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Showing 5 results for Fuzzy Topsis

Mehdi Abdollahi Kamran, Samira Afsharfar, Fatma Al Mawali, Reza Babazadeh, Marya Al Balushi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (10-2024)

One of the most critical concerns in supply chain management is supplier selection, which significantly impacts an organization's efficiency and market agility. Balancing ordinal and basic criteria in supplier selection has become increasingly crucial in recent years within SCM. This research presents three MCDM methods including Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS methods to assess and select suppliers in oil and gas industry. The critical criteria for supplier selection in the oil and gas sector have been reviewed in the literature and validated by experts actively working in the field. Initially, the Fuzzy AHP technique determines criterion weights and ranks suppliers. Subsequently, the Fuzzy TOPSIS approach is applied to rank prospective suppliers identified through objective evaluation. The findings show the capability of the utilized approaches in supplier selection procedure in oil and gas industry.
Mostafa Shirinfar, Hassan Haleh,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (12-2011)

In this study, an outsourcer evaluation and management system is developed for a manufacturing company by use of Fuzzy goal programming (FGP). A first phase of the methodology evaluation criteria for outsources and the objectives of the company are determined. Considering the fuzziness in the decision data, linguistic variables that can be expressed in generalized fuzzy number are used. The propose approach is utilized from fuzzy sets, Analytic Network Process (ANP), fuzzy TOPSIS and Preference Ranking Organization method for enrichment evaluations (PROMETHEE) approaches. Evaluation criteria for this problem are weighted by Fuzzy ANP approach then in the Fuzzy TOPSIS and Fuzzy PROMETHEE approaches. At the second phase the FGP model developed selects the most appropriate outsourcers suitable to be strategic partners with the company and simultaneously allocates the quantities to be ordered to them. At the end, gives the computational results .

Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi,
Volume 24, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Abstract Purpose of this paper: The objectives of this paper are two folds: (1) utilizing hierarchical fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) approach to evaluate the most suitable RFID-based systems decision, and (2) to highlight key risks and benefits of radio frequency identification technology in healthcare industry. Design/methodology/approach: Researcher explains the importance of selection criteria for evaluation of RFID-based system. It provides key elements on radio frequency identification, fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS methodology and an algorithm that can be followed to solve the problem. A sample problem using the algorithm is solved and results are explained. Findings: The hierarchical TOPSIS model used in this article is able to grasp the ambiguity exists in the utilized information and the fuzziness appears in the human judgments and preferences. The use of the hierarchical fuzzy TOPSIS methodology offers a number of benefits: (1) it is a systematic model and straight forward to work on (2) capable to capture the human's appraisal of ambiguity when management should deal with a complex multiple objective situations. The hierarchical fuzzy TOPSIS is in some way superior to the other Fuzzy multi criterion decision making techniques, such as fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and classical fuzzy TOPSIS methods. This is because while in the hierarchical structure no pair-wise comparisons among criteria, sub-criteria, and alternatives are necessary to be made, it is already being taken into consideration by the model. Hierarchical fuzzy. Practical implications (if applicable): What is original/value of paper: Due to the fact that a better management of health care system is related to the full understanding of the technologies implemented and the system under consideration, sufficient background on the radio frequency identification technology is provided and the RFID systems most likely management would face with and select one are provided for decisions to be made on them. Key Words: RFID Technology, RFID-based system selection, healthcare applications, hierarchical fuzzy TOPSIS.
Ali Mohtashami, Alireza Alinezhad,
Volume 28, Issue 3 (9-2017)

In this article, a multi objective model is presented to select and allocate the order to suppliers in uncertainty condition and in a multi source, multi customer and multiproduct case in a multi period state at two levels of supply chain. Objective functions considered in this study as the measures to evaluate suppliers are cost including purchase, transportation and ordering costs, timely delivering, shipment quality or wastages which are amongst major quality aspects, partial and general coverage of suppliers in respect of distance and finally suppliers weights making the products orders amount more realistic. The major limitations are price discount for products by suppliers which are calculated using signal function. In addition, suppliers weights in the fifth objective function is calculated using fuzzy Topsis technique. Lateness and wastes parameters in this model are considered as uncertain and random triangular fuzzy number. Finally the multi objective model is solved using two multi objective algorithms of Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and the results are analyzed using quantitative criteria Taguchi technique was used to regulate the parameters of two algorithms. 

Mohammad Reza Zare Banadkouki, Mohammad Mahdi Lotfi,
Volume 32, Issue 1 (1-2021)

In today’s world, manufacturing companies are required to integrate their sources with manufacturing systems and use novel technologies in order to survive in the competitive world market. In this context, computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) and its related technologies are taken as novel and efficient schemes; therefore, selecting the best technology among them has been a challenging issue. Such an investment decision is, in nature, a multi-attribute problem. In fact, manufacturing technologies have various advantages and disadvantages which need to be considered in order to choose the best one. In this paper, we briefly study the structure and goals of computer integrated manufacturing systems, the role of different sectors in traditional and modern manufacturing systems, and the effect of information communication on them. Then, various options regarding the implementation of an integrated computer manufacturing technology are introduced and a  combined model of the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy TOPSIS is proposed to handle the above-mentioned multiple criteria decision making problem. Finally, the considered options for manufacturing technologies are ranked using a numerical example.

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