Volume 8, Issue 3 (september 2011 2011)                   IJMSE 2011, 8(3): 37-49 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (18101 Views)

Partially Lateritised Khondalite (PLK) rocks are the waste materials generated as a result of mining of bauxite. The major discolouring elemental impurity in the PLK is iron oxides, which render it unsuitable for its use as a refractory material. The iron can be removed by suitable beneficiation methods. The main aim of this present investigation is to prepare a value added material from the mining waste by preparation of PLK rock containing less than 2% Fe2O3 which finds application in the refractory industries and then preparation of brick suitable for industrial applications. The feed sample containing 4.31 % Fe2O3 subjected to hydrocyclone for refractory of low iron content product in the underflow. The results of these studies reveal that the hydrocyclone underflow sample contains 1.9% Fe2O3 is suitable for making bricks due to presence of low iron content. However, bricks are made from a feed sample as well as from hydrocyclone underflow and overflow products. Physical, chemical and thermo-mechanical properties of these bricks are evaluated. Mineralogical properties of these bricks are also correlated with the thermomechanical properties. The developed bricks are compared with the standards for their suitability in industrial applications. Hence the bauxite mining waste can be a value added material but not a waste material which at present
creates environmental pollution at the mining site.

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