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Showing 4 results for Zaerreza

A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (8-2022)

In this paper, the improved shuffled-based Jaya algorithm (IS-Jaya) is applied to the size optimization of the braced dome with the frequency constraints. IS-Jaya is the enhanced version of the Jaya algorithm that the shuffling process and escaping from local optima are added for it. These two modifications increase the population diversity and ability the escape from the local optima of the Jaya. The robustness and performance of the IS-Jaya are evaluated by the three design examples. The results show that the IS-Jaya algorithm outperforms other state-of-the-art optimization techniques considered in the literature.

A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza, J. Zaerreza,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)

Vibrating particles system (VPS) is a swarm intelligence-based optimizer inspired by free vibration with a single degree of freedom systems. VPS is one of the well-known algorithms in structural optimization problems. However, its performance can be improved to find a better solution. This study introduces an improved version of the VPS using the statistical regeneration mechanism for the optimal design of the structures with discrete variables. The improved version is named VPS-SRM, and its efficiency is tested in the three real-size optimization problems. The optimization results reveal the capability and robustness of the VPS-SRM for the optimal design of the structures with discrete sizing variables.
A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)

In this paper, three recently improved metaheuristic algorithms are utilized for the optimum design of the frame structures using the force method. These algorithms include enhanced colliding bodies optimization (ECBO), improved shuffled Jaya algorithm (IS-Jaya), and Vibrating particles system - statistical regeneration mechanism algorithm (VPS-SRM). The structures considered in this study have a lower degree of statical indeterminacy (DSI) than their degree of kinematical indeterminacy (DKI). Therefore, the force method is the most suitable analysis method for these structures. The robustness and performance of these methods are evaluated by the three design examples named 1-bay 10-story steel frame, 3-bay 15-story steel frame, and 3-bay 24-story steel frame.
A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (10-2023)

This paper presents the chaotic variants of the particle swarm optimization-statistical regeneration mechanism (PSO-SRM). The nine chaotic maps named Chebyshev, Circle, Iterative, Logistic, Piecewise, Sine, Singer, Sinusoidal, and Tent are used to increase the performance of the PSO-SRM. These maps are utilized instead of the random number, which defines the solution generation method. The robustness and performance of these methods are tested in the three steel frame design problems, including the 1-bay 10-story steel frame, 3-bay 15-story steel frame, and 3-bay 24-story steel frame. The optimization results reveal that the applied chaotic maps improve the performance of the PSO-SRM.

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