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Showing 2 results for Gandasari

Dyah Gandasari, Diena Dwidienawati, David Tjahjana, Mochamad Sugiarto, M Faisal,
Volume 33, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2022)

The dynamic among farmer institutions has essential problems to be addressed, especially regarding the pattern and process of communication interactions developing farmer institutions. Therefore, an assembly of agribusiness information within the communication network of the farmer group is of primary interest for our study. This study aims to analyze the agribusiness network structure of beef cattle farmer groups in Subang Regency, West Java, Indonesia. The Social Network Analysis (SNA) used for discovering communication network structure. Data was collected through interviews using a questionnaire. The census method was used for the sampling technique and UCINET 6 used to analyze the data. The results of the study show: 1) The degree centrality and net draw illustrate the head of farmer groups still plays a role as a source of information for their members even if members can access 1-3 other sources, 2) The closeness centrality average is still high and approaching its maximum. The limitation of this study is that only in quantitative approach. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct further research in a qualitative approach to further analyze the roles play in the networks that can be considered in increasing group social capital.
Hardijanto Saroso, Diena Dwidienawati, David Tjahjana, Dyah Gandasari, M Faisal,
Volume 33, Issue 3 (IJIEPR 2022)

This research paper aims to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer behaviour and the strategic adjustment implemented by small to medium-size businesses. Consumer behaviour has been altered. It has made organizations react to survive. To understand emerging consumer behaviour, and how organizations mitigate the changes in the environment, a qualitative study on small to medium size business owners was conducted in October-November 2020. An intensive 60-minute, semi-structured interview was conducted with 23 business owners in Jakarta and its surrounding cities. The findings revealed that there are positive and negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on business depending on the industry type. The type of industry also influenced the scale of the effect. Regardless of the impact, most business owners were optimistic about their businesses surviving. Consumer behaviour changed to involving less human interaction, for example going online, and people became more cost-conscious. Business owners mitigated the change with a change in the type of products offered, offering promotions or price reductions and online access. From the business owners' perspective, some of the new behaviour will remain after the pandemic, whilst others will revert to the old behaviour. Those that offer convenience and simplicity will stay.

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