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Showing 13 results for Deformation

F. Eftekharzadeh,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2004)

According to experiences, zones of weaknesses, joint systems and sliding surfaces in rock masses, have a great effect on the deformation behavior of tunnel cross section and the stress development in the shotcrete cover. The loosening and detaching of rock due to roof deformations in turn can take progressive dimensions and lead to roof fall and in extreme case cave to the surface. In this study, the effect of weakness zones on increasing roof deformations is demonstrated and the radius of influence of such weaknesses is determined using a FE- program for 3- dimensional continuum. Furthermore it is shown that the thickness of such disturbances does not significantly affect the development of deformations i.e. if the stiffness conditions remain constant. Also the viscous material causes greater deformations than the elastic one. Finally the study indicates that tangential stresses in the lining are also increased by weakness zones.
Amir Hamidi, S. Mohsen Haeri,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2008)

The deformation and stiffness characteristics of a cemented gravely sand was investigated using triaxial equipment. The triaxial tests were conducted in both dry and saturated undrained conditions. Artificially cemented samples are prepared using gypsum plaster as the cementing agent. The plaster was mixed with the base soil at the weight percentages of 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6. The applied confining pressure varied between 25 to 500 kPa in triaxial tests. The process of yielding of the soil was investigated for the considered soil and the bond and final yield points were identified for the cemented soil with different cement contents. The variations of deformation and stiffness parameters with cement content and confining stress were studied as well. Some of the parameters were determined for both drained and undrained conditions to investigate the effect of drainage condition on the stiffness and yield characteristics of the tested cemented gravely sand. According to the results, the difference between drained and undrained tangent stiffness decreases with increase in confining stress. Finally the effect of cement type was investigated as an important parameter affecting the stiffness at bond yield. The rate of increase in tangent stiffness at bond yield changes with cement content for different cementing agents.
A. Khodaii, Sh. Fallah,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2009)

An experimental program was conducted to determine the effects of geosynthetic reinforcement on mitigating reflection cracking in asphalt overlays. The objectives of this study were to asses the effects of geosynthetics inclusion and its placement location on the accumulation of permanent deformation. To simulate an asphalt pavement overlaid on top of a crack in a concrete or asphalt pavement, an asphalt mixture specimen was placed on top of two discontinuous concrete or asphalt concrete blocks with 100 mm height. Four types of specimens were prepared with respect to the location of geogrid: (I) Unreinforced samples, which served as control specimen, (II) Samples with geogrid embedded on the concrete or asphalt concrete block, (III) Samples with geogrid embeded one-thired depth of asphalt concrete from bottom, (IV) Samples with geogrid embedded in the middle of the asphalt beam. Each specimen was then placed on the rubber foundation in order to be tested. Simulated- repeated loading was applied to the asphalt mixture specimens using a hydraulic dynamic loading frame. Each experiment was recorded in its entirety by a video camera to allow the physical observation of reflection crack formation and propagation. This study revealed that geosynthetic reinforced specimens exhibited resistance to reflection cracking. Placing the geogrid at the one- third depth of overlay thickness had the maximum predicted service life. Results indicate a significant reduction in the rate of crack propagation and rutting in reinforced samples compared to unreinforced samples.
D. P. Chen, C. X. Qian, C. L. Liu,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2010)

 Concrete deformation due to temperature and moisture condition will always develop simultaneously and interactively. The environmentally (hygral and thermally) induced stress and deformation are essential to concrete durability. To simulate the deformation of concrete caused by the coupling effect of temperature and moisture, a numerical simulation approach is proposed comprising analytical process and finite element analysis is proposed based on the mechanism of heat and moisture transfer in porous medium. In analytical method, Laplace transformation and transfer function were used to simplify and solve the coupled partial differential equations of heat and moisture transfer. The hygro-thermal deformation of concrete is numerically simulated by finite element method (FEM) based on the obtained temperature and moisture stress transformed from the solved moisture distribution. This numerical simulation approach avoids the complex eigenvalues, coupling difficulty and low accuracy in other solving method, and also effectively calculates the moisture induced shrinkage which is almost impossible using familiar FEM software. Furthermore, a software named Combined Temperature and Moisture Simulation System for concrete (CTMSoft) was represented and developed by a mix programming of Visual Basic, Matlab and ANSYS. CTMSoft provided a simple and more intuitive interface between user and computer by providing a graphical user interface (GUI). The validity of the numerical simulation approach was verified by two cases analysis.

