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Showing 1 results for Asian Abe-Garm Dolomite

B. Mehrabi, M. Abdellatif, F. Masoudi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2011)

Abstract: Ore mineral characterization and various experimental testwork were carried out on Asian Abe-Garm dolomite, Qazvin province, Iran. The testwork consisted of calcining, chemical characterization, LOI determination, and reduction tests on the calcined dolomite (doloma), using Semnan ferrosilicon. Calcining of dolomite sample was carried out at about 1400 ºC in order to remove the contained CO2, moisture, and other easily volatilised impurities. The doloma was milled, thoroughly mixed with 21% Semnan ferrosilicon and briquetted in hand press applying 30 MPa pressure. The briquettes were heated at 1125-1150 ºC and 500Pa in a Pidgeon-type tube reactor for 10-12 hours to extract the magnesium. Ferrosilicon addition, relative to doloma, was determined based on the chemical analyses of the two reactants using Mintek’s Pyrosim software package. Magnesium extraction calculated as 77.97% and Mg purity of 96.35%. The level of major impurities in the produced magnesium crown is similar to those in the crude metal production.

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