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F. Bazdidi Tehrani, H. Feizollahi ,
Volume 19, Issue 5 (7-2008)

The mixing characteristics of coolant air jets with the hot gas exiting the gas turbine combustor’s primary zone is of major importance to the combustor exit temperature profile. In the present work, a three dimensional numerical simulation on the basis of the finite volume method was developed. The aim was to investigate the penetration and mixing characteristics of directly opposed rows of coolant jets injected normally into a heated confined cross stream. The ability of the standard and the realizable κ-ε turbulence models in the prediction of formation of dimensionless temperature profiles, downstream of jets, was evaluated. The effect of jet-to-mainstream momentum flux ratio, in the lower and upper limits of 25.0 and 60.0, at a fixed channel height-to-hole diameter ratio of 12.5 and a periodic distance of adjacent jets of 2 cm, was investigated. Also the effect of periodic distance in the range of 1-3 cm on the temperature profile was studied. Comparisons between the present numerical results on the temperature profiles and the experimental data of Wittig et al. [13] demonstrated reasonable agreement.


Morteza Montazeri-Gh, Mahdi Soleymani ,
Volume 19, Issue 5 (7-2008)

In previous studies, active suspension system in conventional powertrain systems was investigated. This paper presents the application of active suspension system in parallel hybrid electric vehicles as a novel idea. The main motivation for this study is investigation of the potential advantages of this application over the conventional one. For this purpose, a simultaneous simulation is developed that integrates the powertrain and active suspension systems in a unified media where the power and input data between two systems are exchanged. Using this concurrent simulation tool, the impact of the active suspension load on the internal combustion engine response is studied for both conventional and hybrid electric configurations. The simulation results presented in this study show that there are quite remarkable advantages for application of the active suspension in parallel hybrid electric vehicles in comparison with the conventional one.

A. Golbabai, M. Mammadov , S. Seifollahi ,
Volume 19, Issue 6 (8-2008)

A new learning strategy is proposed for training of radial basis functions (RBF) network. We apply two different local optimization methods to update the output weights in training process, the gradient method and a combination of the gradient and Newton methods. Numerical results obtained in solving nonlinear integral equations show the excellent performance of the combined gradient method in comparison with gradient method as local back propagation algorithms.

Gh. Yari, A.m. Djafari ,
Volume 19, Issue 6 (8-2008)

Main result of this paper is to derive the exact analytical expressions of information and covariance matrices for multivariate Burr III and logistic distributions. These distributions arise as tractable parametric models in price and income distributions, reliability, economics, Human population, some biological organisms to model agricultural population data and survival data. We showed that all the calculations can be obtained from one main moment multi dimensional integral whose expression is obtained through some particular change of variables. Indeed, we consider that this calculus technique for improper integral has its own importance .

B. Jazbi, M. Moini ,
Volume 19, Issue 6 (8-2008)

In this paper we study of collocation method with Radial Basis Function to solve one dimensional time dependent Schrodinger equation in an unbounded domain. To this end, we introduce artificial boundaries and reduce the original problem to an initial boundary value problem in a bounded domain with transparent boundary conditions that involves half order fractional derivative in t. Then in three stages we use the Laplace Transform method, the collocation method and finally the Legender expansion method. Numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the scheme.

M. Rafeeyan ,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (8-2008)

In this paper a non-diagonal regulator, based on the QFT method, is synthesized for an uncertain MIMO plant whose output and control signals are subjected to hard time-domain constraints. This procedure includes the design of a non-diagonal pre-controller based on a new simple approach, followed by the sequential design of a diagonal QFT controller. We present a new formulation for the latter stage, which shows the role of off-diagonal elements in the design procedure. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method .

