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Kamran Shahanaghi, Hamid Babaei , Arash Bakhsha,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (5-2009)

In this paper we focus on a continuously deteriorating two units series equipment which its failure can not be measured by cost criterion. For these types of systems avoiding failure during the actual operation of the system is extremely important. In this paper we determine inspection periods and maintenance policy in such a way that failure probability is limited to a pre-specified value and then optimum policy and inspection period are obtained to minimize long-run cost per time unit. The inspection periods and maintenance policy are found in two phases. Failure probability is limited to a pre-specified value In the first phase, and in the second phase optimum maintenance thresholds and inspection periods are obtained in such a way that minimize long-run expected.
Jafar Mahmudi, Soroosh Nalchigar , Seyed Babak Ebrahimi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (5-2009)

Selection of an appropriate set of Information System (IS) projects is a critical business activity which is very helpful to all organizations. In this paper, after describing real IS project selection problem of Iran Ministry of Commerce (MOC), we introduce two Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models. Then, we show applicability of introduced models for identifying most efficient IS project from 8 competing projects. Then, in order to provide further insight, results of two introduced models are compared. It is notable that using basic DEA models -CCR and BCC- decision maker is not able to find most efficient Decision Making Unit (DMU) since these models identify some of DMUs as efficient which their efficiency scores equal to 1. As an advantage, the applied models can identify most efficient IS (in constant and variable return to scale situations) by solving only one linear programming (LP). So these models are computationally efficient. It is while using the basic DEA models requires decision maker to solve a LP for each IS.
S. J Sadjadi , Aryanezhad , H.a. Sadeghi ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2009)

We present an improved implementation of the Wagner-Whitin algorithm for economic lot-sizing problems based on the planning-horizon theorem and the Economic- Part-Period concept. The proposed method of this paper reduces the burden of the computations significantly in two different cases. We first assume there is no backlogging and inventory holding and set-up costs are fixed. The second model of this paper considers WWA when backlogging, inventory holding and set-up costs cannot be fixed. The preliminary results also indicate that the execution time for the proposed method is approximately linear in the number of periods in the planning-horizon .
A. Shariat Mohaymany , S.m.mahdi Amiripour,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2009)

Local bus network is the most popular transit mode and the only available transit mode in the majority of cities of the world. Increasing the utility of this mode which increases its share from urban trips is an important goal for city planners. Timetable setting as the second component of bus network design problem (network route design timetable setting vehicle assignment crew assignment) have a great impact on total travel time of transit passengers. The total travel time would effect on transit utility and transit share of urban trips. One of the most important issues in timetable setting is the temporal coverage of service during the day. The coverage of demand is an objective for setting timetables which has not been well studied in the literature. In this paper a model is developed in order to maximize the temporal coverage of bus network. The model considers demand variation during the day as well as the stochastic nature of demand. A distribution function is used instead of a deterministic value for demand. The model is then implemented to an imaginary case.
Hamed. R. Tareghian , Madjid Salari,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2009)

The dynamic nature of projects and the fact that they are carried out in changing environments, justify the need for their periodic monitoring and control. Collection of information about the performance of projects at control points costs money. The corrective actions that may need to be taken to bring the project in line with the plan also costs money. On the other hand, penalties are usually imposed when due to “no monitoring” policies projects are delivered later than expected. Thence, this paper addresses two fundamental questions in this regard. First question concerns the optimal frequency of control during the life cycle of a project. The second question concerns the optimal timing of control points. Our solution methodology consists of a simulation-optimization model that optimizes the timing of control points using the attraction-repulsion mechanisms borrowed from the electromagnetism theory. A mathematical model is also used to optimally expedite the remaining part of the project when possible delays are to be compensated.
Peyman Akhavan, Reza Hosnavi , Sanjaghi Mohammad ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2009)

This paper is to develop a knowledge management (KM) model in some Iranian academic research centers (ARC) based on KM critical success factors. General KM critical success factors (CSF) were identified through literature review. Then the research procedure led to the identification of KM critical success factors in Iranian ARCs including 16 different factors. It was done through first stage survey by about 300 sample targets. Then, these 16 factors were surveyed separately again by experts through a Delphi panel. The experts suggested their practical solutions for exploiting the 16 factors in ARCs through a KM framework based on a KM cycle. This 2 years research has been done during 2006 to 2008.
S. G. Jalali Naini , M. B. Aryanezhad, A. Jabbarzadeh , H. Babaei ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2009)

This paper studies a maintenance policy for a system composed of two components, which are subject to continuous deterioration and consequently stochastic failure. The failure of each component results in the failure of the system. The components are inspected periodically and their deterioration degrees are monitored. The components can be maintained using different maintenance actions (repair or replacement) with different costs. Using stochastic regenerative properties of the system, a stochastic model is developed in order to analyze the deterioration process and a novel approach is presented that simultaneously determines the time between two successive inspection periods and the appropriate maintenance action for each of the components based on the observed degrees of deterioration. This approach considers different criteria like reliability and long-run expected cost of the system. A numerical example is provided in order to illustrate the implementation of the proposed approach.
Ali Habibi Badrabadi , Mohammad Jafar Tarokh,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2009)

