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Showing 14 results for Mohammadi

Mohammad Ali Farajian , Shahriar Mohammadi ,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (IJIEPR 2010)

  The unprecedented growth of competition in the banking technology has raised the importance of retaining current customers and acquires new customers so that is important analyzing Customer behavior, which is base on bank databases. Analyzing bank databases for analyzing customer behavior is difficult since bank databases are multi-dimensional, comprised of monthly account records and daily transaction records. Few works have focused on analyzing of bank databases from the viewpoint of customer behavioral analyze. This study presents a new two-stage frame-work of customer behavior analysis that integrated a K-means algorithm and Apriori association rule inducer. The K-means algorithm was used to identify groups of customers based on recency, frequency, monetary behavioral scoring predicators it also divides customers into three major profitable groups of customers. Apriori association rule inducer was used to characterize the groups of customers by creating customer profiles. Identifying customers by a customer behavior analysis model is helpful characteristics of customer and facilitates marketing strategy development .

M. Mohammadi, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, A. Ghodratnama , H. Rostami ,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (IJIEPR 2011)


  Hub covering location problem, Network design,

  Single machine scheduling, Genetic algorithm,

  Shuffled frog leaping algorithm


Hub location problems (HLP) are synthetic optimization problems that appears in telecommunication and transportation networks where nodes send and receive commodities (i.e., data transmissions, passengers transportation, express packages, postal deliveries, etc.) through special facilities or transshipment points called hubs. In this paper, we consider a central mine and a number of hubs (e.g., factories) connected to a number of nodes (e.g., shops or customers) in a network. First, the hub network is designed, then, a raw materials transportation from a central mine to the hubs (i.e., factories) is scheduled. In this case, we consider only one transportation system regarded as single machine scheduling. Furthermore, we use this hub network to solve the scheduling model. In this paper, we consider the capacitated single allocation hub covering location problem (CSAHCLP) and then present the mixed-integer programming (MIP) model. Due to the computational complexity of the resulted models, we also propose two improved meta-heuristic algorithms, namely a genetic algorithm and a shuffled frog leaping algorithm in order to find a near-optimal solution of the given problem. The performance of the solutions found by the foregoing proposed algorithms is compared with exact solutions of the mathematical programming model .

Ali Mohaghar, Mojtaba Kashef, Ehsan Kashef Khanmohammadi,
Volume 25, Issue 2 (IIJEPR 2014)

Considering the major change occurred in business cells from plant to “chain” and the critical need to choose the best partners to form the supply chain for competing in today’s business setting, one of the vital decisions made at the early steps of constructing a business is supplier selection. Given the fact that the early decisions are inherently strategic and therefore hard and costly to change, it’s been a point of consideration for industries to select the right supplier. It’s clear that different criteria must be investigated and interfered in deciding on the best partner(s) among the alternatives. Thereupon the problem might be regarded as a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. There are a variety of techniques to solve a MCDM problem. In this paper we propose a novel technique by combination of decision making trial and evaluation laboratory and graph theory and matrix approach techniques. Eventually, the results are compared to SAW technique and discussed to come to a conclusion.
Amir-Mohammad Golmohammadi, Mahboobeh Honarvar, Hasan Hosseini-Nasab, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2018)

The fundamental function of a cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is based on definition and recognition of a type of similarity among parts that should be produced in a planning period. Cell formation (CF) and cell layout design are two important steps in implementation of the CMS. This paper represents a new nonlinear mathematical programming model for dynamic cell formation that employs the rectilinear distance notion to determine the layout in the continuous space. In the proposed model, machines are considered unreliable with a stochastic time between failures. The objective function calculates the costs of inter and intra-cell movements of parts and the cost due to the existence of exceptional elements (EEs), cell reconfigurations and machine breakdowns. Due to the problem complexity, the presented mathematical model is categorized in NP-hardness; thus, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used for solving this problem. Several crossover and mutation strategies are adjusted for GA and parameters are calibrated based on Taguchi experimental design method. The great efficiency of the proposed GA is then demonstrated via comparing with particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the optimum solution via GAMS considering several small/medium and large-sized problems. 