A. Soroush, R. Jannatiaghdam,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2012)

This paper studies thoroughly and deeply the results of about one hundred triaxial compression tests on thirty types of rockfill
materials. The materials are categorized in accordance with their particles shape (angular / rounded) and gradation
characteristics. The main tool of the study is the Hyperbolic Model developed by Duncan and Chang. The focus of the study is
on the variations of deformation modulus of the materials (Ei and Et) with confining stress (&sigma3). Features of the mechanical
behavior of the rockfill materials, as compared with the general behavior of soils, are highlighted through the exponent
parameter (n) of the Hyperbolic Model. It is shown that high confining stresses may have adverse effects on the deformation
modulus of the rockfill materials and make them softer. The particle breakage phenomenon which happens during compression
and shearing is found as the main factor responsible for the above effects and, in general, responsible for controlling the
behavior of the materials. For the rockfill materials of this study, two correlations for estimating the initial elasticity modulus (Ei)
and the internal friction angle (&phi) in terms of particles shape, confining pressure (&sigma3), and coefficient of uniformity (Cu) are

Y.y. Chang, C.j. Lee, W.c. Huang, W.j. Huang, M.l. Lin, W.y. Hung, Y. H. Lin,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (11-2013)

This study presents a series of physical model tests and numerical simulations using PFC2D (both with a dip slip angle=60° and

a soil bed thickness of 0.2 m in model scale)at the acceleration conditions of 1g, 40g, and 80 g to model reverse faulting. The soil

deposits in prototype scale have thicknesses of 0.2 m, 8 m, and 16 m, respectively. This study also investigates the evolution of a

surface deformation profile and the propagation of subsurface rupture traces through overlying sand. This study proposes a

methodology for calibrating the micromechanical material parameters used in the numerical simulation based on the measured

surface settlements of the tested sand bed in the self-weight consolidation stage. The test results show that steeper surface slope

on the surface deformation profile, a wider shear band on the major faulting-induced distortion zone, and more faulting appeared

in the shallower depths in the 1-g reverse faulting model test than in the tests involving higher-g levels. The surface deformation

profile measured from the higher-g physical modeling and that calculated from numerical modeling show good agreement. The

width of the shear band obtained from the numerical simulation was slightly wider than that from the physical modeling at the

same g-levels and the position of the shear band moved an offset of 15 mm in model scale to the footwall compared with the results

of physical modeling.

A.a. Heshmati, A.r. Tabibnejad, H. Salehzadeh, S. Hashemi Tabatabaei,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2015)

To investigate the saturation induced collapse deformation behavior of rockfill material, a set of large-scale triaxial tests were conducted in saturated and dry-saturated conditions. Specimens were tested under various confining pressures. For dry-saturated tests, specimens were sheared in various stress levels. Results of all dry saturated tests indicate a sudden reduction in the specimen volume during the submerging process. The ratio of the minimum axial strength of a submerged specimen (at the end of the saturation process) to the shear strength of the specimen before saturation is defined as the coefficient of stress recovery, Csr. Results show that this ratio increases as the confining pressure increases, and decreases as the shear stress level increases. According to the results of dry-saturated tests, reduction values of the internal friction angle caused by saturation (c), the ratio of the elasticity modulus of the material after saturation to its elasticity modulus in dry condition, i.e., Ewet/Edry, and the saturation induced sudden volumetric strain (vc) decrease as the confining pressures increase. However the shear stress level does not have any meaningful effect on the variation of c, Ewet/Edry and (vc).
M.e. Torki, M. Taghi Kazemi, S.b. Talaeitaba,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2015)

