Showing 65 results for Optimization
A. Shariat Mohaymany, M. Khodadadiyan,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (7-2008)
Abstract: The shipments of hazardous materials (HAZMATs) induce various risks to the road network. Today, one of the major considerations of transportation system managers is HAZMATs shipments, due to the increasing demand of these goods (because it is more used in industry, agriculture, medicine, etc.), and the rising number of incidents that are associated to hazardous materials. This paper presents a tool for HAZMATs transportation authorities and planners that would reduce the risk of the road network by identifying safe and economic routes for HM transshipment. Using the proposed linear integer programming model, the HM management system could determine an optimal assignment for all origin–destination pairs for various hazardous materials in a transportation network and so reduce the vulnerability due to HAZMATs releases such as population and environmental vulnerability. The model is implemented and evaluated for the hazardous materials routing within Fars, Yazd, Isfahan, and Chaharmaha-o-Bakhtiyari provinces of Iran. The branch-and-bound algorithm is applied to solve the model using the Lingo software package.
F. Rashidinejad, M. Osanloo , B. Rezai ,
Volume 19, Issue 5 (7-2008)
Cutoff grade is a grade used to assign a destination label to a parcel of material. The optimal cutoff grades depend on all the salient technological features of mining, such as the capacity of extraction and of milling, the geometry and geology of the orebody, and the optimal grade of concentrate to send to the smelter. The main objective of each optimization of mining operation is to maximize the net present value of the whole mining project, but this approach without consideration of environmental issues during planning is not really an optimum design. Lane formulation among the all presented algorithms is the most commonly used method for optimization of cutoff grades. All presented models for optimum cutoff grades are ore-oriented and in none of them the costs related to waste materials which must to be minimized during the mine life are considered. In this paper, after comparison of traditional and modern approaches for cutoff grade optimization in open pit mines, a real case study is presented and discussed to ensure optimality of the cutoff grades optimization process.
M. Sedighi , M. Noorani Azad,
Volume 19, Issue 5 (7-2008)
Along with increasingly development of CAD/CAM software and their application in various industries, minimizing of the machining time is found to be more important. In this paper, firstly the concerning subjects are discussed regarding classification of the optimization techniques. These are programming techniques, high speed machining techniques and feed rate optimization techniques. As a case study, an NC code was generated for machining of a plastic die by means of a dedicated software and the die was machined conventionally. Then the workpiece was machined using optimization techniques. Finally times taken for two approaches have been compared. The result shows machining time after optimization has been reduced considerably (64%).
Kamran Shahanaghi, Hamid Babaei , Arash Bakhsha,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (5-2009)
In this paper we focus on a continuously deteriorating two units series equipment which its failure can not be measured by cost criterion. For these types of systems avoiding failure during the actual operation of the system is extremely important. In this paper we determine inspection periods and maintenance policy in such a way that failure probability is limited to a pre-specified value and then optimum policy and inspection period are obtained to minimize long-run cost per time unit. The inspection periods and maintenance policy are found in two phases. Failure probability is limited to a pre-specified value In the first phase, and in the second phase optimum maintenance thresholds and inspection periods are obtained in such a way that minimize long-run expected.
M. Yaghini , J. Lessan , H. Gholami Mazinan ,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (6-2010)
Volume 21, Issue 3 (9-2010)
In this paper an Ant Colony (ACO) algorithm is developed to solve aircraft recovery while considering disrupted passengers as part of objective function cost. By defining the recovery scope, the solution always guarantees a return to the original aircraft schedule as soon as possible which means least changes to the initial schedule and ensures that all downline affects of the disruption are reflected. Defining visibility function based on both current and future disruptions is one of our contributions in ACO which aims to recover current disruptions in a way that cause less consequent disruptions. Using a real data set, the computational results indicate that the ACO can be successfully used to solve the airline recovery problem .
Mona Ahmadi Rad, Mohammadjafar Tarokh, Farid Khoshalhan ,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2011)
This article investigates integrated production-inventory models with backorder. A single supplier and a single buyer are considered and shortage as backorder is allowed for the buyer. The proposed models determine optimal order quantity, optimal backorder quantity and optimal number of deliveries on the joint total cost for both buyer and supplier. Two cases are discussed: single-setup-single-delivery (SSSD) case and single-setup-multiple-deliveries (SSMD) case. Two algorithms are applied for optimizing SSMD case: Gradient search and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms. Finally, numerical example and sensitivity analysis are provided to compare the total cost of the SSSD and SSMD cases and effectiveness of the considered algorithms. Findings show that the policy of frequent shipments in small lot sizes results in less total cost than single shipment policy .
