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Showing 4 results for Nonlinearity

A. Kaveh, M. Hassani,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2011)

In this paper nonlinear analysis of structures are performed considering material and geometric nonlinearity using force method and energy concepts. For this purpose, the complementary energy of the structure is minimized using ant colony algorithms. Considering the energy term next to the weight of the structure, optimal design of structures is performed. The first part of this paper contains the formulation of the complementary energy of truss and frame structures for the purpose of linear analysis. In the second part material and geometric nonlinearity of structure is considered using Ramberg-Osgood relationships. In the last part optimal simultaneous analysis and design of structure is studied. In each part, the efficiency of the methods is illustrated by means simple examples.
L. Stupishin, K. Nikitin, A. Kolesnikov , F. Altuhov,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2017)

The paper is concerned with a methodology of optimal design of shells of minimum weight with strength, stability and strain constraints. Stress and strain state of the shell is determined by Galerkin method in the mixed finite element formulation within the geometrically nonlinear theory. The analysis of the effectiveness of different optimization algorithms to solve the set problem is given. The results of solving test problems are presented.

V. Shobeiri , B. Ahmadi-Nedushan,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (9-2019)

In this paper, the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method is used to find optimal layouts of 3D prestressed concrete beams. Considering the element sensitivity number as the design variable, the mathematical formulation of topology optimization is developed based on the ABAQUS finite element software package. The surface-to-surface contact with a small sliding between concrete and prestressing steels is assumed to accurately model the prestressing effects. The concrete constitutive model used is the concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) model in ABAQUS. The integration of the optimization algorithm and finite element analysis (FEA) tools is done by using the ABAQUS scripting interface. A pretensioned prestressed simply supported beam is modeled to show capabilities of the proposed method in finding optimal topologies of prestressed concrete beams. Many issues relating to topology optimization of prestressed concrete beams such as the effects of prestressing stress, geometrical discontinuities and height constraints on optimal designs and strut-and-tie models (STMs) are studied in the example. The results show that the proposed method can efficiently be used for layout optimization of prestressed concrete beams.
D. Pakseresht , S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (1-2021)

Economy and safety are two important components in structural design process and stablishing a balance between them indeed results in improved structural performance specially in large-scale structures including space lattice domes. Topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear single-layer lamella, network, and geodesic lattice domes is implemented using enhanced colliding-bodies optimization algorithm for three different spans and two different dead loading conditions. Collapse reliability index of these optimal designs is evaluated to assess the safety of the structures against overall collapse using Monte-Carlo simulation method. The numerical results of this study indicate that the reliability index of most of the optimally designed nonlinear lattice domes is low and this means that the safety of these structures against overall collapse is questionable.

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