Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2023)                   JRIA 2023, 11(3): 1-26 | Back to browse issues page

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hashemi Toghroljerdi M, noghreh kar S, kowsar F. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Shiite shrine inscriptions; A case study of the Qibla door to the dome of the holy shrine of Imam Hossein (a.s.). JRIA 2023; 11 (3) :1-26
URL: http://jria.iust.ac.ir/article-1-1400-en.html
Department Of architecture, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1962 Views)
Through acknowledging the inclination of the world to transform around the existential axis of the Imams of Athar (a.s.) as the embodiment of God and models of flawless humanity, the ideal architectural markers of sacred shrines should be understood. Believers seek God's face in the Haram, which is a location of heavenly grace. In sacred shrines, signs and symbols of revelation are significant because Ashura is a portal of light leading to the interior of the Qiblah and a sign ensuring that the path is clear. Islamic art and architecture are visible representations of God's word, with spiritual-ritual inscriptions being the most common symbols that, by making truths manifest, provide a bridge between the material and the meaningful worlds. This article addresses the question of what conceptual-form model has been used to express the original religious concepts in the epic-religious architecture of this sacred path, with reference to religious-spiritual inscriptions as a permanent medium from the door of the Qibla to the dome of the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (AS). And the sacred shrine's dome, which represents Ahrar's quest for justice and serves as a point of connection between the earth and the sky, Using the analytical-interpretive method to take field observations and take pictures, it is determined that the sacred inscriptions of the Holy Shrine are set as a symbolic medium corresponding to the uprising of Imam Hussein (a.s.) in order to understand the text of the inscriptions in the dome and to know the type of writing and artistic format. The employment of Surah verses "Saf," "Yasin," and "Fajr" in the direction of the Qiblah to the inside of the dome has been more noticeable, despite the word of majesty "Allah," which is located in the center of some inscriptions. Surah "Fajr" in particular, which is a Surah about the holy existence of Imam Hussein (AS), has been recorded in the inscription of a scroll attached to the dome's land (the height of the leg and land is approximately 5 meters, and it is approximately 14 meters to the top and with a circular geometry system). The inscriptions also make the visit to Ashura and the holy place more evident. In 1373 AH, the renowned Qajar scribe Mohammad Hossein Shahid of Mashhad created a kind of calligraphy known as Tholut calligraphy. During this time, he was also successful in writing inscriptions for the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (a.s.). During the building phase, there was also discussion over the idea of four tranji inscriptions on the dome's leg, which would thank the Lord for the success of decorating and gilding the dome. Finally, taking into account the current plan to promote the holy dome of Imam Hussein (a.s.), this article suggests adding a mention of the unity and brotherhood between the two nations of Iran and Iraq in the inscriptions on the dome's leg, as well as repeating Surah Fajr in the leg's scroll inscription.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Definition of Islamic practical and theoretical wisdom in architecture and urbanism
Received: 2020/12/7 | Accepted: 2023/09/18 | Published: 2023/09/18

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