The effect of axial deformation of shell particles on the dynamic instability (flutter) of cantilevered cylindrical shells made of functionally graded materials (FGM) under an end axial follower force is addressed. To this end, at first, results for free vibration of FGM cylindrical shells were verified with previous outcomes and they were in very good agreement. Then, the effect of axial deformation of the shell, acting like a reducing linearly-distributed follower load, on the critical circumferential mode number and the flutter load of FGM shells was accounted for. Finally, the effect of axial deformation of the shell particles on the critical circumferential mode number and the flutter load of FGM shells were investigated. In this case, three homogeneous shells with different elasticity moduli and densities and two FGM materials were considered: nickel-stainless steel and stainless steel-alumina. Results include the increasing critical circumferential mode number and the increasing value of the flutter load due to axial deformation. The increase in the flutter load occurs in proportion to the whole elasticity modulus of the material, and thus it can be derived from the formula of mixture for an FGM.

A. Fooladi, Mo.r. Banan,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2015)

Latticed columns are frequently used in industrial steel structures. In some countries these built-up columns might be even used in other types of steel structures such as residential and commercial buildings. Besides, latticed columns are parts of skeletons of many historic buildings all around the world. To analyze a steel structure with latticed columns a more accurate numerical model for such a column seems to be essential. The lay-out and connectivity of constructing main profiles of a latticed column leads to formation of many shear zones along the length of a column. Therefore, considering shear effects on the behavior of a lattice column is inevitable. This paper proposed a new super-element with twelve degrees of freedom to be used in finite element modeling of latticed columns. The cross sectional area, moments of inertia, shear coefficient and torsional rigidity of the developed new element are derived. To compute these parameters with less complexity a model using only beam elements is also introduced. A general purpose finite element program named LaCE is developed. This FE program is capable of performing linear and nonlinear analysis of 3D-frames with latticed columns, considering shear deformation. To show the accuracy of the proposed element, several cases are studied. The outcome of these investigations revealed that the current-in-practice model for latticed columns suffers from some major shortcomings which to some extends are resolved by the proposed super-element. The developed element showed the capability of modeling a lattice column with good accuracy and less computational cost.
D.p. Chen, C.w. Miao, J.p. Liu, M.s. Tang,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2015)

This paper presents theoretical and numerical state-of-the-art information in the field of hygro-thermo-mechanical deformation simulation in structural concrete. The aspects discussed include coupled hygro-thermo-mechanical performance of porous materials including concrete, multi-scale simulation of concrete properties especially the volumetric and structural deformation performance, and the multi-scale simulation of concrete under the coupling effect of multi-physics fields. The multi-scale simulation section includes the multi-scale simulation of composition and structure in concrete, the multi-scale simulation of concrete’s mechanical performance, and the multi-scale simulation of durability concerned performance of concrete. This paper presents an overview of the work, of which data from early 80 recent studies, carried out on the multiscale simulation of hygro-thermo-mechanical deformation performance of structural concrete. The relating previous studies and analysis showed that sufficient data have been obtained to give confidence in simulating hygro-thermo-mechanical performance of concrete based on the theory of heat and mass transfer in porous media, and the clear relationships have been obtained between moisture-heat transfer and hygro-thermal distribution at different scale. It is necessary to make further systematic multi-scale research on the relationship between micro-structure and property parameters of cement paste, threephase basic properties at meso level of concrete and the performance of concrete structures, which makes important practical significance to solve the crack of large-area and mass concrete structure and improve the durability of concrete structures
Vahid Broujerdian, Mohammad T. Kazemi,
Volume 14, Issue 8 (12-2016)

Complex nature of diagonal tension accompanied by formation of new cracks as well as closing and propagating preexisting cracks has deterred researchers to achieve an analytical and mathematical procedure for accurate predicting shear behavior of reinforced concrete, and there is the lack of a unique theory accepted universally. Shear behavior of reinforced concrete is studied in this paper based on recently developed constitutive laws for normal strength concrete and mild steel bars using nonlinear finite element method. The salient feature of these stress-strain relations is to account the interactive effects of concrete and embedded bars on each other in a smeared rotating crack approach. Implementing the considered constitutive laws into an efficient secant-stiffness based finite element algorithm, a procedure for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete is achieved. The resulted procedure is capable of predicting load-deformation behavior, cracking pattern, and failure mode of reinforced concrete. Corroboration with data from shear-critical beam test specimens with a wide range of properties showed the model to predict responses with a good accuracy. The results were also compared with those from the well-known theory of modified compression field and its extension called disturbed stress field model which revealed the present study to provide more accurate predictions. 