Mahdi Karbasian, Maryam Mohammadi, Mohammad Mortazavi,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2018)

Reliability allocation has an essential connection to design for reliability and is an important activity in the product design and development process. In determining the reliability of subsystems or components on the basis of goal reliability, attention must be paid to failure effect, failure information, and improvement opportunities based upon real potentials for reliability improvement. In the light of the fact that ignoring dependent failures inflicts irreversible damage on systems, and that redundant systems are vulnerable to Common Cause Failure (CCF) as well as independent failure, attention must be paid not only to components’ independent failure information, but also to CCF information in conducting reliability allocation for such systems. To consider improved failure rate alone cannot ensure the achievement of the goal reliability in question, because if the CCF occurrence exceeds a certain limit, the system’s reliability will certainly fail to match the goal reliability. This paper is an attempt to develop a method for reliability allocation of series-parallel systems by considering CCF, in such a way that potentials and priorities of reliability improvement are taken into consideration. The proposed method consists of four stages: 1) adding a series component to the redundant system in order to investigate CCF, 2) conducting reliability allocation for series components and the redundant system, 3) conducting reliability allocation for redundant system components, and 4) analyzing the failure rate of system components. The proposed method is run for water pumping systems and the results are evaluated. In this method, in addition to the improved failure rate of system components, the improved rate of CCF is computed, too. This proves instrumental and crucial for system designers in feasibility studies and conceptual design.

Arezoo Jahani, Parastoo Mohammadi, Hamid Mashreghi,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2018)

Innovation & Prosperity Fund (IPfund) in Iran as a governmental organization aims to develop new technology-based firms (NTBF) by its available resources through financing these firms. The innovative projects which refer to IPfund for financing are in a stage which can receive both fixed rate facilities and partnership in the projects, i.e. profit loss sharing (PLS). Since this fund must protect its initial and real value of its capital against inflation rate, therefore, this study aims to examine the suitable financing methods with considering risk. For this purpose we study on risk assessment models to see how to use risk adjusted net present value for knowledge based projects. On this basis, the NPV of a project has been analyzed by taking into account the risk variables (sales revenue and the cost of fixed investment) and using Monte Carlo simulation. The results indicate that in most cases for a project, the risk adjusted NPV in partnership scenario is more than the other scenario. In addition to, partnership in projects which demand for industrial production facilities is preferable for the IPfund than projects calling for working capital.
Zahra Touni, Ahmad Makui, Emran Mohammadi,
Volume 30, Issue 1 (IJIEPR 2019)

Financial decision-making is the principal part of any decisions hence great efforts are done to improve the methods to assess and analyze the stock in financial markets as a part of the financial decision. This paper addresses the stock selection by discovering investor's utility function .Investors in the Stock Exchange consider diverse criteria to buy shares and bonds. Due to the criteria development in stock selection, understanding the investor's behavior by a consultant is a prominent issue. Recognizing an exclusive utility function according to the characteristics of the investors facilitates acquiring each share's value for the decision maker (DM) when it is required. In this study, UTASTAR method is used to estimate the marginal value function, using 3 appropriate criteria (risk, return, liquidity) and finally fit out the total utility function. It provides the opportunity to make a rational decision fit to investor's mentality and allowing their ranking, prioritization, selection or classification. The ranking of the options is as compatible as possible to the original one. The method is applied to an example from Iran Stock Exchange.

