Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2024)                   JRIA 2024, 12(2): 1-19 | Back to browse issues page

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Peyvastehgar Y, Heydari A. Peace at home Case example: Kerman city houses. JRIA 2024; 12 (2) :1-19
URL: http://jria.iust.ac.ir/article-1-1670-en.html
Yasouj Branch
Abstract:   (5276 Views)
Housing, as a space for settling and living, has always been one of the first spaces that humans have dealt with since the beginning of history, and the characteristics of this building, especially its interior space, are due to the direct connection with humans during long hours of the day. It has been of great importance. Peace is one of the spiritual and psychological needs of every person that must be provided at home, and this issue turns the provision of peace into one of the most important functions of the home.
Providing peace in connection with contemporary houses, whose residents, due to the many problems of urban life, consider the house more than ever as a place for rest and relaxation, is more important, and this is the way to achieve this. The meaning of the house has been investigated less in specialized texts, especially in the field of architecture, Based on this, the current research was conducted with the aim of extracting the factors that create peace in the house and the function of the spatial characteristics of the house in providing these factors in two common models of contemporary houses, including apartment houses and independent houses with a yard, and the way of showing peace in the house. investigated. In this study, the "Structure of Meanings" method was used as a qualitative research approach with the techniques of photography, field observation, questionnaires and semi-structured ladder interviews. The conceptual framework of the research under Rapaport's model of meaning levels (1988) describes the consequences and meanings governing characteristics in the form of "characteristics, overt function and hidden function" propositions.
To ensure that the necessary information was obtained, the concept of theoretical saturation determined the number of samples, interviews and data collection.
Based on the diagram of the value chain structure, the presentation of the concept of relaxation is mainly influenced by the environmental capabilities of "connection with the open space". Other features such as "building age", "kitchen model", "property", "spatial dimensions" and "number of rooms" help to create peace in the house. In addition to providing a structured framework to study the compatibility between creating the concept of relaxation and the spatial characteristics of the house, the research results emphasize the basic values ​​of the residents and the hidden meanings related to these characteristics.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Strategic and practical principals in Islamic architecture and urbanism
Received: 2023/02/1 | Accepted: 2024/04/30 | Published: 2024/07/14

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