Service Oriented Enterprises (SOEs) are subject to constant change and variation. In this paper, the changes are considered from an economic perspective based on service culture notion. Once a change is implemented, the costs of some member services may increase, whereas the costs of some other services may reduce. We construct a game theoretic model trying to capture the possible conflicting interests of different parties in a SOE. Three incentive mechanisms are applied to the model. The first incentive mechanism shares the utility equally among the services involved in the change the second utility-sharing rule is based on the Nash’s bargaining solution, which accommodates the possible biased interdependencies inside the network and the third rule, based on the Harsanyi’s modified Shapley value, takes into account the possible coalition formation among the network parties. Since the three rules are analytically solvable, the principles of utility sharing can be implemented, for instance, as ex-ante contracts.
M. Ebrahimi, R. Farnoosh,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (4-2010)

This paper is intended to provide a numerical algorithm based on random sampling for solving the linear Volterra integral equations of the second kind. This method is a Monte Carlo (MC) method based on the simulation of a continuous Markov chain. To illustrate the usefulness of this technique we apply it to a test problem. Numerical results are performed in order to show the efficiency and accuracy of the present method.
Masoud Narenji, Ahmad Makui, Mehdi Fathi ,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (4-2010)

Nowadays, interval comparison matrices (ICM) take an important role in decision making under uncertainty. So it seems that a brief review on solution methods used in ICM should be useful. In this paper, the common methods are divided into four categories that are Goal Programming Method (GPM), Linear Programming Method (LPM), Non-Linear Programming Method (NLPM) and Statistic Analysis (SA). GPM itself is divided also into three categories. This paper is a review paper and is written to introduce the mathematical methods and the most important applications of ICM in decision making techniques.
Hosein Saghaei, Hosein Didehkhani ,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (4-2010)

This research aims at presenting a fuzzy model to evaluate and select Six-Sigma projects.  For this purpose, a model of fuzzy analytic network process (ANP) was designed to consider the relation and mutual impact among the factors. In order to evaluate the projects, nine sub-criteria were considered which were classified into three categories of business, finance and procedural ones. Also to consider the ambiguity related to the pairwise comparisons being used in the research, the fuzzy logic was employed. The fuzzy algorithm being used is in the method of Mikhailov which has various advantages such as the presentation of consistency index and weight vector in a crisp form. At the end, in order to show the applicability, the proposed methodology was applied in an automobile part manufacturing firm.
Reza Kazemzadeh, Ali Reaziat,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (4-2010)

  In today’s extremely competitive markets it is crucial for companies to strategically position their brands, products and services relative to their competitors. With the emerging trend in internationalization of companies especially SME’s and the growing use of the Internet with this regard, great amount of attention has been turned to effective involvement of the Internet channel in the marketing mix of the companies. This has introduced a new term of market space (the Web) versus the traditional battleground of marketplace in which companies compete with each other. The growth of presence in the market space has been exponential, both in general and within specific industries.

  Thus bringing to attention the importance of Web presence and that it is crucial for companies to strategically regard competition in market space. It is important to understand that positioning on the Net is very different and requires its own set of strategies as part of the new marketing paradigm. This study goes towards addressing the need to understand and measure the nature of positioning of company Web sites on the Internet. The aim of the study is to introduce a statistical technique to compare the positioning of Web sites, in and across industries.

  With this regard a group of Web sites from the home appliances manufacturing industry was selected and the technique of correspondence analysis was applied to produce maps which can be studied and interpreted.

The results indicated that either based on company strategies or accidentally, these Web sites are positioned differently and may follow or affect different marketing policies of their owners. At the end, the implications of this technique for management and how it can be used by new home appliance manufacturers or those who want to compare their sites with the ones of their competitors, in order to benchmark and/or revise their policies and strategies have been discussed .
Mohammad Ali Shafia, Arnoosh Shakeri,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (4-2010)

This paper aims at emphasizing the importance of establishing a Project Management (PM) system in Technology Transfer (TT) processes and developing a conceptual framework for it. TT is an important process in Technology Management affairs for all enterprises.  Most of the time, lack of a particular concentration on technical, commercial and legal aspects of TT process, leads to mismanagement of other aspects of transferring project, like Time and Project Integration. This situation may lead to failure and loss of many opportunities in transfer process. To overcome this problem, inputs, outputs and activities of a typical TT processes are identified and based on these components, a conceptual framework for managing this project & prevent the loss is developed using Project Management models and methodologies.
J. Jassbi, S.m. Seyedhosseini , N. Pilevari,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (4-2010)