Amir-Mohammad Golmohammadi, Mahboobeh Honarvar, Guangdong Guangdong, Hasan Hosseini-Nasab,
Volume 30, Issue 4 (IJIEPR 2019)

There is still a great deal of attention in cellular manufacturing systems and proposing capable metaheuristics to better solve these complicated optimization models. In this study, machines are considered unreliable that life span of them follows a Weibull distribution. The intra and inter-cell movements for both parts and machines are determined using batch sizes for transferring parts are related to the distance traveled through a rectilinear distance. The objectives minimize the total cost of parts relocations and maximize the processing routes reliability due to alternative process routing. To solve the proposed problem, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and two recent nature-inspired algorithms including Keshtel Algorithm (KA) and Red Deer Algorithm (RDA) are employed. In addition, the main innovation of this paper is to propose a novel hybrid metaheuristic algorithm based on the benefits of aforementioned algorithms. Some numerical instances are defined and solved by the proposed algorithms and also validated by the outputs of exact solver. A real case study is also utilized to validate the proposed solution and modeling algorithms. The results indicate that the proposed hybrid algorithm is more appropriate than the exact solver and outperforms the performance of individual ones.
Seyed Erfan Mohammadi, Emran Mohammadi,
Volume 31, Issue 3 (IJIEPR 2020)

Today due to the globalization and competitive conditions of the market, decisions are generally made in group and in accordance with different attributes. In addition, all of the information is associated with uncertainty. In such situation, the emergence of inconsistency and facing with the contradictions will be obvious. Having regarded this fact, the development and application of tools that adequately address the uncertainty in decision making process and also be appropriate for group decision making is an important area of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). Therefore, in this paper, firstly we developed the traditional best-worst method (BWM) and proposed an interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy best-worst method (IVIFBWM), then introduced a novel approach for fuzzy multi-attribute group decision making based on the proposed method. Finally, in order to demonstrate how the introduced approach can be applied in practice, it is implemented in an Iranian investment company and the experimental results are examined. From the experimental results, we can extract that not only the introduced approach is simple in calculation but also it is convenient in implementation especially in interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy environments.
Mostafa Soltani, R. Azizmohammadi, Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini, Mahdi Mohammadi Zanjani,
Volume 32, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2021)

The blood supply chain network is an especial case of the general supply chain network, which starts with the blood donating and ends with patients. Disasters such as earthquakes, floods, storms, and accidents usually event suddenly. Therefore, designing an efficient network for the blood supply chain network at emergencies is one of the most important challenging decisions for related managers. This paper aims to introduce a new blood supply chain network in disasters using the hub location approach. After introducing the last studies in blood supply chain and hub location separately, a new mixed-integer linear programming model based on hub location is presented for intercity transportation. Due to the complexity of this problem, two new methods are developed based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution algorithms to solve practical-sized problems. Real data related to a case study is used to test the developed mathematical model and to investigate the performance of the proposed algorithms. The result approves the accuracy of the new mathematical model and also the good performance of the proposed algorithms in solving the considered problem in real-sized dimensions. The proposed model is applicable considering new variables and operational constraints to more compatibility with reality. However, we considered the maximum possible demand for blood products in the proposed approach and so, lack of investigation of uncertainty conditions in key parameters is one of the most important limitations of this research.

Hasan Rasay, Amir-Mohammad Golmohammadi,
Volume 32, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2021)

The subjects of reliability acceptance sampling plans and failure-censored life tests have usually been investigated from the viewpoint of statistical properties; indeed, few researchers have shed light on the economic aspects of these issues. In this research, a constrained mathematical model is developed to optimally design a reliability sampling plan under failure censoring life testing. Minimizing the expected total cost (ETC) involved in the sampling and life testing is considered as the objective function of the model. Ensuring the producer’s and the consumer’s risks is taken into consideration as the constraint of the model. To minimize the ETC, the model optimally determines three decision variables including the total number of the items put to the life test, the number of the failed items to terminate the test, and a criterion to make decisions about the acceptance or rejection of the lot. Examples are provided and analyses are conducted to gain some insight regarding the model performance. 
Mohammad Esfehani Zanjani, Amir Najafi, Ahmad Naghilou, Nabiollah Mohammadi,
Volume 32, Issue 3 (IJIEPR 2021)

