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Showing 2 results for Safety Factor

A. Haghighi , A. H. Ayati,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (7-2015)

This paper introduces a methodology for considering the uncertainties in stability analysis of gravity dams. For this purpose, a conceptual model based on the fuzzy set theory and Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization is developed to be coupled to a gravity dam analysis model. The uncertainties are represented by the fuzzy numbers and the GA is used to estimate in what extent the input uncertainties affect the dam safety factors. An example gravity dam is analyzed using the proposed approach. The results show that the crisp safety factors might be highly affected by the input uncertainties. For instance, ±10%uncertainty in the design parameters could result in about −346 to + 146 % uncertainty in the stability safety factors and −59 to + 134 % in the stress safety factor of the example dam.
H. Fattahi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (1-2016)

Slope stability is one of the most complex and essential issues for civil and geotechnical engineers, mainly due to life and high economical losses resulting from these failures. In this paper, a new approach is presented for estimating the Safety Factor (SF) for circular failure slope using hybrid support vector regression (SVR) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). The ACO is combined with the SVR for determining the optimal value of its user-defined parameters. The optimization implementation by the ACO significantly improves the generalization ability of the SVR. In this research, the input data for the SF estimation consists of the values of geometrical and geotechnical input parameters. As an output, the model estimates the SF that can be modeled as a function approximation problem. A data set that includes 46 data points is applied in current study, while 32 data points are used for constructing the model, and the remainder data points (14 data points) are used for assessment of the degree of accuracy and robustness. The results obtained show that the hybrid SVR with ACO model can be used successfully for estimation of the SF.

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