M. Yaghini, M. Momeni, M. Sarmadi ,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2011)
The traveling salesman problem is a well-known and important combinatorial optimization problem. The goal of this problem is to find the shortest Hamiltonian path that visits each city in a given list exactly once and then returns to the starting city. In this paper, for the first time, the shortest Hamiltonian path is achieved for 1071 Iranian cities. For solving this large-scale problem, two hybrid efficient and effective metaheuristic algorithms are developed. The simulated annealing and ant colony optimization algorithms are combined with the local search methods. To evaluate the proposed algorithms, the standard problems with different sizes are used. The algorithms parameters are tuned by design of experiments approach and the most appropriate values for the parameters are adjusted. The performance of the proposed algorithms is analyzed by quality of solution and CPU time measures. The results show high efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms .
Mehdi Mahnam , Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Fatemi Ghomi ,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (11-2012)
Fuzzy time series have been developed during the last decade to improve the forecast accuracy. Many algorithms have been applied in this approach of forecasting such as high order time invariant fuzzy time series. In this paper, we present a hybrid algorithm to deal with the forecasting problem based on time variant fuzzy time series and particle swarm optimization algorithm, as a highly efficient and a new evolutionary computation technique inspired by birds’ flight and communication behaviors. The proposed algorithm determines the length of each interval in the universe of discourse and degree of membership values, simultaneously. Two numerical data sets are selected to illustrate the proposed method and compare the forecasting accuracy with four fuzzy time series methods. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm satisfactorily competes well with similar approaches.
Mohammad Jafar Ttarokh, Pegah Motamedi,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (2-2013)
This article develops an integrated JIT lot-splitting model for a single supplier and a single buyer. In this model we consider reduction of setup time, and the optimal lot size are obtained due to reduced setup time in the context of joint optimization for both buyer and supplier, under deterministic condition with a single product. Two cases are discussed: Single Delivery (SD) case, and Multiple Delivery (MD) case. These two cases are investigated before and after setup time reduction.
The proposed model determines the optimal order quantity (Q*), optimal rate of setup reduction (R*), and the optimal number of deliveries (N*) -just for multiple deliveries case- on the joint total cost for both buyer and supplier. For optimizing our model two algorithm including Gradient Search and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which is a population-based search algorithm, are applied.
Finally numerical example and sensitivity analysis are provided to compare the aggregate total cost for two cases and effectiveness of the considered algorithm. The results show that which policy for lot-sizing is leading to less total cost.
Amineh Zadbood, Kazem Noghondarian, Zohreh Zadbood,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Response surface methodology is a common tool in optimizing processes. It mainly concerns situations when there is only one response of interest. However, many designed experiments often involve simultaneous optimization of several quality characteristics. This is called a Multiresponse Surface Optimization problem. A common approach in dealing with these problems is to apply desirability function approach combined with an optimization algorithm to determine the best settings of control variables. As the response surfaces are often nonlinear and complex a number of meta-heuristic search techniques have been widely for optimizing the objective function. Amongst these techniques genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, tabu search and hybridization of them have drawn a great deal of attention so far. This study presents the use of harmony search algorithm for Multiresponse surface optimization. It is one of the recently developed meta heuristic algorithms that has been successfully applied to several engineering problems. This music inspired heuristic is conceptualized from the musical process of searching for a perfect state of harmony. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by an example from the literature. Results indicate the efficiency and outperformance of the method in comparison with some previously used methods.
Taha Hosseinhejazi, Majid Ramezani, Mirmehdi Seyyed-Esfahani, Ali Mohammad Kimiagari,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2013)
control of production processes in an industrial environment needs the correct setting of input factors, so that output products with desirable characteristics will be resulted at minimum cost. Moreover, such systems havetomeetset of qualitycharacteristicstosatisfycustomer requirements.Identifyingthemosteffectivefactorsindesignoftheprocesswhichsupportcontinuousandcontinualimprovement isrecentlydiscussedfromdifferentviewpoints.Inthisstudy, we examined the quality engineering problems in which several characteristics and factors are to be analyzed through a simultaneous equations system. Besides, the several probabilistic covariates can be included to the proposed model. The main purpose of this model is to identify interrelations among exogenous and endogenous variables, which give important insight for systematic improvements of quality. At the end, the proposed approach is described analytically by a numerical example.
Ali Yahyatabar Arabi, Abdolhamid Eshraghnia Jahromi, Mohammad Shabannataj,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Redundancy technique is known as a way to enhance the reliability and availability of non-reparable systems, but for repairable systems, another factor is getting prominent called as the number of maintenance resources. In this study, availability optimization of series-parallel systems is modelled by using Markovian process by which the number of maintenance resources is located into the objective model under constraints such as cost, weight, and volume. Due to complexity of the model as nonlinear programming , solving the model by commercial softwares is not possible, and a simple heuristic method called as simulated annealing is applied. Our main contribution in this study is related to the development of a new availability model considering a new decision variable called as the number of maintenance resources. A numerical simulation is solved and the results are shown to demonstrate the effecienct of the method.
