Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2024)                   JRIA 2024, 12(2): 37-54 | Back to browse issues page

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Rezaei M. Knowledge Mobilization in Architecture, Urban Design and Planning: Islamic Wisdom in Connection with Indigenization and Rectification. JRIA 2024; 12 (2) :37-54
URL: http://jria.iust.ac.ir/article-1-1695-en.html
Architecture Department, Architecture and Urban Planning Faculty, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (5260 Views)
The article seeks a meaningful relationship between design-oriented academic courses in Iran, such as architecture and urban design courses, and three normative characteristics namely “Islamization”, “indigenization” and “up-to-dating” as a standard imparted by the Cultural Revolution Development Council in Iran. For this, the article uses ‘Knowledge Mobilization’(KM) as a key global concept to apply those three qualities.  Knowledge Mobilization means more application of knowledge or better use of it, which means reducing the distance between theory and practice. Four steps are recommended in improving the quality of research and increasing its impact in the society:
1. Ground the research question or problem in concrete and observable phenomena in order to appreciate and situate its multiple dimensions and manifestations. 2. Develop plausible concepts and models that represent the main aspects of the observed phenomena and that thereby provide a base for new theories to address the central research question. 3. Use appropriate methods to design the research and obtain empirical evidence of the concepts and plausible models for examining the question about the phenomenon being examined. 4. Apply and disseminate the research findings to address the research question from the perspectives of different academic and practitioner users (Van De Ven & Johnson, 2006, p. 810)
Examining the impact of this global concept with common initiatives in Iran with the titles of efficiency, Islamic, ruling, local and modernization has not been compared so far. Also, in intermediate knowledge, for example, between the disciplines of art, technical sciences, humanities and social sciences, such as the disciplines of architecture and urban planning, which have a "design-oriented" nature, the distinction of this concept and its application has not been made much either in the world or in Iran. These fields of academia include workshops and studio course formats which makes them totally apart from the other disciplines. The research thus aims to find more effective methods to apply the norms into the courses.
The relationship between the educational system, the experts or professional environment and the organizations related to urban management and most importantly the residents and the people can enrich the employment, development and participation. Also, the free presence of academics, professors, and students can introduce world literature and theories to the people with representative planning and implement scientific dimensions. In this way, establishing a relationship between the university and the profession causes employment and more efficiency of students' activities, and their efforts are prevented from being wasted (Noorian and Rezaei, 2015).
Abdolhamid Noghreh-kar has shown that the relationship of "Islamic wisdom" with human processes, including the creation of works of art, architecture and urban planning, has five stages (idea, motivation, method, product, effect). Each stage has its sources and foundations, which identifies the direction, goals and results of the whole process. Therefore, the realization of a new civilization with an Islamic-Iranian identity cannot be an imitation of the current situation, the past or other civilizations. Rather, each stage should choose its sources from the Islamic school, i.e. Islamic beliefs and teachings, rulings, ethics, and Ijtihad solutions. According to his "Theory of Salam", every architectural work can be evaluated from two spiritual and engineering dimensions - each in six factors. The spiritual dimension has general, qualitative and top-down characteristics, timeless and placeless conditions. But engineering dimensions have minor features, slightly from bottom to top and interrelated to time and place conditions. According to this theory, every architectural work goes through five stages of creation and in each stage it can be evaluated according to six factors. Out of these five stages of creation, three are knowledge and insight, intention and motivation, the practical method related to the architect. The fourth step is the architectural effect itself and the fifth step is its effect on the audience. Therefore, in evaluating works, all five stages should be measured with six spiritual factors and six engineering factors. This theory was proposed to explain the road map of modern Islamic civilization in the working group of art, architecture and urban planning (Naghrekar, 1401; 1395).
The research method is a combination of in-depth interviews and theoretical saturation. First, the texts related to "Knowledge Mobilization" as well as "Experiences in teaching these disciplines" from the 1950s have been reviewed and strategies have been extracted. Accordingly, and based on the three fundamental characteristics of the aforementioned council, the coding content has reached theoretical saturation with the participation of professors and students. It has been determined that Islamization includes localization and up-to-dating goals. To achieve those three, "Knowledge Mobilization" is vital, which is accelerated with the help of "Studio". The link between courses, courses with the profession, society and global science is one of the priorities in the revision of the pedagogy. The relationship of "Islamization" with the designer's social role; " indigenization " with the link between the studio and the society; "up-to-dating" with the cooperation between designers and other professions, the use of modern technology, the publication of texts and the establishment of more research centers. The idea of ​​mobilization of knowledge in the form of a workshop system, planned meetings, use of professors' publications, skill approaches of courses is proposed in the form of pedagogies. The article highlights that the purpose of the Islamization, indigenization and updating in the matter of education should be  "Knowledge Mobilization”, i.e. production, publication, exchange of knowledge, provided that it causes change and improvement of society's policies. This mobilization of knowledge in schools of architecture and urban design will take place with a more effective studio format of teaching.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Definition of Islamic practical and theoretical wisdom in architecture and urbanism
Received: 2023/07/23 | Accepted: 2024/05/27 | Published: 2024/07/14

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