Showing 22 results for Hosseini
A. Kaveh , P. Hosseini,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2014)
Simplified Dolphin Echolocation (SDE) optimization is an improved version of the Dolphin Echolocation optimization. The dolphin echolocation (DE) is a recently proposed metaheuristic algorithm, which was imitated dolphin’s hunting process. The global or near global optimum solution modeled as dolphin’s bait, dolphins send sound in different directions to discover the best bait among their search space. This paper introduced a new optimization method called SDE for weight optimization of steel truss structures problems. SDE applies some new approaches for generating new solutions. These improvements enhance the accuracy and convergence rate of the DE SDE does not depend on any empirical parameter. The results of the SDE for mathematical and engineering optimization problems are compared to those of the standard DE and some popular metaheuristic algorithms. The results show that SDE is competitive with other algorithms.
A. Kaveh, O. Khadem Hosseini, S. Mohammadi, V. R Kalat Jari, A. Keyhani,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (11-2014)
S. A. Hosseini, A. Zolghadr,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (10-2017)
Offshore jacket-type towers are steel structures designed and constructed in marine environments for various purposes such as oil exploration and exploitation units, oceanographic research, and undersea testing. In this paper a newly developed meta-heuristic algorithm, namely Cyclical Parthenogenesis Algorithm (CPA), is utilized for sizing optimization of a jacket-type offshore structure. The algorithm is based on some key aspects of the lives of aphids as one of the highly successful organisms, especially their ability to reproduce with and without mating. The optimal design procedure aims to obtain a minimum weight jacket-type structure subjected to API-RP 2A-WSD specifications. SAP2000 and its Open Application Programming Interface (OAPI) feature are utilized to model the jacket-type structure and the corresponding loading. The results of the optimization process are then compared with those of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and its democratic version (DPSO).
A. Kaveh, S. R. Hoseini Vaez, P. Hosseini,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2018)
Vibrating particles system (VPS) is a new meta-heuristic algorithm based on the free vibration of freedom system’ single degree with viscous damping. In this algorithm, each agent gradually approach to its equilibrium position; new agents are generated according to current agents and a historically best position. Enhanced vibrating particles system (EVPS) employs a new alternative procedure to enhance the performance of the VPS algorithm. Two different truss structures are investigated to demonstrate the performance of the VPS and EVPS weight optimization of structures.
S. M. Hosseini, Gh. Ghodrati Amiri, M. Mohamadi Dehcheshmeh,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2020)
Civil infrastructures such as bridges and buildings are prone to damage as a result of natural disasters. To understand damages induced by these events, the structure needs to be monitored. The field of engineering focusing on the process of evaluating the location and the intensity of the damage to the structure is called Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). Early damage prognosis in structures is the fundamental part of SHM. In fact, the main purpose of SHM is obtaining information about the existence, location, and the extent of damage in the structure. Since numerous structural damage detection problems can be solved as an inverse problem based on the proposed objective functions by using optimization algorithm, in this paper, related studies are investigated which discussing objective functions based on Modal Strain Energy (MSE) and flexibility methods including Modal Flexibility (MF), and Generalized Flexibility Matrix (GFM). To illustrate the extent of effectiveness of these objective functions based on the above-mentioned modal parameters, an efficiency index called Impact Factor (IF) is defined. Finally, the best objective function is introduced for each numerical case study based on IF by means of evaluating the obtained result.
E. Pouriyanezhad, H. Rahami, S. M. Mirhosseini,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (4-2020)
In this paper, the discrete method of eigenvectors of covariance matrix has been used to weight minimization of steel frame structures. Eigenvectors of Covariance Matrix (ECM) algorithm is a robust and iterative method for solving optimization problems and is inspired by the CMA-ES method. Both of these methods use covariance matrix in the optimization process, but the covariance matrix calculation and new population generation in these two methods are completely different. At each stage of the ECM algorithm, successful distributions are identified and the covariance matrix of the successful distributions is formed. Subsequently, by the help of the principal component analysis (PCA), the scattering directions of these distributions will be achieved. The new population is generated by the combination of weighted directions that have a successful distribution and using random normal distribution. In the discrete ECM method, in case of succeeding in a certain number of cycles the step size is increased, otherwise the step size is reduced. In order to determine the efficiency of this method, three benchmark steel frames were optimized due to the resistance and displacement criteria specifications of the AISC-LRFD, and the results were compared to other optimization methods. Considerable outputs of this algorithm show that this method can handle the complex problems of optimizing discrete steel frames.
A. Kaveh, S. R. Hoseini Vaez, P. Hosseini, H. Abedini,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (6-2020)
In this research, a new objective function has been proposed for optimal design of the Buckling Restrained Braced Frames (BRBFs) is performed using nonlinear time history analysis. The BRBF is a particular type of bracing system that has been widely utilized in recent years. The nonlinear time history analysis also provides a detailed view of the behavior of the structure. The purpose of this study is to provide an optimal design based on minimizing the weight of the structure while increasing the energy dissipation capability of the structure. Due to the complexity of the problem, the Enhanced Vibrating Particles Systems (EVPS) meta-heuristic algorithm is used to perform the optimization. Here, a 3-story frame, a 6-story frame and a 9-story frame are investigated simultaneously considering the continuous and discrete optimization.
P. Hosseini, H. R. Hoseini Vaez, M. A. Fathali, H. Mehanpour,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (6-2020)
Due to the random nature of the variables affecting the analysis and design of structures, the reliability method is considered as one of the most important and widely used topics in structural engineering. Despite the simplicity of moment methods, the answer to problems with multiple design points (the point with the highest probability of failure) such as transmission line towers depends a lot on the starting point of the search; and it may converge to the local optima answer which is not desirable. Simulation methods also require a large number of evaluations of the limit state function and increase the volume and time of calculations. Also, the design point is not calculated in most of these methods. In this study, the reliability index of four transmission line towers was calculated with four metaheuristic algorithms in which the limit state function was defined based on the displacement of nodes and the results were compared with the results of Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method. For this purpose, the objective function was defined as the geometric distance between the point on the function of the boundary condition to the origin in the standard normal coordinate system and the constraint of the problem (the limit state function) based on the displacement of the nodes. Random variables in these problems consisting of the cross-sectional area of the members, the modulus of elasticity, and the nodal loads.
S. R. Hoseini Vaez, P. Hosseini, M. A. Fathali, A. Asaad Samani, A. Kaveh,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2020)
Nowadays, the optimal design of structures based on reliability has been converted to an active topic in structural engineering. The Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) methods provide the structural design with lower cost and more safety, simultaneously. In this study, the optimal design based on reliability of dome truss structures with probability constraint of the frequency limitation is discussed. To solve the RBDO problem, nested double-loop method is considered; one of the loops performs the optimization process and the other one assesses the reliability of the structure. The optimization process is implemented using ECBO and EVPS algorithms and the reliability index is calculated using the Monte Carlo simulation method. Finally, the size and shape reliability-based optimization of 52-bar and 120-bar dome trusses has been investigated.
M. Rostami, M. Bagherpour, M. H. Hosseini,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2021)
In decentralized construction projects, costs are mostly related to investment, material, holding, logistics, and other minor costs for implementation. For this reason, simultaneous planning of these items and appropriate scheduling of activities can significantly reduce the total costs of the project undertaken. This paper investigates the decentralized multiple construction projects scheduling problem with the aim of minimizing 1) the completion time of the construction projects and 2) the costs of project implementation. Initially, a bi-objective integer programming model is proposed which can solve small-size problems using the