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Showing 2 results for Single Machine Scheduling

M. Mohammadi, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, A. Ghodratnama , H. Rostami ,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (9-2011)


  Hub covering location problem, Network design,

  Single machine scheduling, Genetic algorithm,

  Shuffled frog leaping algorithm


Hub location problems (HLP) are synthetic optimization problems that appears in telecommunication and transportation networks where nodes send and receive commodities (i.e., data transmissions, passengers transportation, express packages, postal deliveries, etc.) through special facilities or transshipment points called hubs. In this paper, we consider a central mine and a number of hubs (e.g., factories) connected to a number of nodes (e.g., shops or customers) in a network. First, the hub network is designed, then, a raw materials transportation from a central mine to the hubs (i.e., factories) is scheduled. In this case, we consider only one transportation system regarded as single machine scheduling. Furthermore, we use this hub network to solve the scheduling model. In this paper, we consider the capacitated single allocation hub covering location problem (CSAHCLP) and then present the mixed-integer programming (MIP) model. Due to the computational complexity of the resulted models, we also propose two improved meta-heuristic algorithms, namely a genetic algorithm and a shuffled frog leaping algorithm in order to find a near-optimal solution of the given problem. The performance of the solutions found by the foregoing proposed algorithms is compared with exact solutions of the mathematical programming model .

Kamran Kianfar, Ghasem Moslehi,
Volume 28, Issue 3 (9-2017)

This paper addresses the Tardy/Lost penalty minimization on a single machine. According to this penalty criterion, if the tardiness of a job exceeds a predefined value, the job will be lost and penalized by a fixed value. Besides its application in real world problems, Tardy/Lost measure is a general form for popular objective functions like weighted tardiness, late work and tardiness with rejection and hence, the results of this study are applicable for them. Initially, we present two approximation algorithms. Then, two special cases of the main problem are considered. In the first case, all jobs have the same tardiness weights where an FPTAS is developed using the technique of “structuring the execution of an algorithm". The second special case occurs when none of the jobs can be early. For this case, a 2-approximation algorithm is developed as well as a dynamic programming algorithm which is converted to an FPTAS.

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