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Showing 6 results for Imperialist Competitive Algorithm

A. Tahershamsi , R. Sheikholeslami,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2011)

In engineering, flood routing is an important technique necessary for the solution of a floodcontrol problem and for the satisfactory operation of a flood-prediction service. A simple conceptual model like the Muskingum model is very effective for the flood routing process. One challenge in application of the Muskingum model is that its parameters cannot be measured physically. In this article we proposed imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) for optimal parameter estimation of the linear Muskingum model. This algorithm uses imperialism and imperialistic competition process as a source of inspiration. Optimization to identify Muskingum model parameters can be considered as a suitable field to investigate the efficiency of this algorithm.
M. Mashayekhi, E. Salajegheh , M. Dehghani,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (8-2015)

In this paper, for topology optimization of double layer grids, an efficient optimization method is presented by combination of Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) and Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) which is called ICA-GSA method. The present hybrid method is based on ICA but the moving of countries toward their relevant imperialist is done using the law of gravity of GSA. In topology optimization process, the weight of the structure is minimized subjected to displacements of joints, internal stress and slenderness ratio of members constraints. Through numerical example, topology optimization of a typical large-scale double layer grid is obtained by ICA, GSA and ICA-GSA methods. The numerical results indicate that the proposed algorithm, ICA-GSA, executes better than ICA, GSA and the other methods presented in the literatures for topology optimization of largescale skeletal structures.
A. Ghadimi Hamzehkolaei, A. Zare Hosseinzadeh , G. Ghodrati Amiri,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (10-2016)

Presenting structural damage detection problem as an inverse model-updating approach is one of the well-known methods which can reach to informative features of damages. This paper proposes a model-based method for fault prognosis in engineering structures. A new damage-sensitive cost function is suggested by employing the main concepts of the Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) on the first several modes’ data. Then, Chaotic Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (CICA), a modified version of the original Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) which has recently been developed for optimal design of complex trusses, is employed for solving the suggested cost function. Finally, the optimal solution of the problem is reported as damage detection results. The efficiency of the proposed method for damage identification is evaluated by studying three numerical examples of structures. Several single and multiple damage patterns are simulated and different number of modal data are utilized as input data (in noise free and noisy states) for damage detection via suggested method. Moreover, different comparative studies are carried out for evaluating the preference of the suggested method. All the obtained results emphasize the high level of accuracy of the suggested method and introduce it as a viable method for identifying not only damage locations, but also damage severities.

M. Shahrouzi, A. Salehi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2020)

Imperialist Competitive Algorithm, ICA is a meta-heuristic which simulates collapse of weak empires by more powerful ones that take possession of their colonies. In order to enhance performance, ICA is hybridized with proper features of Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization, TLBO. In addition, ICA walks are modified with an extra term to intensify looking for the global best solution. The number of control parameters and consequent tuning effort has been reduced in the proposed Imperialist Competitive Learner-Based Optimization, ICLBO with respect to ICA and several other methods. Efficiency and effectiveness of ICLBO is further evaluated treating a number of test functions in addition to continuous and discrete engineering problems. It is discussed and traced that balancing between exploration and exploitation is enhanced due to the proposed hybridization. Numerical results exhibit superior performance of ICLBO vs. ICA and a variety of other well-known meta-heuristics.
A. Ghadimi Hamzehkolaei, A. Vafaeinejad, G. Ghodrati Amiri,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (8-2021)

This paper presents an optimization-based model updating approach for structural damage detection and quantification. A new damage-sensitive objective function is proposed using a condensed form of the modal flexibility matrix. The objective function is solved using Chaotic Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (CICA), as an enhanced version of the original Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA), and the optimal solution is reported as the damage detection results. The application of the CICA in vibration-based damage detection and quantification has been successfully investigated in a feasibility study published by the authors of the present paper and herein, its application is generalized for a case in which a complex (but more sensitive) objective function is utilized to formulate the damage detection problem as an inverse model updating problem. The method is validated by studying different damage patterns simulated on three numerical examples of the engineering structures. Comparative studies are carried out to evaluate the accuracy and repeatability of the proposed method in comparison with other vibration-based damage detection methods. The obtained results introduce the proposed damage detection approach as a robust method with high level of accuracy even in the presence of noisy inputs.
M. Shahrouzi, A. Salehi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)

In most practical cases, structural design variables are linked to a discrete list of sections for optimal design. Cardinality of such a discrete search space is governed by the number of alternatives for each member group. The present work offers an adaptive strategy to detect more efficient alternatives and set aside redundant ones during optimization. In this regard, the difference between the lower and the upper bounds on such variables is gradually reduced by a procedure that adapts history of the selected alternatives in previous iterations. The propsed strategy is implemented on a hybrid paritcle swarm optimizer and imperialist competitive algorithm. The former is a basic swarm intelligent method while the later utilizes subpopulations in its search. Spatial and large-scale structures in various shapes are treated showing successive performance improvement. Variation of a diversity index and resulting band size are traced and discussed to declare behavior merits of the proposed adaptive band strategy.  

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