Nowadays, in turbulent and violate global markets, agility has been considered as a fundamental characteristic of a supply chain needed for survival. To achieve the competitive edge, companies must align with suppliers and customers to streamline operations, as well as agility beyond individual companies. Consequently Agile Supply Chain (ASC) is considered as a dominant competitive advantage.  However, so far a little effort has been made for designing, operating and evaluating agile supply chain in recent years. Therefore, in this study a new approach has been developed based on Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for evaluating agility in supply chain considering agility capabilities such as Flexibility, Competency, Cost, Responsiveness and Quickness. This evaluation helps managers to perform gap analysis between existent agility level and the desired one and also provides more informative and reliable information for decision making. Finally the proposed model has been applied to a leading car manufacturing company in Iran to prove the applicability of the model.
Mahdi Karbasian, Zoubi Ibrahim,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (5-2010)

  This expository article shows how the maximum likelihood estimation method and the Newton-Raphson algorithm can be used to estimate the parameters of the power-law Poisson process model used to analyze data from repairable systems .

I. Mahdavi, M. M. Paydar, M. Solimanpur , M. Saidi-Mehrabad,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (5-2010)

  This paper deals with the cellular manufacturing system (CMS) that is based on group technology concepts. CMS is defined as identifying the similar parts that are processed on the same machines and then grouping them as a cell. The most proposed models for solving CMS are focused on cell formation problem while machine layout is considered in few papers. This paper addresses a mathematical model for the joint problem of the cell formation problem and the machine layout. The objective is to minimize the total cost of inter-cell and intra-cell (forward and backward) movements and the investment cost of machines. This model has also considered the minimum utilization level of each cell to achieve the higher performance of cell utilization. Two examples from the literature are solved by the LINGO Software to validate and verify the proposed model.

M. Yaghini, N. Ghazanfari,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (5-2010)

  The clustering problem under the criterion of minimum sum of squares is a non-convex and non-linear program, which possesses many locally optimal values, resulting that its solution often falls into these trap and therefore cannot converge to global optima solution. In this paper, an efficient hybrid optimization algorithm is developed for solving this problem, called Tabu-KM. It gathers the optimization property of tabu search and the local search capability of k-means algorithm together. The contribution of proposed algorithm is to produce tabu space for escaping from the trap of local optima and finding better solutions effectively. The Tabu-KM algorithm is tested on several simulated and standard datasets and its performance is compared with k-means, simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algorithm, and ant colony optimization algorithms. The experimental results on simulated and standard test problems denote the robustness and efficiency of the algorithm and confirm that the proposed method is a suitable choice for solving data clustering problems.

R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, S. Mahmoodi,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (5-2010)

  A data envelopment analysis (DEA) method can be regarded as a useful management tool to evaluate decision making units (DMUs) using multiple inputs and outputs. In some cases, we face with imprecise inputs and outputs, such as fuzzy or interval data, so the efficiency of DMUs will not be exact. Most researchers have been interested in getting efficiency and ranking DMUs recently. Models of the traditional DEA cannot provide a completely ranking of efficient units however, it can just distinguish between efficient and inefficient units. In this paper, the efficiency scores of DMUs are computed by a fuzzy CCR model and the fuzzy entropy of DMUs. Then these units are ranked and compared with two foregoing procedures. To do this, the fuzzy entropy based on common set of weights (CSW) is used. Furthermore, the fuzzy efficiency of DMUs considering the optimistic level is computed. Finally, a numerical example taken from a real-case study is considered and the related concept is analyzed.

Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Ali Khan Nakhjavani , Abalfazl Zareei,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (5-2010)

  This paper deals with minimization of tardiness in single machine scheduling problem when each job has two different due-dates i.e. ordinary due-date and drop dead date. The drop dead date is the date in which jobs’ weights rise sharply or the customer cancels the order. A linear programming formulation is developed for the problem and since the problem is known to be NP-hard, three heuristic algorithms are designed for the problem based on Tabu search mechanism. Extensive numerical experiments were conducted to observe and compare the behavior of the algorithms in solving the problem..

R. Ramezanian, M.b. Aryanezhad , M. Heydari,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (5-2010)

  In this paper, we consider a flow shop scheduling problem with bypass consideration for minimizing the sum of earliness and tardiness costs. We propose a new mathematical modeling to formulate this problem. There are several constraints which are involved in our modeling such as the due date of jobs, the job ready times, the earliness and the tardiness cost of jobs, and so on. We apply adapted genetic algorithm based on bypass consideration to solve the problem. The basic parameters of this meta-heuristic are briefly discussed in this paper. Also a computational experiment is conducted to evaluate the performance of the implemented methods. The implemented algorithm can be used to solve large scale flow shop scheduling problem with bypass effectively .

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