Gh. Rahimi , Ar. Davoodinik ,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (8-2008)

The intention of this study is the analysis of thermal behavior of functionally graded beam (FGB). The distribution of material properties is imitated exponential function. For thermal loading the steady state of heat conduction with exponentially and hyperbolic variations through the thickness of FGB, is considered. With comparing of thermal behavior of both isotropic beam and FGB, it is appea red that the quality of temperature distribution plays very important part in thermal resultant distribution of stresses and strains for FGB. So that, for detecting the particular thermal behavior of FGB, the function of heat distribution must be same as function of material properties distribution. In addition, In the case of exponential distribution of heat with no mechanical loads, in spite of the fact that the bending is accrued, the neutral surface does not come into existence.

B. Moetakef Imani, Kazemi Nasrabadi , Kazemi Sadeghi ,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (8-2008)

The stability behavior of low immersion helical end milling processes is investigated in this paper. Low radial immersion milling operations involve interrupted cutting which induces chatter vibration under certain cutting conditions. Time Finite Element Analysis (TFEA) is suggested for an approximate solution for delayed differential equations encountered during interrupted milling. An improved TFEA is proposed which includes the effects of helix angle variations on cutting force, cutting time and specific cutting force coefficients. For this purpose, five different cases were distinguished for engagement limits of the cutting edges. It has been observed that an increase in the helix angle improves the stability limit of the process. This is related to the flip bifurcation lobes that start to separate from the main lobes and shape isolated unstable islands. By further increasing the helix angle, unstable islands will vanish .

M. Riahi , M. Ansarifard ,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (8-2008)

In this research, the life expectancy of ball bearings in industrial applications is estimated based on known parameters. The overall mathematical calculation of such behavior is based on the theory of Lundberg and Palmgren. The proposed life estimation equation however lacks certain points to make it qualified as universal. A firm conclusion therefore could not be obtained on the basis of this equation alone, particularly when different operating conditions are involved. One such example is the life of ball bearings while operating in clean lubricant environment, which is approximately up to 20 times longer than the calculated life based on the previously prescribed equations. On the other hand, active life under contaminated lubricants is nearly close to one-tenth of the calculated life originally thought to be correct .

L. Garooci Farshi, A. H. Mosafa , S. M. Seyed Mahmoudi ,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (8-2008)

The exhaust gases of gas turbine power plant carry a significant amount of thermal energy that is usually expelled to the atmosphere this causes a reduction in net work and efficiency of gas turbine. On the other hand, the generated power and efficiency of gas turbine plants depend largely on the temperature of the inlet air, So that they both increase as the inlet air temperature decreases. The mentioned two problems can be solved by installing an absorption refrigeration cycle (ARC) at gas turbine inlet, working with thermal energy of exhaust gases. In this research, effect of inlet air cooling on gas turbine performance is studied. The work shows that, the net work and the efficiency will increase by 6-10% and 1-5% respectively for every 10°C decrease of inlet temperature. Since, coefficient of performance (COP) of ARC is low, with high pressure ratios in simple gas turbine (SGT) and with low pressure ratios in regenerative gas turbine (RGT), thermal energy of exhaust gases can not supply all the needed thermal energy for refrigeration cycle. The results show that, when an ejector is included in refrigeration cycle, the need for external energy source required for refrigeration cycle is reduced . 

M.h. Sadegh, S. Jafari , B. Nasseroleslami ,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (8-2008)

Modal parameter extraction of high speed shafts is of critical importance in mechanical design of turbo-pumps. Due to the complex geometry and peripheral components of turbo-pumps, difficulties can arise in determination of modal parameters. In this study, modal properties of a turbo-pump shaft, was studied by experimental modal analysis, and using different excitation techniques. An innovative suspending method is proposed to reduce noise-to-signal ratio, resulting from classic suspensions. Comparison of the experimental results obtained from the proposed suspension method and the traditional ones shows that the proposed approach was a promising method, when classic methods fall short of expectations in analysis of complex structures. To validate the experimental results, numerical solution was carried out using simplified geometric modeling combined with the Finite Element Method. The simplified modeling approach can be considered as a reliable theoretical method for numerical modal analysis of similar structures. Comparison of experimental and numerical results shows that there is a good conformity between the results of two approaches . 

