railway from Dazhou to Chengdu, damaged by rainfall, was theoretical and numerical-simulating researched by considering both the runoff-underground seepage and the fluid-solid coupling. The failure characteristics of the embankment slope and the numerical simulation results were in excellent agreement. In the end, a sensitivity analysis of the key factors influencing the slope stability subjected to rainfall was performed with emphasis on damage depth as well as infiltration rainfall depth. From the analysis in this paper, it was concluded that the intensity of rainfall, rainfall duration and long-term strength of soil have most effect on slope stability when subjected to rainfall. These results suggest that the numerical simulation can be used for practical applications.

Volume 15, Issue 6 (9-2017)

Pile load tests and numerical analysis of a small-scale model pile in unsaturated clayey soil are presented in this paper. A small-scale model pile was simulated to bear a static axial loading in unsaturated soil using finite element method. All parameters used in the finite element method were obtained in laboratory tests, including the direct shear test, interface direct shear test, and filter paper method. The numerical analysis results were compared with the pile load test results. The results show that the general trend of pile load and pile head settlement relationship obtained by the numerical analysis shows a good consistence with the pile load test results. With increasing water content of the soil, the matric suction, dilatancy angle and shear strength decrease, and consequently the ultimate bearing capacity of pile decreases.

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