Showing 5 results for Blockchain
Souad Lahmine, Fatima Bennouna,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (10-2024)
Quality 4.0 is the fusion between the long-standing quality management tenets and Industry 4.0 technologies like AI, Blockchain, IoT, and Big Data. Although it can improve product quality, control operational efficiency, and supply chain transparency for organizations, adopting these technologies comes with high challenges. This study, therefore, carries out a meta-analytic review incorporating 80 peer-reviewed papers from between 2018 to 2024 to exposit the effectiveness, challenges, and prospects of Quality 4.0. Results show that machine learning-based predictive analytics significantly reduce defect rates and production costs, while Blockchain enhances visibility into the supply chain. On the other hand, organizational readiness and workforce training are major barriers. The paper can give much-needed input to practitioners through actionable recommendations and suggest avenues for further research that would advance Quality 4.0 adoption.
Harika Devi Kotha, V Mnssvkr Gupta2,
Volume 31, Issue 2 (6-2020)
Blockchain is a decentralized distributed network which allows peer-to-peer(P2P) communication among the users. As the name indicates, it deals with the group of records called blocks. We are in an era where both it is important to maintain the integrity of data as well as to fasten the process of the transaction. Blockchain helps in doing these by maintaining the timestamp on blocks and time required for a transaction can be reduced by eliminating the need of the third party during the process of the transaction. Bitcoin and Smart contract are the two major applications based on blockchain technology. Bitcoin is the first application which was developed on blockchain Technology and is a popularly known crypto-currency. Satoshi Nakamoto is the person who is behind the development of bitcoin [1]. Smart contract was defined by Szabo as " set of promises, specified in digital form, including protocols within which the parties perform on these promises [2]. This paper aims in bringing a detailed overview of blockchain and its applications followed by a case study on bitcoin.
Fatemeh Elhambakhsh, Kamyar Sabri-Laghaie,
Volume 33, Issue 1 (3-2022)
The fourth industrial revolution has changed our lives by enabling everyone to be interconnected virtually. A trustworthy system is required to secure large volume of stored data in IoT-based devices. Blockchain technology has led to transfer and to save data in a safe way. With this in mind, the blockchain-based cryptocurrencies have gained quite a bit of popularity because of their potential for financial transactions. In this regard, monitoring transactions network is very fruitful to find users’ abnormal behaviors. In this research, a novel procedure is used to monitor blockchain cryptocurrency transactions network. To do so, a random, binary graph model is used to simulate the transactions between users, and a SCAN method is used to detect the abnormal behaviors in the simulated model. Also, a multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) control chart is used to monitor centrality measures. The probability of signal is used to assess the performance of the SCAN method and that of the MEWMA control chart in distinguishing abnormalities. Then, the procedure is adopted to a Bitcoin transactions dataset.
Leila Rezaei, Reza Babazadeh,
Volume 33, Issue 4 (12-2022)
The introduction of blockchain technology into the food supply chain represents a digital revolution that has led to widespread advances in tracking food security. This article presents a comprehensive review of the literature on the use of blockchain in the food supply chain. This article is a review of the synthesis evidence Best group. We have focused on the supply chains of meat, fruits and vegetables. The Literature review has been conducted from seven different databases. For more insight, we categorized meat, fruit, and vegetable articles into four groups: descriptive, prescriptive, conceptual, and predictive. Due to the small number of case studies in research, the theoretical and conceptual frameworks proposed in most food supply chain articles, including the supply chain of meat, fruits and vegetables, have been less tested in reality. These surveys and small-scale case studies do not clearly and completely identify the impact of blockchain on the meat, fruit and vegetable supply chain and the challenges that blockchain implementation may pose to these supply chains. Findings indicate that little valid and quality research has been done in this field and more research is needed on the use of blockchain in the supply chain of fresh products.
Hana Catur Wahyuni, Rahmania Sri Untari, Rima Azzara, Marco Tieman, Diva Kurnianingtyas,
Volume 35, Issue 4 (12-2024)
This research discusses the application of the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method in designing a blockchain system for mitigating food safety and halal risks in the beef supply chain. The complexity of the meat supply chain involving various parties increasing the risk of contamination and changes in the halal status of the meat. This research aims to identify food safety and halal risks, prioritise the risks, and design blockchain-based mitigation solutions. Blockchain was chosen for its advantages in providing high transparency and accountability, enabling real-time tracking at every stage of the supply chain. The research results show that most of the risks in the meat supply chain fall into the low category, but there are some critical medium risks, especially related to the slaughtering process. The proposed blockchain design includes product traceability features, halal certification, temperature monitoring, and smart contracts to ensure automatic validation of food safety and halal compliance. The implementation of this blockchain is expected to increase consumer trust in meat products, reduce the risk of contamination, and strengthen accountability throughout the meat supply chain.