Volume 15, Issue 6 (9-2017)

It is vital to control the settlement of ultra-high voltage and long span tower foundation because of the difficult construction and strict deformation control. Based on the thinking of deformation compatibility, the mechanical model of deformation compatibility between pile and soil is established. Relying on the long span tower project Lingzhou–Shaoxing ±800 kV DC transmission lines across the Yangtze River, through checking ultimate bearing capacity of existing pile foundation, it can be obtained that the present design foundation can effectively meet the upper 200–220 t load, but it cannot meet the load requirements about 300 t in the construction. The failures of tower foundation mainly display that piles cut into the soil with penetration type in the early condition. With the load increasing, the shallow soil and infrastructure gradually damage with the whole cap sinking, cushion layer destruction and the surrounding soil uplifting. As a result, tower foundation is unable to withstand the effect of upper overload and the whole tower becomes shear failure. The treatment scheme was proposed that it can improve the cushion thickness and strength combined with grouting consolidation to soil around the piles. Thus, the stability of tower foundation improves significantly and settlement was controlled within the permitted range of below 10 mm, which can meet the structure requirements. The results of numerical simulation based on deformation compatibility between pile and soil coincide well with field measured results.

Volume 15, Issue 6 (9-2017)

To reveal the deformation mechanism during tunneling in deep soft ground, triaxial unloading confining pressure tests and triaxial unloading creep tests were carried out on sandy mudstone specimens to study the dilatancy and fracturing behavior of soft rock. In the triaxial unloading confining pressure tests, the stress path and different unloading rates were considered to reflect the unloading characteristics of the excavation methods. The unloading rate effects and the rock damage evolution law are studied. The following conclusions are obtained from the results. Firstly, when the unloading rate is smooth, the peak strengths and deviatoric stress–strain curves under the unloading condition are close to those under the conventional loading condition. Secondly, the post-peak brittle characteristics are more apparent with the increasing unloading rates. Thirdly, the soft rock undergoes five deformation and failure regimes of elasticity, pre-peak unloading damage–dilatancy, post-peak brittle drop, linear strain softening and residual perfect plasticity under quasi-static smooth unloading of mechanized excavation which is mainly focused on in this study. Fourthly, the damage evolution law at the pre-peak damage–dilatancy stage follows an exponential function. Fifthly, during the post-peak stages, multistage microfractures are initiated, propagated and finally coalesced forming a shear-fragmentation band with a certain thickness, accompanied by significant volumetric dilatancy. In the triaxial unloading creep tests, multistep unloading of the confining pressure was applied, while the axial pressure was kept constant. The results show that when the deviatoric stress is larger and the experienced creep time is longer, the unloading effect and creep characteristics become more apparent accompanied with obvious lateral dilatancy, eventually leading to significant creep–dilatancy. The progressive failure with time is caused by the damage accumulating with time-dependent crack expansion, which can be called as ‘time-dependent damage and fracturing’. The reasons for the above evolution process are presented, then the deformation mechanism of soft rock is revealed. The soft rock deformation mainly consists of two parts. One part is the pre-peak damage–dilatancy and post-peak fracture–bulking produced at the excavation unloading instant. The other part is creep–dilatancy caused by time-dependent damage and fracturing in a period of time after excavation. The above-mentioned results of damage, dilatancy and fractures evolution process are in good agreement with the in situ monitoring results and previous studies about the surrounding rock convergence, fracturing and EDZ (excavation damaged zone) development.

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