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Showing 2 results for Internationalization

Reza Kazemzadeh, Ali Reaziat,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (4-2010)

  In today’s extremely competitive markets it is crucial for companies to strategically position their brands, products and services relative to their competitors. With the emerging trend in internationalization of companies especially SME’s and the growing use of the Internet with this regard, great amount of attention has been turned to effective involvement of the Internet channel in the marketing mix of the companies. This has introduced a new term of market space (the Web) versus the traditional battleground of marketplace in which companies compete with each other. The growth of presence in the market space has been exponential, both in general and within specific industries.

  Thus bringing to attention the importance of Web presence and that it is crucial for companies to strategically regard competition in market space. It is important to understand that positioning on the Net is very different and requires its own set of strategies as part of the new marketing paradigm. This study goes towards addressing the need to understand and measure the nature of positioning of company Web sites on the Internet. The aim of the study is to introduce a statistical technique to compare the positioning of Web sites, in and across industries.

  With this regard a group of Web sites from the home appliances manufacturing industry was selected and the technique of correspondence analysis was applied to produce maps which can be studied and interpreted.

The results indicated that either based on company strategies or accidentally, these Web sites are positioned differently and may follow or affect different marketing policies of their owners. At the end, the implications of this technique for management and how it can be used by new home appliance manufacturers or those who want to compare their sites with the ones of their competitors, in order to benchmark and/or revise their policies and strategies have been discussed .
Nataliia Kholiavko, Tetiana Chekhovych, Oleksii Mirshuk, Viktoriia Vovk,
Volume 31, Issue 4 (11-2020)

In the era of digitization and globalization, national higher education systems face a number of challenges of the exogenous nature. Intensification of the competition in the educational services market necessitates the search for new ways of increasing the level of the competitiveness of universities and higher education systems as a whole. Development of theoretical, methodological and applied foundations of the formation and implementation of the integrated model of the competitive higher education becomes relevant. Application of the interdisciplinary approach to the research allows combining tools and techniques of different sciences. Economic, psycho-pedagogical, legal and managerial blocks are structural components of the proposed model of the competitive higher education. The effective implementation of such a model requires the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders and the impact of changing factors in the exogenous environment. Successful implementation of the model requires the existence of a developed regulatory framework harmonized with the provisions of the EU legislation. Practical implementation of the model concept proposed in this article will increase the competitiveness of the national higher education system in a highly competitive global scientific and educational area.

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