Sustainability is now increasingly recognized as an effective strategy to deal with the current challenges of global supply chains. Supply chains of the lead and zinc industries are most important. Because these two industries not only are among the high-risk in different countries, including Iran, but also can affect economic, social, and environmental sustainability. On the other hand, identifying and assessing the critical risks of supply chains have been less addressed in recent studies. This study aimed to identify and assess critical risks of sustainable supply chains (SSCs) in the Iranian lead and zinc industry. This study was a mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative) descriptive survey. Based on the literature, 24 risk factors that affect supply chain sustainability were identified, out of which 20 critical risk factors were confirmed in two steps by reviewing experts’ comments and the data obtained from in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The validity of questionnaires is verified based on the opinions of a group of 5 experts in the first step and another group of 17 experts and professionals of the lead and zinc industry in the second. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the questionnaires was calculated to be 0.837, indicating the reliability of the questionnaires. The risk factors were analyzed using the Risk Priority Number (RPN), fuzzy DEMATEL, and risk matrices. Based on the results, “lack of technological/knowledge sustainability”, “price and cost fluctuations”, “inflation and exchange rates” and “environmental pollution” were the most important risk factors in the supply chain of the Iranian lead and zinc industry.
Seyed Erfan Mohammadi, Emran Mohammadi, Ahmad Makui, Kamran Shahanaghi,
Volume 34, Issue 4 (IJIEPR 2023)

Since 1952, when the mean-variance model of Markowitz introduced as a basic framework for modern portfolio theory, some researchers have been trying to add new dimensions to this model. However, most of them have neglected the nature of decision making in such situations and have focused only on adding non-fundamental and thematic dimensions such as considering social responsibilities and green industries. Due to the nature of stock market, the decisions made in this sector are influenced by two different parameters: (1) analyzing past trends and (2) predicting future developments. The former is derived objectively based on historical data that is available to everyone while the latter is achieved subjectively based on inside-information that is only available to the investor. Naturally, due to differences in the origin of their creation the bridge between these two types of analysis in order to optimize the portfolio will be a phenomenon called "ambiguity". Hence, in this paper, we revisited Markowitz's model and proposed a modification that allow incorporating not only return and risk but also incorporate ambiguity into the investment decision making process. Finally, in order to demonstrate how the proposed model can be applied in practice, it is implemented in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) and the experimental results are examined. From the experimental results, we can extract that the proposed model is more comprehensive than Markowitz's model and has greater ability to cover the conditions of the stock market.

Amirmohammad Larni-Fooeik, Hossein Ghanbari, Seyed Jafar Sadjadi, Emran Mohammadi,
Volume 35, Issue 1 (IJIEPR 2024)

In the ever-evolving realm of finance, investors have a myriad of strategies at their disposal to effectively and cleverly allocate their wealth in the expansive financial market. Among these strategies, portfolio optimization emerges as a prominent approach used by individuals seeking to mitigate the inherent risks that accompany investments. Portfolio optimization entails the selection of the optimal combination of securities and their proportions to achieve lower risk and higher return. To delve deeper into the decision-making process of investors and assess the impact of psychology on their choices, behavioral finance biases can be introduced into the portfolio optimization model. One such bias is regret, which refers to the feeling of remorse that can induce hesitation in making significant decisions and avoiding actions that may lead to unfavorable investment outcomes. It is not uncommon for investors to hold onto losing investments for extended periods, reluctant to acknowledge mistakes and accept losses due to this behavioral tendency. Interestingly, in their quest to sidestep regret, investors may inadvertently overlook potential opportunities. This research article aims to undertake an in-depth examination of 41 publications from the past two decades, providing a comprehensive review of the models and applications proposed for the regret approach in portfolio optimization. The study categorizes these methods into accurate and approximate models, scrutinizing their respective timeframes and exploring additional constraints that are considered. Utilizing this article will provide investors with insights into the latest research advancements in the realm of regret, familiarize them with influential authors in the field, and offer a glimpse into the future direction of this area of study.  The extensive review findings indicate a growth in the adoption of the regret approach in the past few years and its advancements in portfolio optimization.

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