E . Izadpanah , A . Akhavan Taheri , M . H Hekmat , S . Talebi,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (8-2008)

In this paper, the combination of conduction with radiation into a semitransparent medium which includes absorption, emission and scattering has been investigated. In order to Study the conduction in medium, the Non-Fourier heat conduction has been applied. In this model there is a time delay between heat flux and temperature gradient. Also, in contrast with Fourier heat conduction, the speed of heat propagation is finite. The radiation transfer equation has been solved via approximate method. Also to solve the energy conservation equation and Non-Fourier heat conduction simultaneously, flux-splitting method has been applied. The results show that the transient temperature responses are oscillatory for Non-Fourier heat conduction. Also the Non-Fourier effect can be important when the thermal relaxation time of heat conduction is large. In the initial times, the difference of transient temperature responses between the Fourier and the Non-Fourier heat conduction is large under this condition. For the laser-flash measurement of thermal diffusivity in semitransparent materials, omitting the Non-Fourier effect can result in significant errors.


M. Habibnejad Korayem, A. Nakhaei ,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (8-2008)

Mobile mechanical manipulators are one of the automation aspects which were revealed in last years of twentieth century. These machines assume the responsibility of human and gradually expand the domain of their activities in industry. This paper is a presentation of the Sweeper Robot designed in the Robotic Laboratory of Iran University of Science and Technology. The original design of this robot allowing to its gripper to constantly remain parallel to the ground is presented. The dynamic and kinematical models of the robot have been computed. A software was developed in MATLAB to validate the kinematical and dynamic models of the robot by comparison with the experimental results. Once the robot was built and its systematic odometric error estimated by experiment, a control scheme for linear motions was developed to deal with this error. The approach is based on the introduction of an initial rectifying offset motion before starting the linear motion. Eventually, classical line tracking and image processing algorithms were used to complete our robot and the efficiency of our design to achieve its mission in picking and placing different objects according to various algorithms.

M. Haghpanahi, H. Ghomashchi ,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (8-2008)

Nowadays total joint replacements are widely used in the world, so in average 800,000 joint surgeries are done yearly only in Europe and North America. However implant loosening is and remains as the major issue of all implant failures and therefore causes revision surgery procedures. Studies and experiments have identified poor fixation of implants most likely is the main cause of long term implant failure and in this case the cement-implant interface cavities are very effective due to resultant stress concentration . In this study the theory of this problem, continuum and mathematical equations for an inhomogeneous material by using Eshelby’s equivalent inclusion method with a spherical void as a special type of inhomogenities is addressed and a new yield criterion with respect to the void’s volume fraction is derived and changes in material elasticity tensor concerning Mori-Tanaka’s theorem also determined, then by using finite element method and remeshing technique a macro scale cement-implant interface cavity is modeled and concerning the loss of strength due to void existence and the interface stress concentration, the crack initiation and propagation phenomenon is numerically investigated with respect to different orthopedic cement material properties. The results show that crack propagates at the interface at constant stress and strain by elastoplastic material and it propagates in cement bulk by considering elastic material properties for cement that both could cause implant loosening even in very small void’s volume fractions in which there are no significant changes in cement yield stress and elasticity tensor according to analytical solution. But numerical simulation shows that when a homogenous cement structure is achieved via high vacuum mixing method, there is a uniform stress distribution in the cement structure and no stress concentration zone forms even at high stress levels and also there is no appropriate local site for crack initiation.

