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Showing 3 results for Delphi Method

Peyman Akhavan, Reza Hosnavi , Sanjaghi Mohammad ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2009)

This paper is to develop a knowledge management (KM) model in some Iranian academic research centers (ARC) based on KM critical success factors. General KM critical success factors (CSF) were identified through literature review. Then the research procedure led to the identification of KM critical success factors in Iranian ARCs including 16 different factors. It was done through first stage survey by about 300 sample targets. Then, these 16 factors were surveyed separately again by experts through a Delphi panel. The experts suggested their practical solutions for exploiting the 16 factors in ARCs through a KM framework based on a KM cycle. This 2 years research has been done during 2006 to 2008.
Mariam Ameli, Somayeh Sadeghi,
Volume 33, Issue 2 (6-2022)

To respond to the urgent call for preventive action against COVID-19 pandemic implications for societies, this research is carried out. The main aim of our research is providing a new insight for the effects of the newly emerged restrictions by COVID-19 on the SD Goals (SDGs). This research applied a qualitative approach for supporting the SDGs achievement post-COVID in Iran, as a developing country in the Middle East, in two phases. In the first phase, using a fuzzy Delphi method, the SDGs affected by COVID-19 were identified. In the next phase, a fuzzy cognitive map, as a qualitative system dynamics modeling, was conducted to specify the key interconnections among the SDGs post COVID-19. Finally, three strategies including focus on people in vulnerable situation, support for industrial units and small and medium-sized enterprises, and national aggregation to Fight COVID-19 were examined. As a result, different scenarios associated with the three proposed strategies were tested based on the identified interconnections among the SDGs to reduce the potential negative effects of COVID-19 crisis on the achievement of the SDGs. The results provide a decision support for stakeholders and policy makers involved in SD action plan.
Zahra Taherikhonakdar, Hamed Fazlollahtabar,
Volume 35, Issue 2 (6-2024)

These days, industries, individuals and organizations are highly dependent on software. Software plays an important role in our daily life. They use in embedded systems, databases, computers, mobiles etc.  Great demand for ICT cause environmental problem and endanger the future sustainability.  In this case, sustainable development has become a hot research topic in software engineering community. Sustainability as a software quality is a general term. Therefore, there is a chance that software developers mislead about develops sustainable software. Therefore, there are some questions that should be answered to help practitioners to develop sustainable software: how developers could develop green and sustainable software? What requirements should be considered to reach green and sustainable software? Which non-functional requirement has an effect on each sustainability dimension?   In this paper, we selected 20 non-functional requirements out of 60. It was identified the effective non-functional requirements in green and sustainable software development by using Delphi method then via interpretive structural modeling (ISM). The study aimed to pave the way for software eco-labeling and help users to choose the green and sustainable one. Also, provide software developers with guideline to develop green and sustainable software by identifying effective non-functional requirements. This would lead to the sustainable future and green environment.

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