Review Process of IJIEPR

International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research is double- blind pee reviewed Journal. Articles received by this journal first screened by editor If the article passes the screening stage, it is nominated to reviewers. The nomination of reviewers for each article is done by editor.
Reviewing Instructions
A qualified review cannot be generality restricted to answering questions in a standard form, and many reviewers feel that they can best express their assessment of the submitted article by writing a free- text memorandum. At the same time, there are a few questions that we like to receive concerning each article where a structured form is preferable.
Please prepare the review in such a way that it can be forwarded to the author (s) as feedback. Any further comments intended exclusively for the editor should be prepared as an additional attachment or in a separate email message. Also, if you prepare your review, e.g. in pdf, you may wish to make sure that the parameters of that document do not unintentionally divulge your identity or affiliation.
Review process frequently asked questions:
How long do I have for making the review?
Four weeks from the date of receipt of the article, however, can be extended if the reviewer requests it. Of course, it is an advantage, particularly for the authors if you can do it at once.
Is there a reviewing form to fill in?
A form is available through the review system which can be accessed as the process begins.
If the paper is of weak quality, Will I be required to make a full review?
An explanation of what the author(s) has to do in order to do better next time is of course a service to them. However, if the answer is going to be no, then it is also in the authors' interest to be informed of that quickly. Therefore, we prefer speed over detail in such cases. In all other cases, a detailed review is expected.
Where shall I send the review?
All reviews should be uploaded within the journal system.
Confidentiality and Anonymity
Strict adherence to the following principles is important in order to guarantee the integrity of the reviewing process.
Confidentiality of the Submitted Article
The content and the very existence of a submitted manuscript must be considered as confidential until the article is published. If the article is not accepted for the journal, then all aspects of its review in this journal are to be considered as confidential without time limit. Reviewers are requested to consider this important principle.
Anonymity of Reviewers
Authors will not know the identity of the reviewers, unless the reviewer hemself/ herself chooses to divulge her identity. Reviewers do not know the identity of the authors. Reviewers may normally see the other reviews of the same article after they have returned their own review, but will normally not know the identity of the other reviewers.
Reviews that are returned in PDF or Office Word document formats may be labeled with the identity of the author of that document in their data field. It is the responsibility of the reviewer to remove such information from the review document before it is returned to the editors.
 Confidentiality of Reviews
Reviewers are requested to consider all reviews as confidential. This applies both to the reviews they write themselves and to those made by the other reviewers.
Definition of Confidentiality
The term 'confidential' as used above implies: (1) the reviewer shall keep confidential material in a safe place where it cannot be accessed by others; (2) he will not divulge confidential material to any other person except if approved by the Journal;  (3) any other person that obtains access to the material, after approval, shall also be informed and accept the same rule.


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