جلد 27، شماره 1 - ( 12-1394 )                   جلد 27 شماره 1 صفحات 19-1 | برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها

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Zare Mehrjerdi Y, Nadizadeh A. Using Greedy Clustering Method to Solve Capacitated Location-Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demands. IJIEPR 2016; 27 (1) :1-19
URL: http://ijiepr.iust.ac.ir/article-1-354-fa.html
Using Greedy Clustering Method to Solve Capacitated Location-Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demands. نشریه بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و تحقیقات تولید. 1394; 27 (1) :1-19

URL: http://ijiepr.iust.ac.ir/article-1-354-fa.html

چکیده:   (7902 مشاهده)

Using Greedy Clustering Method to Solve Capacitated Location-Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demands Abstract In this paper, the capacitated location routing problem with fuzzy demands (CLRP_FD) is considered. In CLRP_FD, facility location problem (FLP) and vehicle routing problem (VRP) are observed simultaneously. Indeed the vehicles and the depots have a predefined capacity to serve the customersthat have fuzzy demands. To model the CLRP_FD, a fuzzy chance constrained program is designed, based on fuzzy credibility theory. To solve the CLRP_FD, a greedy clustering method (GCM) including the stochastic simulation is proposed. Finally, to obtain the best value of the preference index of the model and analysis its influence on the final solutions of the problem, numerical experiments are carried out. Keywords: Capacitated location routing problem, Fuzzy demand, Credibility theory, Stochastic simulation, Ant colony system.

نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: زنجیره تامین و لجستیک
دریافت: 1390/8/16 | پذیرش: 1393/12/4 | انتشار: 1395/3/4

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