A. Jafari, S.h. Seyedein , M. Haghpanahi ,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (8-2008)

Microcasting Shape-Deposition-Manufacturing is an approach to Solid-Freeform-Fabrication (SFF) process which is a novel method for rapid automated manufacturing of near-net-shape multi-material parts with complex geometries. By this method, objects are made by sequentially depositing molten metal droplets on a substrate and shaping by a CNC tool, layer by layer. Important issues are concerned with remelting dept of substrate, cooling rate and stress build up. In the present study attempts were made to numerically model the heat transfer and phase change within the droplet/substrate, making a better understanding of process performance. Thus, making a brief literature review, a 2-D transient heat transfer Finite Element Analysis was carried out by the use of ANSYS multiphysics, in which solidification is handled using apparent capacity method. Verification was done by available experimental data in the open literature to ensure model predictions. The model was run under various process parameters and obtained results presented in the form of temperature fields, solidification profiles, cooling curves and remelting history curves. Solidification profile studies predict a columnar dendritic solidified structure in the vertical orientation which was in agreement with metallographic sections published earlier. Parametric studied were also carried out under different boundary conditions, initial temperature of the droplet and Substrate temperature. It was concluded that 1) the process is not sensitive to convection/radiation effects from the surface. 2) the main parameter that can control the maximum remelting dept is initial temperature of the droplet. the more drop temperature, the more remelting dept. This parameter also affects cooling rate during solidification. 3) Increasing substrate temperature showed a decreased cooling rate in solid, which can be used to reduce residual stresses, but it had a minor effect on the cooling rates during solidification .

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Volume 20, Issue 1 (5-2009)

  The problem of lot sizing, sequencing and scheduling multiple products in flow line production systems has been studied by several authors. Almost all of the researches in this area assumed that setup times and costs are sequence –independent even though sequence dependent setups are common in practice. In this paper we present a new mixed integer non linear program (MINLP) and a heuristic method to solve the problem in sequence dependent case. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm has been developed which applies this constructive heuristic to generate initial population. These two proposed solution methods are compared on randomly generated problems. Computational results show a clear superiority of our proposed GA for majority of the test problems.

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Volume 20, Issue 1 (5-2009)

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) have successfully been applied in numerous domains to show the relations between essential components in complex systems. In this paper, a novel learning method is proposed to construct FCMs based on historical data and by using meta-heuristic: Genetic Algorithm (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA), and Tabu Search (TS). Implementation of the proposed method has demonstrated via real data of a purchase system in order to simulate the system’s behavior.
A. Aghaie,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (5-2009)

Modern business organizations have appreciated the significance of having competitive advantage through the delivery of continuous improvement towards the customers, and being knowledge-oriented. Indisputably, Knowledge Management (KM) plays a key role in the success of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). In this regard, Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) is a newly developed concept that deals with knowledge from customers rather than knowledge about customers. However, little research has been done on the application of CKM in e-business. In this paper, after an overview of the literature, an application of CKM in Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) measurement is studied in an e-retailer case where Corporate Image and Reputation are taken into consideration.
S.m. Mohammad Seyedhoseini , M. Ali Hatefi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (5-2009)

  Selecting an effective project plan is a significant area in the project management. The present paper introduces a technique to identify the project plan efficient frontier for assessing the alternative project plans and selecting the best plan. The efficient frontier includes two criteria: the project cost and the project time. Besides, the paper presents a scheme to incorporate Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) into the project risk analysis.

This scheme is used to estimate the expected impacts of the occurrence of the project risks on the project cost and the project time. Also, a theoretical model is defined to provide integration between project risk analysis and overall project planning using the breakdown structures. We believe that applying the proposed technique helps the company’s managers in most effective manner dealing with his complicated project plan assessment and selection problems. The application of the technique was implemented in the companies in construction industry in which represented a considerable cost and time improvements.
Mahmood Rezaei Sadrabadi , Seyed Jafar Sadjadi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (5-2009)

Multiple Objective Programming (MOP) problems have become famous among many researchers due to more practical and realistic implementations. There have been a lot of methods proposed especially during the past four decades. In this paper, we develop a new algorithm based on a new approach to solve MOP problems by starting from a utopian point (which is usually infeasible) and moving towards the feasible region via stepwise movements and a plain continuous interaction with Decision Maker (DM). We consider the case where all objective functions and constraints are linear. The implementation of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated with two numerical examples.

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