Showing 4 results for McDm
Mehdi Abdollahi Kamran, Samira Afsharfar, Fatma Al Mawali, Reza Babazadeh, Marya Al Balushi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (10-2024)
One of the most critical concerns in supply chain management is supplier selection, which significantly impacts an organization's efficiency and market agility. Balancing ordinal and basic criteria in supplier selection has become increasingly crucial in recent years within SCM. This research presents three MCDM methods including Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS methods to assess and select suppliers in oil and gas industry. The critical criteria for supplier selection in the oil and gas sector have been reviewed in the literature and validated by experts actively working in the field. Initially, the Fuzzy AHP technique determines criterion weights and ranks suppliers. Subsequently, the Fuzzy TOPSIS approach is applied to rank prospective suppliers identified through objective evaluation. The findings show the capability of the utilized approaches in supplier selection procedure in oil and gas industry.
Mir. B. Aryanezhad, M.j. Tarokh, M.n. Mokhtarian, F. Zaheri,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2011)
Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem is one of the famous different kinds of decision making problems. In more cases in real situations, determining the exact values for MCDM problems is difficult or impossible. So, the values of alternatives with respect to the criteria or / and the values of criteria weights, are considered as fuzzy values (fuzzy numbers). In such conditions, the conventional crisp approaches for solving MCDM problems tend to be less effective for dealing with the imprecise or vagueness nature of the linguistic assessments. In this situation, the fuzzy MCDM methods are applied for solving MCDM problems. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy TOPSIS (for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method based on left and right scores for fuzzy MCDM problems. To show the applicability of the proposed method, two numerical examples are presented. As a result, our proposed method is precise, easy use and practical for solving MCDM problem with fuzzy data. Moreover, the proposed method considers the decision makers (DMs) preference in the decision making process. It seems that the proposed fuzzy TOPSIS method is flexible and easy to use and has a low computational volume .
Mahdi Karbasian, Saeed Abedi,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (3-2012)
One of the main principles of the passive defense is the principle of site selection. In this paper, we propose a multiple objective nonlinear programming model that considers the principle of the site selection in terms of two qualitative and quantitative aspects. The purpose of the proposed model is selection of the place of key production facilities of a system in which not only it observes the dispersion principle but also reduces the system transportation costs. Moreover, the proposed model tries to select the sites that can fulfill other elements of site selection as well as dispersion in a way that it increases the trustworthiness of the selected network. For solving the proposed model we used the Genetic Algorithm integrated with TOPSIS method.
Smiljka Miškić, Željko Stević, Ilija Tanackov,
Volume 32, Issue 4 (12-2021)
In the field of logistics, there is a daily need for decision making, i.e. the need to solve business problems by selecting an appropriate solution. During the implementation of decision-making processes, it is necessary to find an optimal solution that will best meet the needs of companies. The selection of an optimal solution is crucial for the profitability, cost-effectiveness and long-term development of companies. The decision-making process in logistics is facilitated by applying various tools such as multi-criteria decision-making methods. In this paper, an integrated SWARA (Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) – MARCOS (Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution) model was developed and applied in order to classify products. Fifty alternatives, i.e. products were evaluated based on three criteria. The first criterion is the quantity of purchased products, the second criterion is the unit price of products and the third criterion is the annual value of purchase. The SWARA method was applied to determine the significance of the criteria, while the classification of products was performed using the MARCOS method. According to the results of the originally created MCDM model, the products were grouped into three categories A, B, and C. Then, a sensitivity analysis was performed using a model involving the integration of SWARA method and ABC analysis. Using this model, the classification of products into three groups was performed on the basis of the aforementioned criteria, and then a comparative analysis was conducted.