M. Reza Peyghami, Abdollah Aghaie, Hadi Mokhtari,
Volume 24, Issue 3 (9-2013)
In this paper, we consider a stochastic Time-Cost Tradeoff Problem (TCTP) in PERT networks for project management, in which all activities are subjected to a linear cost function and assumed to be exponentially distributed. The aim of this problem is to maximize the project completion probability with a pre-known deadline to a predefined probability such that the required additional cost is minimized. A single path TCTP is constructed as an optimization problem with decision variables of activity mean durations. We then reformulate the single path TCTP as a cone quadratic program in order to apply polynomial time interior point methods to solve the reformulation. Finally, we develop an iterative algorithm based on Monte Carlo simulation technique and conic optimization to solve general TCTP. The proposed approach has been tested on some randomly generated test problems. The results illustrate the good performance of our new approach.
Mahdi Bashiri, Masoud Bagheri,
Volume 24, Issue 3 (9-2013)
The quality of manufactured products is characterized by many controllable quality factors. These factors should be optimized to reach high quality products. In this paper we try to find the controllable factors levels with minimum deviation from the target and with a least variation. To solve the problem a simple aggregation function is used to aggregate the multiple responses functions then an imperialist competitive algorithm is used to find the best level of each controllable variable. Moreover the problem has been better analyzed by Pareto optimal solution to release the aggregation function. Then the proposed multiple response imperialist competitive algorithm (MRICA) has been compared with Multiple objective Genetic Algorithm. The experimental results show efficiency of the proposed approach in both aggregation and non aggregation methods in optimization of the nonlinear multi-response programming.
Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi,
Volume 24, Issue 4 (12-2013)
Stochastic Approach to Vehicle Routing Problem:
Development and Theories
In this article, a chance constrained (CCP) formulation of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is proposed. The reality is that once we convert some special form of probabilistic constraint into their equivalent deterministic form then a nonlinear constraint generates. Knowing that reliable computer software for large scaled complex nonlinear programming problem with 0-1 type decision variables for stochastic vehicle routing problem (SVRP) is not easily available merely then the value of an approximation technique becomes imperative. In this article, theorems which build a foundation for moving toward the development of an approximate methodology for solving SVRP are stated and proved.
Key Words: Vehicle Routing Problem, Chance Constrained Programming, Linear approximation, Optimization.
Ramin Giahi, Reza Tavakkoli-Mogahddam,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (2-2014)
Bus systems are unstable without considering any control. Thus, we are able to consider some control strategies to alleviate this problem. A holding control strategy is one commonly used real-time control strategy that can improve service quality. This paper develops a mathematical model for a holding control strategy. The objective of this model is to minimize the total cost related to passengers at any stop. To solve the model, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed. The results of the numerical examples show that the additional total cost caused by service irregularity is reduced by 25% by applying the presented holding model to the given problem.
Maghsoud Amiri, Mohammadreza Sadeghi, Ali Khatami Firoozabadi, Fattah Mikaeili ,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (2-2014)
The main goal in this paper is to propose an optimization model for determining the structure of a series-parallel system. Regarding the previous studies in series-parallel systems, the main contribution of this study is to expand the redundancy allocation parallel to systems that have repairable components. The considered optimization model has two objectives: maximizing the system mean time to first failure and minimizing the total cost of the system. The main constraints of the model are: maximum number of the components in the system, maximum and minimum number of components in each subsystem and total weight of the system. After establishing the optimization model, a multi objective approach of Imperialist Competitive Algorithm is proposed to solve the model.
Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (7-2014)
It is the purpose of this article to introduce a linear approximation technique for solving a fractional chance constrained programming (CC) problem. For this purpose, a fuzzy goal programming model of the equivalent deterministic form of the fractional chance constrained programming is provided and then the process of defuzzification and linearization of the problem is started. A sample problem is presented for clarification purposes.
Mr Aliakbar Hasani, Mr Seyed Hessameddin Zegordi,
Volume 26, Issue 1 (3-2015)
In this study, an optimization model is proposed to design a Global Supply Chain (GSC) for a medical device manufacturer under disruption in the presence of pre-existing competitors and price inelasticity of demand. Therefore, static competition between the distributors’ facilities to more efficiently gain a further share in market of Economic Cooperation Organization trade agreement (ECOTA) is considered. This competition condition is affected by disruption occurrence. The aim of the proposed model is to maximize the expected net after-tax profit of GSC under disruption and normal situation at the same time. To effectively deal with disruption, some practical strategies are adopted in the design of GSC network. The uncertainty of the business environment is modeled using the robust optimization technique based on the concept of uncertainty budget. To tackle the proposed Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) model, a hybrid Taguchi-based Memetic Algorithm (MA) with an adaptive population size is developed that incorporates a customized Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) as its local search heuristic. A fitness landscape analysis is used to improve the systematic procedure of neighborhood selection in the proposed ALNS. A numerical example and computational results illustrate the efficiency of the proposed model and algorithm in dealing with global disruptions under uncertainty and competition pressure.