Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2021)                   JRIA 2021, 9(4): 59-75 | Back to browse issues page

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Nejad Ebrahimi A, Sheikhol Hokamaei M. The effect of hierarchy sequence in creating a sense of places Tabriz mosques. JRIA 2021; 9 (4) :59-75
URL: http://jria.iust.ac.ir/article-1-1347-en.html
Abstract:   (4226 Views)
The discipline of the structure of a complex has a direct relationship with the observance of hierarchy in it, because the architecture of mosques is no exception to this, and this principle has been observed in the structure of these buildings. The value of this sequence, in addition to creating spirituality in a non - verbal way, provides the ground for human excellence and leads him to his goal.
The importance of this sequence in accordance with the functional and physical characteristics is effective in strengthening the mental image of a person and he can feel this issue in a tangible way in different stages of passing from inside to outside the mosque. During his motion to the correctness Mosque of hierarchy caused him to Effect on his activities and the mental image formed in him to establish an emotional connection between him and the place, which is interpreted as a sense of place. The sense of place is formed to a degree that, based on the discovery and decipherment of the hierarchy created, will create a sense of remembrance and belonging. Sense of place is the product of human exchange with the environment and vice versa, which has a great impact on behavior and performance and will provide the basis for his familiarity with the surrounding place. The more physical symptoms in the environment, the better the viewer can relate to the environment.
Physical elements are so important that they can turn space into a place to show a new structure. The difference between space and place produces a character that the viewer can better understand by understanding the difference. Acquiring such cognition creates more permanence in the individual chr('39')s mind and creates a sense of place.
Components such as body, activity, and mental image represent the place model. The body is a representative of human tradition and thought that can organize the space. With the correct understanding of the body, space can be better understood. Grutter states that the body should be chosen to represent the content and idea of the design, and to express spiritual bodies, a suitable visual body should be chosen that is understandable, and these interpretations point to the importance of the language of the space body.
Codes received from the body are effective in orienting people in the environment. Without guidance in the environment, a person can be guided to the destination and reach the goal with his first presence based on perception of the body. It can be said that the person is constantly decoding in order to better understand the environment. Human interaction with the physical environment will tell him what behavior he has shown in the environment and how to take advantage of the non-verbal communication of the environment.
According to canter chr('39')s model, in order to better understand the physical elements, we turn it into three physical components: horizontal, vertical and opening, and analyze them. The analysis makes it possible to see the hierarchy in such a way that it understands the codes and signs manifested in it and based on the signs obtained from the hierarchy, its activity is as stillness, movement or Do silence with movement in the mosque.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in the sense of place in mosques and the answer to the question how time has affected this sense in mosques? To study this question in more detail, the mosques of three historical periods of Qajar (Safar Ali and Seyed Hamzeh mosques), Pahlavi (Nabi Akram and Tabatabai Hakim mosques), Jomhuri Eslami (Vali - Asr mosque and Tabriz University mosque) were studied. In the research method section, the question is examined qualitatively and using library resources such as books, articles, technical documents of mosques and field work and by presenting a research model based on the physical form of mosques and evaluating it based on hierarchy and analysis of physical elements. Affecting the sense of place studied.
The findings indicate that some of the physical elements in the mosques have changed over time and this has diminished the physical richness of the hierarchies. In addition, the elimination of hierarchies in some mosques does not make sense of place and the user cannot perform the required activities in space That user inactivity will not provide the mental image needed to create a sense of place. The results show that change or elimination of hierarchy in Tabriz mosques with other parts of Iran was not unexpected because the difference in climate in Tabriz caused this difference On the other hand, hierarchies and sense of place in the mosques complement each other so that changing the sequence of hierarchies in each period causes the user activity to change from static to move less mental image of space and the link between the hierarchy. And it will diminish the sense of belonging.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Subject- oriented researches in Islamic architecture and urbanism, eg. Spatial-geometrical ideas, symbols and ornaments
Received: 2020/09/9 | Accepted: 2021/07/12 | Published: 2022/02/18

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