Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2023)                   JRIA 2023, 11(3): 27-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Gedaali Q, Afshari M. Temperament analysis of house spaces based on the presence of four elements, Case study of Bushehr historical houses. JRIA 2023; 11 (3) :27-46
URL: http://jria.iust.ac.ir/article-1-1587-en.html
School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Art University of Isfahan.
Abstract:   (1481 Views)
The present study is in order to investigate the temperament of home spaces based on the presence of four elements. The four elements, in addition to the direct effects on how to choose effective climatic solutions in architecture, have affected the temperament of the living spaces of the residents.The temperament of the space has led to the formation of unique features in each architectural work, including the architecture of houses in the historical context of Bushehr. In this research, by selecting the houses and mansions of Bushehr historical context as a statistical population, the temperament characteristics of its spaces in terms of how the four elements of the environment are affected have been discussed and analyzed. This is important with the aim of finding factors in the architecture of traditional houses and mansions of Bushehr due to the effects of the environment on its temperament by recognizing the temperament characteristics of each space by studying the presence of four characteristics of the environment as representative of the four main temperaments, ie four elements; water (humidity and sultry), wind (air flow), soil (structure and connection with the earth) and fire (sun) are performed on the spaces of the house, each of which represents the main temperaments. Therefore, this study seeks to analyze the temperament of home spaces based on the presence of four elements. And what are the temperament characteristics of the spaces in the historical houses of Bushehr? Research method In this research, it is a descriptive, descriptive-analytical method and content analysis of resources to identify sources and basics; data analysis has been done to analyze the houses of Bushehr historical context in two methods of sampling (deductive) and detailed analysis in order to reach a general (inferential) result. In accordance with the field findings and case studies, the spaces in the houses of the historical context of Bushehr include; yard, mahtabi, roof and staircase, porch and entrance hall, Shanshir, Tarmeh, corridors and escalators, rooms (in the types of five-door, four-door and three-door with one side opening, five-door, four-door and three-door with two-sided opening, five-door, four-door and three-door With three and four sides of the opening), reception (guest house), chamber (dining room), closet (chest of drawers), kitchen (kitchen), basin and toilets, the temperament characteristics of the spaces were examined. According to the findings, the results of the study of home space in the historical context of Bushehr are as follows: The temperament of the main living spaces and related spaces is balanced, warm, hot and dry (Rooms three, four and fifty and Shanashir); sub-residential spaces are cold-tempered (Closet, safe and rooms without opening); the temperament of open living spaces is warm and humid (Moonlight, Tarmeh and Bam); The temperament of communication spaces is balanced (Entrance halls, corridors, stairs and stairs); and service spaces are cold-tempered. (Kitchen, basin, water storage and services). Each of the elements and organs of the houses of Bushehr's historical context has its own temperament. Just as man has the most balanced temperament among creatures, and each organ has its own temperament, The elements of these houses are also built next to each other in order to create a balance of temperament. It is also more balanced than the environment and is effective with the lack of intensification of temperament characteristics of people living in houses of historical texture due to the temperament of space. The results of the analysis of the relationship between the temperament of the environment and the spaces of houses in the historical context of Bushehr show that The spaces that are the place of party, living and family residence are warm-tempered, lively spaces that are in line with the behavior of the often warm-tempered residents. Also, the dryness of the temperament of these spaces is in contrast to the more temperament of the environment and the inhabitants, which balances the humidity of the temperament of the environment and the people living in it, in order to prevent boredom and numbness in the space. The pauses between spaces and the entrances from the open space to the closed space are balanced. The central courtyard, entrance porch, corridors and stairs are among these spaces and the reason is the presence of four elements in the best possible way in these spaces, which have formed the moderate temperament of the space. Service spaces, ie safes, closets, kitchens and basins, due to the absence of the sun, are often cold-tempered, and activity in these spaces, which in turn causes the body to warm up and it acts to regulate the body's mood and helps people's health. The most important result of this study is to investigate the existence of diversity in the temperament of home spaces in the historical context of Bushehr, so that each of the spaces is appropriate and appropriate to how the residents live and work in it and people can be based on physical needs, and life in the spaces of Bushehr's home.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Definition and analysis of the latest theoretical and practical accomplishment in Islamic architecture and urbanism
Received: 2022/03/30 | Accepted: 2023/08/26 | Published: 2023/09/18

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