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Showing 4 results for Dilation

Saleh Zadeh H., Ghazanfari E.,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2004)

To study the behavior of carbonate sands parametrically, some monotonic triaxial testswere carried out on Kish carbonate sand. The sample was provided from Kish Island beach. Inorder to examine the effect of density and confining pressure, samples in loose and dense stateswere tested under different confining pressures. For studying the effect of drainage andconsolidation, different stress paths were followed. Also to study the effect of particle crushing indrained tests all samples were graded before and after testing. Comparison between loose anddense samples in both drained and undrained tests showed that with increasing confiningpressure, the reduction in shear resistance in loose samples is less than dense samples and theincrement rate of particle crushing in loose samples is more than dense samples. In the range oflow confining pressures both loose and dense samples showed dilation response. With increasingconfining pressure, the loose samples tended to exhibit contraction and the rate of dilation indense samples reduced. Because recovering undisturbed sample of carbonate sediments is veryhard or even impossible so the effect of soil disturbance is not studied in this research.
Mahmoud Hassanlourad, Hosein Salehzadeh, Habib Shahnazari,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2008)

In this paper shear behavior of two calcareous sands having different physical properties are

investigated using drained and undrained triaxial tests. The investigated sands are obtained from two different

zones located in Persian Gulf, Kish Island and Tonbak region. Analysis based on energy aspects show that

friction angle in these soils, having crushable particles, is formed of three components: substantial internal

friction angle, dilation and particle breakage angle. Dilation component is available in the two investigated

sand. Particle breakage component is a function of grains hardness, structure and geometry shape. Particles

breakage decreases the volume of sample during drained tests and creates positive pore water pressure during

undrained tests. Two investigated sands show different amount of dilation and particle breakage under similar

conditions. Simultaneous dilation and particles crushing and different amount of them result in different shear

behavior of the two studied sands. Energy aspects are used to determine the effect of particle crushing on the

shear strength. There is a suitable compatibility between relative breakage of grains and consumed energy

ratio for particle breakage.

A. Hamidi, M. Alizadeh, S.m. Soleimani,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2009)

There are limitations in experimental studies on sand-gravel mixtures due to the small size of testing

specimens. Due to this problem, many researchers have worked on prediction of the shear strength of mixture by testing

the sandy fraction of soil alone and developed empirical relationships. Most of the previous relationships have been

determined for low surcharge pressures in which particle breakage does not affect the shear strength parameters.

However, the particle breakage affects the relationships in higher confinements. At the present study, the results of

large scale direct shear tests on sand and sand-gravel mixtures was used to investigate the shear behavior and

dilatancy characteristics in a wider range of surcharge pressures. The gravel content, relative density, surcharge

pressure and gravel grain size were considered as variables in testing program. The relationships between shear

strength characteristics of sand and sand-gravel mixtures were determined considering dilation characteristics of the

soil. In this regard, the minimum void ratio was found as a useful indirect index that relates uniquely to the critical

state friction angle independent of soil gradation. The relations between critical state or peak friction angles of the

mixture with minimum void ratio were determined as a function of surcharge pressure. The correlations could be useful

for determination of the strength parameters of sand-gravel composites by testing sandy fraction of mixture.

M. Gharouni Nik, M. Fathali,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Geometrical profile (roughness) of joint surfaces influences the behaviour of rock joints under shear loading. With regard to the

dilation, there are two models of direct shear test that may simulate the original loading condition existing in the location from

where the specimens have been sampled. The first model in which the normal load is constant (CNL) and the discontinuity is free

to dilate in shearing, represents typical situations such as movement of a block on a surface slope as a result of its own weight.

The second model in which the dilatancy is prohibited (VNL), simulates the condition of a block confined in a rock mass in an

underground opening. A shear test conducted under restricted normal displacement (dilation) will generally yield considerably

higher shear strength than one conducted under constant normal stress. In this research, both types of tests were conducted on

smooth and rough surfaces of specimens made from rock like material. The results of the VNL and the CNL direct shear tests on

regular teeth-shaped profile discontinuities indicates that at all levels of normal load, the linear Mohr-Coulomb criterion was not

valid for rough surfaces that subscribed to the power law equations. Increasing normal load emphasized the difference between

the results obtained from two methods, although for lower normal loads the results were nearly similar.

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