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Showing 4 results for Nsga-Ii

Mohammad Khalilzadeh, Alborz Hajikhani, Seyed Jafar Sadjadi,
Volume 28, Issue 1 (3-2017)

The present paper aims to propose a fuzzy multi-objective model to allocate order to supplier in uncertainty conditions and for multi-period, multi-source, and multi-product problems at two levels with wastages considerations.  The cost including the purchase, transportation, and ordering costs, timely delivering or deference shipment quality or wastages which are amongst major quality aspects, partial coverage of suppliers in respect of distance and finally, suppliers weights which make the products orders more realistic are considered as the measures to evaluate the suppliers in the proposed model. Supplier's weights in the fifth objective function are obtained using fuzzy TOPSIS technique. Coverage and wastes parameters in this model are considered as random triangular fuzzy number. Multi-objective imperial competitive optimization (MOICA) algorithm has been used to solve the model,. To demonstrate applicability of MOICA, we applied non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). Taguchi technique is executed to tune the parameters of both algorithms and results are analyzed using quantitative criteria and performing parametric. 

Keyvan Roshan, Mehdi Seifbarghy, Davar Pishva,
Volume 28, Issue 4 (11-2017)

Preventive healthcare aims at reducing the likelihood and severity of potentially life-threatening illnesses by protection and early detection. In this paper, a bi-objective mathematical model is proposed to design a network of preventive healthcare facilities so as to minimize total travel and waiting time as well as establishment and staffing cost. Moreover, each facility acts as M/M/1 queuing system. The number of facilities to be established, the location of each facility, and the level of technology for each facility to be chosen are provided as the main determinants of a healthcare facility network. Since the developed model of the problem is of an NP-hard type, tri-meta-heuristic algorithms are proposed to solve the problem. Initially, Pareto-based meta-heuristic algorithm called multi-objective simulated annealing (MOSA) is proposed in order to solve the problem. To validate the results obtained, two popular algorithms namely, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) and non-dominated ranking genetic algorithm (NRGA) are utilized. Since the solution-quality of all meta-heuristic algorithms severely depends on their parameters, Taguchi method has been utilized to fine tune the parameters of all algorithms. The computational results, obtained by implementing the algorithms on several problems of different sizes, demonstrate the reliable performances of the proposed methodology.

Reza Ramezanian, Soleiman Jani,
Volume 32, Issue 3 (9-2021)

In this paper, a fuzzy multi-objective optimization model in the logistics of relief chain for response phase planning is addressed. The objectives of the model are: minimizing the costs, minimizing unresponsive demand, and maximizing the level of distribution and fair relief. A multi-objective integer programming model is developed to formulate the problem in fuzzy conditions and transformed to the deterministic model using Jime'nez approach. To solve the exact multi-objective model, the ε-constraint method is used. The resolved results for this method have shown that this method is only able to find the solution for problems with very small sizes. Therefore, in order to solve the problems with medium and large sizes, multi-objective cuckoo search optimization algorithm (MOCSOA) is implemented and its results are compared with the NSGA-II. The results showed that MOCSOA in all cases has the higher ability to produce higher quality and higher-dispersion solutions than NSGA-II.
Mohsen Khezeli, Esmaeil Najafi, Mohammad Haji Molana, Masoud Seidi,
Volume 33, Issue 2 (6-2022)

Nowadays, supply chain management (SCM) is an interesting problem that has attracted the attention of many researchers. Transportation network design is one of the most important fields of SCM. In this paper, a logistics network design is considered to optimize the total cost and increase the network stability and resiliency. First, a mixed integer nonlinear programming model (MINLP) is formulated to minimize the transportation time and transportation cost of products. The proposed model consists of two main stages.
One is a normal stage that minimizes the transportation and holding costs, all manufacturers are also assumed to be healthy and in service. In this stage, the quantity of customer demand met by each manufacturer is eventually determined.
The second is the resilience stage. A method is presented by creating an information network in this supply chain for achieving the resilient and sustainable production and distribution chain that, if some manufacturers break down or stop production, Using the Restarting and load sharing scenarios in the reactive approach to increase resilience with accepting the costs associated with it in the supply network and return to the original state in the shortest possible time, the consequences of accidental failure and shutdown of production units are managed.
Two capacities are also provided for each manufacturer
  • Normal capacity to meet the producer's own demand
  • Load sharing capacity, Determine the empty capacity and increase the capacity of alternative units to meet the out-of-service units demand
In order to solve the model, we used GAMS & Matlab software to find the optimal solutions. A hybrid priority-based Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms (NSGA-II) and Sub-population Genetic Algorithm (SPGA- II) is provided in two phases to find the optimal solutions. The solutions are represented with a priority matrix and an Allocated vector. To compare the efficiency of two algorithms several criteria are used such as NPS, CS and HV. Several Sample problems are generated and solved that show the Sub-population Genetic Algorithm (SPGA- II) can find good solutions in a reasonable time limit.

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